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Posts posted by krysia

  1. 1 Ja dostalam lerners permit w miesiac po przyjezdzie, bylam juz po slubie i mialam juz SSN. Musziz zaczac na K1 w ciagu 90 dni od przylotu albo poczekasz. Samo prawo jazdy zdalam dopiero w pazdzierniku (za drugim razem;)

    2. Zeby dostac trzeba miszkac w danym stanie(miec tu adres) ale nie jest powiedziane jak dlugo. Musisz jedynie miec wymagane dokumenty, zazwyczaj licza to na punkty, na stronach DMV znajdziesz tabelke co jest ile warte- ja dostalam na paszport, wize, mariage certificate i SSN plus chyba jakies rachunki.

    3. Polskie prawko w niczym nie pomaga, wszyko musisz robic od poczatku.



  2. :DJak juz bedziesz w moim miastku to skocz na Rynek do knajpki zwanej "Spiż", to jest obok ratusza za pomnikiem Fredry.Daj tam bardzo dobre piwko pszenne, ktore sami warza(za barem zobaczysz wielkie kadzie) i do piwka dodaja swiezy chlebek z bardzo dobrym smalcem i ogoram i:D

    Prosze nie wspominac o pszenicznym bo chyba se rozplacze :crying: . Urlop sie zapowiada dopiero w padzierniku a siedze tu juz od rowno roku :)

    (L) krysia

  3. anutka

    mysle ze warto brac te prace. Na interview sa duze szanse ze cie wcale o to nie spytaja a chwalic sie nie musisz. Podstawowa zasada na inteview to za duzo nie gadac i odpowiadac tyko na pytania.

    Za to jak dostaniez EAD postaraj sie conajmniej o wspolny rachunek, masz jeszce ponad miesiac wiec jeden wyciag bedzie - zawsze cos.


    Znam tan bol. Ja wlasnie przedwczoraj bylam u fryzjera - tak na polepszenie humoru- i teraz mam jeszcze gorszy :). Moja sugestia to kieruj sie cena i nie idz tam gdzie jest najtaniej, a raczej poszukaj salonu gdzie biora jakies $30.


  4. Tez czekalam miesiac na wyrobienie nowego EAD. Jeszcze musialam udowadniac, ze to byl blad z ich strony itd.

    Dokladnie to samo, a najlepsze bylo ze blad byl juz na pierwszej NOA od razu zgloszony, rowniez 2 miesiace pozniej na biometrics, karta tydzien po biometrics przyszla nadal ze zlym A#, a dwa dni po karcie list ze niestety nie zdolalismy poprawic bledu, prosze zwrocic karte. :bonk:

    Na szczescie z zielona nie bylo juz zadnych problemow. Nikomu nie zycze dodatkowych kontaktow z USCIS.


  5. Ktos sie orientuje ile tym cwokom zajmuje wyrobienie nowej karty? Pewnie ze 2 tyg nie? Ja to mam kurde szczescie, zawsze klody pod nogi... :dead:

    Ja na nowe EAD czekalam rowny miesiac, mialam zly A#, wiec mnie to zdenerwowlo porzadnie bo wlasnie chcialam szukac pracy, na ale ze zlym numerem raczej by sie nie dalo. Tak wiec jak adam radze najpierw poszukac pracy.

    Na visajourney jest dlugi watek o I-90 i bledach na karcie, mozna czasami poczekac:




  6. hi

    I got confused :huh:

    After my interviw my online status changed three times:

    1. we sent you a welcome notice... (May 1)

    2.we ordered you a new card...(may 4)

    3. an approval notice was mailed... (May 10)

    bou I got only 2 letters:

    first with Notice of Action - welcome letter (May 5)

    second with green card - May 12

    should be there a third letter? Why were they changing the status third time?

    Is the letter with green card an approval notice letter????

    thank you for any help


  7. hejka

    witam wszytkich

    Wprawdzie na forum juz tak pare miesiecy pisuje ale polskiego watku jakos nieodnalazlam:)

    Ja juz jestem po najgroszym czyli tydizen temu dostalam karte. Mieszkam w Nowym Jorku , w stanach jestem od juz prawie roku - ogolem to chyba niedlugo bedziemy mieli pierwsza rocznice slubu - czas szybko leci ;). Zwlaszcza jak sie chodzi do pracy - a mam szczescie od pol roku non stop pracowac w zawodzie i nieszczescie nie miec konkretnego urlopu przez najblizsze pol roku - do domu sie raczej nie wybieram :(

    Co do szcegolow imigracyjnych zapraszam na moje www: www.fiance.republika.pl moze komus pomoze

    I nie sterujcie sie ludki, ja od tgodnia mam nowy argument - sters szkodzi zrowiu :) Jak dostalam karte to z tej radosci sie rochorowlam - dostalam antybiotyki i skierowanie do kardiologa :unsure:

    Trzymajcie sie wszycy cieplutko


  8. Olka

    What I think is that it is always doctor that decides what is need for you and right in your situation so you do not need to have all of them. I didn't have hepatitis or influenza.

    And for you it is most important to get the beautiful form and send it!!! I am afraid they will not check it for more than the stamp and signature of the doctor in USCIS :), they are no doctors.



  9. Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to let everyone know that I just got my interview letter today. July 12 in Garden City. so excited. But I guess I need to start putting together our interview paperwork...


    WOW! Congratulations!!!

    You have interview 5 months after applying for AOS, that is really quick in NYC. I thought that my 8 months were fast. I had interview on March 23 in Garden City. Look for some posts from that time, there were more people that had interviews there in march. And be ready to wait another month or two for the card after interview - they don't make FBI checks there and you will have to wait for the decision.


  10. Do you put dates on the pictures? Names, etc? Not the ones in the album, I suppose, right?

    But on the 2 you're supposed to leave for them.

    Put date and place and something about like "photo with his family" on this 2 pictures. One should be from wedding the other not. For the second one take something interesting, we took photo from Washington DC and then we had a talk when it is the best time to visit :) W also spend some time discussing our wedding pictures - our officer was raly interested in polish wedding traditions, I spent like 5 minutes trying to explain one of them :)

    Bank statements - as far as the joint account.. did you ask for the letter from the bank stating when the account was open, etc or did you just bring the monthly statements - how many months, what months?

    I just had copies of two last monthly statements of bank and one last phone bill. And we also had last car insurance and health insurance info.


  11. And it is here, for last two weeks, since they mailed me welcome notice they have been updating my online status almost every other day. Since our interview in Garden City it is almost 2 months, but it's great feeling when you have it finally in your hands. And the processing time for New York City is really nice lately ( at lest if you are not having extended FBI checks like some of you here :( ).

    Now I just need some vacation from my work to go and visit my family in Poland. I haven't seen them for almost a year. And the vacation will be mayyybe somewhere in September :cry: . But so is it; first you have to much free time but no documents and money to travel, then you have a great job and documents but no vacation :yes:

    and here is our short story:

    we met in 2000 in Lepzig, Germany while both studying german during summer :luv:

    we had our first date on February 14 2001, he just came to visit Poland and so he was traveling for the next 5 years, we spent together at lest 2 weeks of each winter and month in the summer - I wanted to finish my studies in Poland

    October 2004: started K1 process. March 8, 2005 interview

    May 2005 - my graduation

    June 2005: church ceremony and party in Poland, in a week flight to US, in another week civil ceremony.

    July 2005: send documents to chicago

    March 23, 2006 interview in Garden City, NY

    May 1, 2006 welcome notice e-mial

    May 12, 2006 card in mail :D

    Thank you all for you help and wish you al the best!!

    (L) Krystyna

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