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Posts posted by workin4somethin

  1. Some of you may remember about me washing my passport back in the spring. It still got me into and out of Russia in April and May, but I turned it in for a new one this summer. Now the bummer is waiting on my new passport, which has gotten delayed about a week while I prepared a written response to the Russian Consular in San Francisco as to my plans (itinerary) for my upcoming trip. It seems like everything is wait, wait, and then, wait some more.


  2. I agree that we in the west seem to consolidate our view of Muslim extremists and the religion of Islam itself, without much distinction. But what strikes me as most odd regarding some of the recent posts written by the pro-Arab (pro-Islamic) VJ’ers is that I have not found any posts written by these same VJ’ers regarding the slaughter of Arab Muslims by other Arab Muslims, such as what is happening today in Iraq...

    Here are eight different links to the information in the original thread:

    ancient Buddhist statues destroyed by Muslims

    one of the holiest Churches in Christendom occupied by Muslims

    sacred ancient Jewish tomb destroyed by Muslims

    ancient historical and religious artifacts found at Judaism's holiest site

    more than 900 churches in Indonesia

    hundreds of ancient Orthodox Christian churches and cemeteries defiled and destroyed

    ringing church bells

    or suffering the knowledge that someone beheaded your 26-year-old beloved son and brother live on camera with a dull knife

    Of course, I understand that some VJ'ers will not agree that any of these links are in fact the truth. If not, then perhaps you should vent.

    I would vent too if I knew that the government of the U.S. was probably reading all my e-mails, and listening in on all my telephone calls, and keeping a log of all my moves in a black book.

  3. Cam,

    I spent last November in Moscow. The weather at that time was similar to Arkansas in worst of winter. Living in a warm climate, like you do, you should take some long sleeves and a jacket or two. It probably won't snow while you're in Kazan, but it's possible.

    The Russian people I am associated with like to drink vodka (or home-made tequilla) every so often. If you start drinking, be sure to find the jar of pickles.

  4. [Maybe you have not had issues like this hit home for you, I hope you don't have to live through that in your lifetime, because dealing with numskulls like you is one of life's biggest obstacles. This thread and your comments are by far a complete waste of time.... I am reporting this thread. :yes:

    25 years ago, I spent over 4 months in prison in an Islamic country. My crime was that I was not Muslim.

    WTFU! This thread was not meant for you.

  5. I got this message in my e-mail earlier today:


    First, I'm going to tell you a little about me and my family. My name is Jeff. I am a Police Officer for a city which is known nationwide for its crime rate. We have a lot of gangs and drugs. At one point we were # 2 in the nation in homicides per capita. I also have a police K-9 named Thor. He was certified in drugs and general duty. He retired at 3 years old because he was shot in the line of duty. He lives with us now and I still train with him because he likes it. I always liked the fact that there was no way to bring drugs into my house. Thor wouldn't allow it. He would tell on you. The reason I say this is so you understand that I know about drugs.

    I have taught in schools about drugs. My wife asks all our kids at least once a week if they used any drugs. Makes them promise they won't.

    I like building computers occasionally and started building a new one < BR>in February 2005. I also was working on some of my older computers. They were full of dust so on one of my trips to the computer store I bought a 3 pack of DUST OFF. Dust Off is a can of compressed air to blow dust off a computer. A few weeks later when I went to use one of them they were all used. I talked to my kids and my two sons both said they had used them on their computer and messing around with them. I yelled at them for wasting the 10 dollars I paid for them.

    On February 28 I went back to the computer store. They didn't have the 3 pack which I had bought on sale so I bought a single jumbo can of Dust Off. I went home and set it down beside my computer.

    On March 1st, I left for work at 10 PM. Just before midnight my wife went down and kissed Kyle goodnight. At 5:30 am the next morning Kathy went downstairs to wake Kyle up for school, before she left for work. He was propped up in bed with his legs crossed and his head leaning over. She called to him a few times to get up. He didn't move. He would sometimes tease her like this and pretend he fell back asleep. He was never easy to get up. She went in and shook his arm. He fell over. He was pale white and had the straw from the Dust Off can coming out of his mouth. He had the new can of Dust Off in his hands. Kyle was dead.

    I am a police officer and I had never heard of this. My wife is a nurse and she had never heard of this. We later found out from the coroner, after the autopsy, that only the propellant from the can of Dust off was in his system. No other drugs. Kyle had died between midnight and 1 AM.

    I found out that using Dust Off is being done mostly by kids, age 9 through 15. They even have a name for it. It's called dusting. A take off from the Dust Off name. It gives them a slight high for about 10 seconds. It makes them dizzy. A boy who lives down the street from us showed Kyle how to do this about a month before. Kyle showed his best friend. Told him it was cool and it couldn't hurt you. It's just compressed air. It can't hurt you. His best friend said no.

