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Immigration Forms
Posts posted by susaenneli
welcome, and good luck to you
Hi all
I am so happy got today the email for approval status of my AP, This makes life just so much easier.
Also my EAD was touched today and this makes me more happy.
Thank you all for supporting me with all my questions and fears I had.
Now I just need the EAD and I can lean back for a while until 130 and 485 will be approved!!
And at moments like this I hit myself and sy : "why did I loose my patient and just believed in it"
But on the other hand I say :" I am dealing with the goverment, I can't trust them"
Out of nowhere? Wow.. that sucks. Whenever I get the flu it always comes announced.
Even though I am deadly sick
I did not loose my humor yet!!!
So let me tickle myself..................... HAHAHAHAHA
youre welcome... but don't misunderstand.. airborne is not an antibotic just large doses of vitamins that do tend to knock out some viruses... funny but i had to go take one myself since my throat started being scratchy... hope you feel betterYes I got that thank you.
I have tried several Vitamins, so there is another one to try
awww being sick is the worst... can i share with my my latest discovery.. its called airborne and its a pill you dissolve in water then drink... its nothing but vitamins and minerals but in high doses.. you supposed to take it before you go into crowded spaces like a plane and when you aren't feeling well... i've taken it for a lot of different reasons but its helped me a lot with sinus problems i get with migraines and when i start to feel like i'm getting sick... its not a cure but he helps make you feel better... airborne itself can cost (here at least) $7.99 but drug stores like duane reade have their own brand for about $2.00 less... hope you feel better
thank you so much I will go and get me a dose of airborne, and the next time i hope I will be smarter about it
Thanks Susaenneli
On Friday morning the flu hit me outta nowhere.
I am all congested and have a sinus pressure and Headache. It is awful, and what to do in a situation like this?
I haven't been sick since I 2 years. When I just got here I became sick but I couldn't go to doctors, because it was to expensive. As an Au-pair I made little money and the insurance was not covering anything. Also my host family wouldn't help me out because of previous experience with previous au-pairs. so I just sat home for 5 days and slept.
In Switzerland I could just go to the pharmacy and ask them nicely for antibiotics. Because they knew me they would give it to me.
Or I could call up my doctor and he would sent a prescription.
Know I am married have a great insurance but no doctor seems to work on Saturday or even take new patients.
Hubby hasn't been to the doctors for about 10 years therefore he doesn't have a doctor either.
Here in DC it is also hard to find a good doctor. there are so many you don't know who to choose.
I have the experience (no offence) that I don't understand some doctors because of their accent ( mostly from Asia, India, Turkey and so forth) So i am looking for an American because I would like to be sure whats wrong with me.
Now I am still sick and I just don't want to go to a urgent center. Maybe My OBYNG will be nice and gives me a prescription for this time.
I will now make an appointment with a doctor for in 2 month so if I would get sick again I am sure having a doctor.
Has anybody the same experience or different?
Me and My husband started burping very early, after 3 weeks being together. I kept doing it because he was surprised that I am such a great burper
Well after about 6 month I had a slip and he laughed so hard I was embarrassed.
I am from a very open minded family and we never had trouble to fart burp or doing toilet business in front of each other.
Well my Husband was raised different. He told that we will never fart in front of each other nor using the bathroom together. If I have to pi while he is in the shower I gotta wait.
That's how he was raised!! ridiculous
I was just curious if there are people from switzerland.
I know not a lot of Swiss people are immigrating, thats why I was just wondering.
I live in the metro area and just wanted to see if people actualy have meeting or get togethers around here??
I see from your time line that you have had a RFE and are expecting another one..... this will slow your case down it will not be proccessed until they have received the information they need.....
even makeing an infopass will not speed up your AP... you will have to wait for the processing to resume after the have everything from the RFE...
Thank you so much
Yeah I already thought that I have to wait for my RFE and I will try to have more patients.
I wish this would off never happened and I could just send them my medical without a cover letter.
Well well
Thats life
I filed the forms already Jan 17th but then they touched it in feb.
I guess I do have to waite a little bit longer.
I see people who leave within a week and still do not have a AP.
I don't know what to do??
Our case hasn't been touched sincefeb. 16th and my AP is still processing. But I will go in July back to my country for 3 weeks.
Should I schedule a infopass so I know what is going on. could they give me the AP right that day?
Would it be possible to push this case with a letter from a congressmen?
I am 5 foot 7 and my husband is 6 foot
It is great hight difference. I always had taler men before
hey german girls,
entlich haben wir unser NOA2 am Freitag bekommen...sind jetzt total happy...
hab aber mal ein paar Fragen an euch...
Wie ist das beim Konsulat in Frankfurt...muss mein Verlobter das I-134 oder das OF 167 ausfuellen...denn hier auf der Page vom Konsulat steht I-134 or OF 167...hat da jemand von euch Erfahrung??
Kann ich schon einen Termin fuers Medical machen oder muss ich auf paket 3 warten??
Wie habt ihr das mit den Forms wie z.B ds 230 gemacht...alles mit Hand ausgefuellt oder kann man die sich irgendwo downloaden?? Ich hab sie leider nicht gefunden...
Habt ihr sonst noch tips was ich zu beachten habe?
Ganz liebe Gruesse
Hey sweety how are you??
Concrats on your NOA2. We still havn't gotten anything!!!
Hoffe das ich meine AP bald kriege oder sonst bleib ich fuer immer in der schweiz nach der hochzeit!!
Wir vermissen Dich super hier jana wird in 2 wochen wieder nach hause gehen und mel ist schon zuhause!!
So weird
Welcome to VJ.
Good look for your journey
Hey guys!
