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Posts posted by kates43

  1. Hey everyone, I'm a November filer but have been reading the September thread as its a bit more active currently.

    So happy for those being approved and really hope it's not much longer for the rest of you September guys.

    So far no approvals for the 5th that we can see...seems like a waste of a day gone by.

    Maybe they work one week then take one off ? Haha.

    People on the outside will just never know what goes on there I suppose.

  2. Terri, I am really sorry for you, but you really need to think about yourself in this case. This really doesn't look or sound good and these people on here are saying these things for your benefit, and we're strangers! But we do care.

    You should be able to meet someone properly before you get engaged and be able to have sufficient conversations with that person who you can tell your deepest feelings to without feeling judged etc.

    I was in and out of relationships for awhile and you can sometimes tend to settle because 'love' can be foolish.

    Do not settle. Don't ever settle. As long as it takes, hold out for the person who you can look at and be proud to show off and love him no matter what happens. And you deserve the same in return.

    I am going to pray for this situation, and I mean really pray for you. I honestly believe God can turn things around at any second and can replenish people and situations, but if things don't go how you originally intended with him, you really are going to be okay, even possibly better off! Relationships can be challenging, no one said they were easy and especially going through long distance.

    My mom said to me once (when I was dating someone), "What do you like about him?" and I found myself struggling to answer, yet I was spending so much time with him. But I could rattle off so many things I didn't like. And there is a sign !

    Take your time, but be confident and look after yourself. It is better to stop things now than be too far gone and get hurt or taken advantage of. Talk to some friends or family that you trust and can be objective and look at this with common sense, not biased.

    Much love and good luck!


  3. Is it wishful thinking some of us may get approved by the end of April? ha-ha.

    Hope you guys are doing okay, I have had some more meltdowns recently. This whole thing is just so terrible. I hate we all have to get mentally 'depressed' and miss our partners but am very thankful we can verbally be there for each other on here.

    My fiancé' is trying so hard to take my mind off this but to be honest it doesn't fully work. It's always in the back of my mind, as I am sure it is yours.

    Saying lots of prayers for everyone and hoping we start getting approved very soon. At most I feel like June may be the month it all really starts but you just never know, and I really hope im wrong ha-ha.

    God can do the 'im'possible, so keep going! Each day is passing and remember you're always one day closer!


  4. SO SO happy for those who have recently been approved. If you're getting approved, there's nearby hope for the rest of us haha - but I am really relieved for you guys :)

    Stay strong errrrybody - We're on the home stretch and it really could be any day now.

    I have stayed off this forum for a few days and it's honestly done me the world of good after having a massive meltdown last Friday night.

    If you find yourself this stressed, take some time to steer your focus elsewhere for a while. I've been focusing on praying, doing some exercising and trying to get off the internet and socialise with my loved ones while I can :)

    This may be one of the most challenging things a couple can face together, and we all understand what each other is going through.

    I just wanted to spread some word of encouragement since I have been feeling refreshed and encouraged myself. We will make it and by the end of the year (if not sooner) we will be yelling a huge SUCK IT to TSC. Stay strong.


  5. Hahaha thats exactly what i plan to do

    I'm taking three suitcases, and I've convinced my mum and dad to take extra ones over!

    we've book and planned our wedding for october its all paid for and my friends and family have booked tickets

    honestly if we're not done by september its ridiculous coz thats double the amount of time its meant to take!

    I really hope for you its done by september hopefully we hear something good in the next week :)

    I really think - with everyone talking like this - I saw on a site that they're processing late august (23rd) so that could mean another 3 months from now. If that's the case, i wont be getting married in September and it sucks - I will be living in Maine and when it hits late Nov it snows until ...well now. Really don't want a snow wedding but that's probably what will happen - and time of most expensive flights etc.

    I hope yours works out. I just wish we could all just hop on over to Cali and get this done with. They seem to be having no problems and are even taking some visas from Vermont. Ridic.

  6. is it just me or did it seem like tsc slowed back to snail pace this week?

    just as it looked like they got it together!

    I hope they start september soon properly one step closer! then lets hope for a transfer and pow its us! :idea:

    hope everyone is well and not going too crazy with this wait!

    i swear this application has made me go through all my stuff about 1000x tryna to be ready for as soon as its go time!

    bored of the wait doesn't cover it anymore lets hope its all our turns soon!!

    also has anyone looked into how they are gonna take their items over?

    so far I'm just thinking of paying extra baggage, but I'm not sure if anyones come across anything better?

    i know its a bit early days but can never be too organised for then! once we all get approved I'm sure we'll all be jumping onto the planes!

    I am literally thinking the same way as you haha. Got as much as possible ready for when I hear the news of NOA2.

    I definitely started going crazy mid March - but worse when I got on this forum haha.

    I am taking 2 big suitcases over, and making my mom and brother/bros gf take one each for me if I have extra stuff I cant fit. Defs not gonna pay for shipping or extra baggage if we don't need to :)

  7. Happy for you guys :)

    Welcome to the group!

    When my fiancé gets here then we'll just have a small court house wedding, but next year will be the official one in Jamaica :) how about you?

    Hey, thanks. I have looked on this forum for a while over time but am getting so depressed I need to talk to people in the same situation - not my friends who just say...."ohhh it'll be ok" haha.

    Jamaica wedding ! That will be so beautiful!

    I have booked our wedding in September but seeing as Texas is taking its sweet-### time I really doubt it'll happen then. It's so hard because my family and friends are left in limbo with wedding details and trying to get time off work and money to travel. My fiancé and I hate being apart but we're getting used to it now , so by the time we see each other it'll have been a year+ :(

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