    Kyle was wrong. It's not just compressed air. It also contains a propellant called R2. It's a refrigerant like what is used in your refrigerator. It is a heavy gas, heavier than air. When you inhale it, it fills your lungs and keeps the good air, with oxygen, out. That’s why you feel dizzy, buzzed. It decreases the oxygen to your brain, to your heart. Kyle was right. It can't hurt you. IT KILLS YOU.

    The horrible part about this is there is no warning. There is no level that kills you. It's not cumulative or an overdose; it can just go randomly, terribly wrong. Roll the dice and if your number comes up you die. IT’S NOT AN OVERDOSE. It's Russian roulette. You don't die later. Or not feel good and say I've had too much. You usually die as you're breathing it in. If not, you die within 2 seconds of finishing "the hit." That's why the straw was still in Kyle's mouth when he died. Why his eyes were still open. The experts want to call this huffing. The kids don't believe its huffing. As adults we tend to lump many things together. But it doesn't fit here. And that's why it’s more accepted. There is no chemical reaction, no strong odor. It doesn't follow the huffing signals. Kyle complained a few days before he died of his tongue hurting. It probably did. The propellant causes frostbite. If only I had known.

    It's easy to say hey, it's my life and I'll do what I want. But it isn't. Others are always affected. This has forever changed our family's life. I have a hole in my heart and soul that can never be fixed. The pain is so immense I can't describe it. There's nowhere to run from it. I cry all the time and I don't ever cry. I do what I'm supposed to do but I don't really care. My kids are messed up. One won't talk about it. The other will only sleep in our room at night. And my wife, I can't even describe how bad she is taking this. I thought we were safe because of Thor. I thought we were safe because we knew about drugs and talked to our kids about them.

    After Kyle died another story came out. A probation Officer went to the school system next to ours to speak with a student. While there he found a student using Dust Off in the bathroom. This student told him about another student who also had some in his locker. This is a rather affluent school system. They will tell you they don't have a drug problem there. They don't even have a dare or plus program there. So rather than tell everyone about this "new" way of getting high they found, they hid it. The probation officer told the media after Kyle's death and they, the school, then admitted to it. I know that if they would have told the media and I had heard, it wouldn't have been in my house.

    We need to get this out of our homes and school computer labs. Using Dust Off isn't new and some "professionals" do know about. It just isn't talked about much, except by the kids. They all seem to know about it. April 2nd was 1 month since Kyle died. April 5th would have been his 15th birthday. And every weekday I catch myself sitting on the living room couch at 2:30 in the afternoon and waiting to see him get off the bus. I know Kyle is in heaven but I can’t help but wonder if I died and went to Hell.

  6. We recieved a letter from NVC stating they have recieved an approved I129F and will be fowarding petition to the visa issuing post overseas. This is great but we are confused as to why we neither recieved an NOA2 or got the status on UCIS website. Maybe well still get the NOA2 because National Benefits Center is a bit slow? Would appreciate any feedback on this.



    I would love to get a letter such as this!

  7. the mean girls will descend on this like starved vultures.........5.....4....3...2.....1...


    Its not just about showing respect for others (regardless of whether they deserve it), its about having respect for yourself and the values that we claim to defend and represent. That's why its so disquieting to see people rushing to condone torture, the keeping of political prisoners without trial or charge. That isn't what America is about, or at least that's the way it used to be....


  8. Found this on the www earlier after reading the ####### a few Islamists have posted on the VJ site, and figured this would be a bit refreshing for most VJ’ers:

    While we in the West anxiously monitor our words and deeds for even the slightest offense against Islamic sensibilities, we receive in exchange no such consideration; indeed, our eager protestations of respect merely excite more contempt. Thus even as we protest our respect for Islam, Jews continue to be vilified with anti-Semitic rhetoric redolent of Nazi Germany, Palestinian terrorists befoul one of Christianity's most sacred churches, the Al-Aksa mosque in Jerusalem still sits on the site of the Jewish Temple, and in Istanbul Hagia Sophia, once one of Christendom's greatest churches, is still a mosque.

    Worse still, a whole revisionist history in which the intolerant, imperialistic conqueror is transformed into the tolerant, peace-loving victim of Western imperialism is propagated by self-loathing Westerners whose bigotry against their own culture confirms the Islamist view that we are indeed Godless heathens and spiritual cripples.

    Ancient Buddhist statues destroyed by Muslims -- no worldwide riots or murders by Buddhists recorded in response.

    One of the holiest Churches in Christendom occupied by Muslims; altar shat and peed upon; religious artifacts stolen; Bible torn up and pages used as toilet paper -- no worldwide riots or murders by Christians recorded in response.

