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Boo Rowe

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Posts posted by Boo Rowe

  1. Oh! wow so, did it take you 4 years for your husband to get here? We didn't do the K-1 after 18 months of being together we knew we wanted to be together. It just saddens me that we have to do this process but, I will do what I need to do to get my family all together.

    Don't think about it. I kick myself every time I look at the time frames. K1 is a little more expensive but I really wish I had gone with it.

  2. Good Morning! All I have a question and I know the wonderful group here will have the answers we need..... Please don't be judgemental as you give your feed back because, i feel like I am in a rock and a hard place. And just need clear answers to ensure we are doing the right thing. I am an parent of two children from my past marriage and now I have three includes my now son from my new marriage. We have filed our I-130 and trying to get answer to a few questions to stay ahead. My income is below the 2015 HHS Poverty Guidelines for Support and do know I will need a sponsor. But, I am really confused my children have health insurance thur our state; as well as I do get a very small amount in SNAP (Food Stamps) benefits for the children that are mine and living with me. And need to know will that jeopardize our process? I need answers PLEASE and THANK YOU!!

  3. Good Morning! I was thinking it was just me but, I also sent in every pieces of paperwork and received an letter this past Saturday stating that I also need to resubmit a document. Very strange

    Does anyone know how long it is taking for NVC to review checklists? Our original scan date was 4/24 and I called NVC on 5/26 hoping for a CC. Sadly I was informed that my 2014 w2s were "missing". Even though I sent them in with all my other documents...how did they just magically disappear? I asked the rep how come I never received an official checklist email/letter requesting these "missing" documents? She said for whatever reason no letter was generated and sent to me. At this point I'm frustrated and confused...if I didn't call for an update you wouldn't have notified me that documents were "missing"?? Anyways I reprinted the documents and sent them in once again along with tax returns, etc just in case that came up "missing" too. I'm so over NVC and their lack of professionalism. Is it really going to be another 30 days for review? Should I call to request a supervisor review? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

  4. I am on pins and needles and waiting very patiently for our next process. I've filed the I-130 for my husband on June 18, 2015 got the email that and text message on June 23, 2015 let us know that it has been received and tranfered to California. After veiwing the timeline here on the VisaJourney it's stating that an adjudicated should have between August 10, 2015 and August 18, 2015 Can someone please HELP!! us understand what's going on? Thank you in advance.

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