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    PlatyPius got a reaction from johnandkate in Want out of marriage   
    Why is it that when a relationship involving a visa doesn't work out, the USC seems to ALWAYS want to yank the Green Card away from the other person?
    Don't get me wrong.... he's obviously a chopf##k and you should probably teach him a lesson with some common household items - like a dull knife, vinegar, drain cleaner, and jumper cables - but why does everyone want to take the green card away? Is it revenge?
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    PlatyPius got a reaction from The_Dude in Garofalo: Bible a 'Work of Fiction' for 'Child-Like Audience'   
    I agree with all of those....
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    PlatyPius got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Garofalo: Bible a 'Work of Fiction' for 'Child-Like Audience'   
    I agree with all of those....
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    PlatyPius got a reaction from LaL in Garofalo: Bible a 'Work of Fiction' for 'Child-Like Audience'   
    I agree with all of those....
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    PlatyPius got a reaction from Bob-KhaHan in how many of the 50 states have you visited?   
    2 to go.
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