    Sacred ancient Jewish tomb destroyed by Muslims; ancient Torah scrolls burned; mosque is built on the ruins -- no worldwide riots or murders by Jews recorded in response.

    Ancient historical and religious artifacts found at Judaism's holiest site systematically dug up and destroyed by Muslims -- no worldwide riots or murders by Jews in response.

    More than 900 churches in Indonesia fire-bombed by Muslims since 1998 -- no worldwide riots or murders by Christians in response.

    Hundreds of ancient Orthodox Christian churches and cemeteries defiled and destroyed by Balkan Muslims -- no worldwide riots or murders by Christians in response.

    And, lest we think that the West is immune from this sort of thing, a few years ago there was a rash of attacks on Roman Catholic Church statuary in the Los Angeles area by a Muslim man -- no worldwide riots or murders by Roman Catholics in response.

    I could go on and on, but you've probably gotten my drift by now. I haven't even touched on "tolerant" Pakistan, where murderous attacks on Christian, Hindu, Ahmadi Muslim and Shiite Muslim places of worship are practically weekly events. And then there's Nigeria, and Egypt, where ringing church bells "frustrated" Muslim religious sensitivities so much they decided to throw bombs and rocks at the offending church, and beat up 35 parishioners and then burn down their homes for good measure. Oh, the poor frustrated things, look at what that nasty Israel forced them to do.

    With all this going on, the MSM expects us to get all misty-eyed about the horrible trauma suffered by Muslims worldwide over a reported rumor that a US solider threw a Koran into the toilet. Oh yes indeed, let us hang our heads in shame, quell horror, we offended the poor widdle Muslims' religious sensitivities.

    I mean, get real. In a contest between offended sensitivities, what's worse? Suffering the knowledge that someone may have thrown a Koran into a toilet, or suffering the knowledge that someone beheaded your 26-year-old beloved son and brother live on camera with a dull knife, and then broadcast this abominable snuff film around the world on the Internet for thousands of jihadi psychopaths to download and masturbate to?

    Gee, I dunno. That's a toughie. Lemme think about it for awhile. Really.

  9. I don't think its the meeting someone in person that is being questioned here. Perhaps its the idea that you're going to meet 3 ladies and then 'choose' the best one that seems a bit strange, at least to people at VJ.

    Most of us here had ONE person in mind (and heart) that we spent a lot of time and effort getting to know - and likely felt that we were in love with - before travelling 8000 miles (give or take) for a face to face meeting. So it seems a bit odd to travel that far for , essentially, 3 dates. Surely you can drive to the next town and have 3 dates - and save yourself the time, money and trouble, yes?

    Just my .02 as I flew past the Russia forum. :)

    Probably, Tracy doesn't know that Kazan's population well exceeds a million, or that it is not unusual for guys to meet more than one lady per visit to Russia.

  10. I met a guy from the states, whose girl in Russia was surprised that he had gone there to meet only her.

    The only crime I've heard much about in Kazan are women and men who operate dating scams. Thus, try to know as much a possible in advance about the women you are going to meet.

    I, absolutely, love many things about Russia. Prior to my first trip, I was a bit worried. Now, I speak much good about the Russian people. The people whom I associate with over there are warm and friendly and educated and do not openly judge others. However, it's definitely a different culture than what we have in the states. You go and experience it, and you may find that it is quite a bit different than what you have learned about it prior to actually going there.

    ... my thoughts to you is to remain alert wherever you go, but have fun. And don't simply waste your time and money.

  11. Leaving for Kazan on October 4. I've been hearing about trouble with gangs in Russia. Anybody hear about gangs in Kazan?


    It's funny to me how what we here about crime in Russia, generally, appears much more fantasy than what I've seen there.

    I noticed that your profile doesn't say whether you've filed a petition, there is no timeline, and it doesn't say where your location is. Can you share any of this information with us? Also, have you been to Russia before your upcoming trip; and, if so, where in Russia? Thanks.

    And, best wishes!

  12. Just received e-mail from MSC that our I-129F has been approved!!!! I received the duplicate IMBRA RFE Monday, 6-17 and mailed it snail mail Tuesday, 6-18 so MSC could not have received and processed it by 6-20. This gives everyone hope that MSC is not waiting on the duplicate RFE's to approve these applications.

    FINALLY! :dance:

  13. Anybody else combine foods that make others look at you like you're strange?

    Bacon and peanut butter sandwiches?

    Spaghetti with maple syrup?

    mustard in your mac and cheese?

    I like to put Doritos inside my sandwich - makes it soft yet crunchy.

    I like frog legs with just about anything, but my favorite at any meal time is simply mixing up different foods in every bite. :content:

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