Sorry for this question but where it asks for family name should my wife put her new family name or her maiden name? Also what is the line underneath it asking for C/O (what does that stand for)?
And on the other side where it asks for present husband would go my name right?
Hello Andy
The family name is her new name. They asked about other used names as well an there she fills in her maiden name. Co means in care of. If the lease of the place you live is on another person than you guys. Than you have to right c/o the persons name and than the address
I got mine with 19. learners permit with 18. Thats how the country work
Can't you just go and change it? I tested changing my K-1 to a K-3 and it let me.
I can change it but i am non of the options. I just applied for I-130 and not the 129
gar nicht mal so schwer...click on Immigration timelines and then edit my timeline...thats it!
Danke fuer Deine rasche Hilfe.
Aber das hab ich schon probiert aber, dort ist kein link zum loeschen??
Das problem ist das ich nur auswahl fuer K3 K1 oder Cr1 habe aber ich bin keins von dem??
Normaler weise bin ich kein computer dummie, bin eine web designer aber das ist ueber mein knowledge..
Can somebody help me??
I would like to delet my timeline data, how??
I would like to know because I started my timeline totaly wrong. I am not a K3 nor anything and I also don't have consular.
I think this all might screw up th estimation???
Pleas anybody??
Can somebody help me??
I would like to delet my timeline data, how??
I would like to know because I started my timeline totaly wrong. I am not a K3 nor anything and I also don't have consular.
I think this all might screw up th estimation???
Pleas anybody??
and that picture came up with the blue lights in the hatch, and the counter went all the way down and stuff .... when locke asked henry what had happened, henry said that he put in the numbers, hit execute and the clock reset. ... nothing else happened. do you think the timeout/blue lights/pattern on the door was a hallucination?
I am thinking that the lights and the map thing were only visible on the one side of the blast doors, so "Henry" wouldn't have seen them
but he would have noticed more than he said he did .... jeez... this show is addictive!
well, if he is an Other as it looks like he might be... he probably has his reasons for not mentioning if he saw anything else.... I don't think he could have noticed anything though
hmm... that's true.
so do you think he killed the guy from the balloon, or just found the grave and used it as an alibi?
I think he just new about location but did not kill the guy!
I also read that the real Henry Gale is roses Brother? She nows that he has been held in the hatch. But does not now it is not the real Henry gale!!
Here are some thoughts of a friend of mine very interesting to look at
The single woman that was buying the house that Locke inspected was Nadia, Sayid's former flame.
Locke's dad is named Anthony Cooper. Lord Anthony Ashley-Cooper is the political mentor and patron of the realworld John Locke.
Sawyer's long con involved $700,000, which is the same amount that Locke's dad had him retrieve from the safety deposit box.
Could Anthony Cooper, assisted by Helen, be pulling a long con on Locke? Is he the real Sawyer?
The safe deposit box number was 1516, which (of course) is two of the mysterious Lost numbers.
Did the countdown on the speaker and lockdown of the hatch correspond to the food drop that Jack and Sayid discovered?
Why did Henry Gale lie about his name...unless his real name has significance to the losties.
Some translations from the map on the door (see attached JPG):
Malum consilium quod mutari non potest
- It's a bad plan that can't be changed.
Sursum corda
- Lift up your hearts.
Credo nos in fluctu eodem esse
- I think we're on the same wavelength.
Ut sit magna, tamen certe lenta ira deorum est
- The wrath of the gods may be great, but it certainly is slow.
Cogito ergo doleo
- I think therefore I am depressed.
Aegrescit medendo
- The disease worsens with the treatment. The remedy is worse than the disease.
Hic sunt dracones
– Here be dragons
My mother cured my brother's 'schoolitis' at an early by making him go to the doctor and have needles poked into him! lol But he had a relapse in his early teens and I'm still not convinced it was a genuine illness - he was sick for a couple of weeks with some virus thingy that the doc had no clue what it was, and then he kept having days off for the next six months! Meanwhile I wouldn't stay home from school unless I was dying.
DH is the stoic masochistic type who won't take a day off work for anything short of an intensive care admission, and even then he'd be taking phone calls from his bed!
You know what the really funny thing is... he'll go to work when he's dying and take his business calls, but then he comes home and falls in a heap and won't do a THING because he's saving his energy for work Why do so few men have common sense about their health? If he just took a day off to rest when he started getting sick, he wouldn't be dragging himself around for two weeks like the walking dead!
My Husband always complains about every little thing.
He would not just stay home because of it, but as soon he is home I have to listen to his wining. And sometimes I am sick of it.
We women give Birth have to a big creature through a very small canal and we have our monthly pains, but we are not allowed to be winy!
This is not fair.
For example, he went to the gym the other day and he hasn't worked out for over 9 month. Of course he did not start slow like every women would do. No, he went the whole 10 yards and now he can not move anymore. he is taking 12 Advil everyday and goes to work. But as soon he is home \he doesn't do a thing he can't get his own drink out of the fridge without saying "awhh" " it hurts" "can you help me"!
So I thought I will give him a massage, god that was a bad idea, he yelled at me because i poked him I barley touched him. But hey he's a men!!
Well I always have answers for things like that. That how my mom raised me!
" There is always a solution for things"
So I bathed him and took care of him.
I even got up in the morning and got his lunch ready, otherwise he would of gotten a burger for 15 bucks and we don't have the money for eating lunch out!!
So I am "mothering" him and run around. But is there a thank you. NO
He just keeps complaining!!
But do you think that he would pass having biological contact no way!!
But he is not able to help me doing the dishes!!
AP approved EAD touched!!! Yeah
in Working & Traveling During US Immigration
I see everything seems to go fast for you..
good luck