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Posts posted by DJ6372

  1. Hi There

    I'm sorry to hear about the problems

    The same happened to me, they said they were missing my divorce certificate, which we knew was in the packet, anyway we couriered another copy to them, and heard nothing

    Eventually my wife got through on the 'helpline' and once again they said they had recieved paperwork but not thr divorce cert...................argh

    So my very patient wife got the supervisor to go throufg all of our file and lo and behold there it was!!!

    My advice is call them and call again, get someone to check your file, I'll bet money its in there

  2. Even though i disagree with what you guys are saying, I don't think your posts should have been deleted you are only expressing your opinions. I'm taken 45 minutes of my time daily to call nvc and i continue to take an extra 5 minutes to put the staff on hold. Today i was told by customer service that they agreed with me that waiting time should not be so long and the only thing i can do is to contact senator and congressman to complain about the waiting times. I will be contacting today i will be sending a letter to Kevin Mccarthy, Nancy Pelosi, Darrell Issa, Mike Honda, Adam Schiff, Loretta Sanchez, Dana Rohrabacher, Jackie Speier, Barbara Lee, Ed Royce, Linda Sanchez, Xavier Bercerra, Maxine Waters, Tom McClintock, Devin Nunes, Ami Bera, Judy Chu, Mimi Walters, Duncan D. Hunter, Anna Eshoo, Mark Takano, Eric Swalwell, Sam Farr, Mike Thompson, Jared Huffman, Lois Capps, John Garamendi, Susan Davis, Brad Sherman, Doris Matsui, Karen Bass, Raul Ruiz, Pete Aquilar, Zoe Lofgren, Juan Vargas, Scott Peters, Doug Lamalfa, Lucille Allard, Julia Brownley, Paul Cook, Mark DeSaulneir, Norma Torres, Jeff Denham, David Valadao, Ton Cardenas, Jerry McNemey, Alan Lowenthal, Grace Napolitano, anice Hahn, Ken Calvert, and Jim Costa. I hope you all follow suit and send letters to all your congressman and complain about the waiting times. Hopefully we could get the government to step in and make some changes.

    This part I agree with!

    Although I think you are wasting your time and effort, more and more people are applying, yet the budget is limited

    With the latest newsworthy event and what is happening in Senate I cannot see anymore budget sliding USCIS way!

    I think the whole process is going to get tougher!!

  3. Its all a bit hit and miss with the whole process!

    Although I went the IR-1 route it can be frustrating

    At one point near the end of the process my wife phoned up the NVC about our interview date and they said, nothing left in September it will be October

    So on that news my wife booked to come to the UK to see me, the day after she booked and paid we got an email saying our interview was 21st Sept!!

    It took them 6 weeks to give me my date

  4. Well it can take up to 6 weeks to schedule an interview, the ceac staus site (which is a bit rubbish) can show updated with no change of information

    There is an email link on the Embassy site which they DO respond to, you won't get very far calling them

    Just so you know my ceac staus showed AP, I've been in the USA 2 months now lol

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