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Posts posted by Rosie1563

  1. Hi I would say you have enough reason to stress. They will for sure question you and ask for proof of funds and all sorts of other things. Don't be surprised if they contact the person you are staying with. I was asked even questioned about my job and how I had been given so much time off. I powered on my laptop and showed them my approved vacation request along with my vacation balance accrual. They tallied my credit cards, asked what my available balance was on each card, asked for me to pull up my bank account balance.  They certainly have the option of denying you entry. They had me in secondary inspection for over an hour. I was even told that if you are a female visiting for an extended period of time you raise red flags as they think you are entering and will overstay. It had been 3 months since my previous visit and I went for a month on my second visit which is when I was questioned like this. Good luck! 

  2. My fiance was approved after a 4 minute interview. Took longer to hand over the batch of documents than the actual interview :) He arrived at 7 am and was done and approved by 8:45. On his way back to Scotland now. So happy and relieved as the dr will probably induce me the day he arrives here.

  3. I think there are a few that have interviews this week but I haven't come across anybody else on the 19th. My fiance's is the 20th. Pheebs had her interview today along with someone else on the forum but I'm forgetting who. Good luck on your interview :)

  4. I'm just going to put this out there.. Don't take this the wrong way but...

    You had already asked this question when your bf first came here and you decided after him having been here a week that you didn't want him to go back and you wanted to marry him. You asked what would happen if he overstayed his VWP. Everyone told you what would happen and also the consequences. Everything was broken down to you then and back then you had said you wanted to marry him and that you would not be able to meet the income requirements for 4 years. Everyone advised you then that this was not a good idea for him to be out of status for that long. You didn't like the answers everyone gave you as you insisted that he had been questioned heavily while entering the country and you were afraid he would not be allowed to return due to him being questioned. After having overstayed VWP he will never be allowed to use that to enter the country again. Now you have married him and have opened up another can of worms in my opinion. Nothing changed from when you last asked. You still aren't able to meet the income requirements, you don't want him to get banned, you married him after countless people told you that this was probably not the best choice, and you don't have a co-sponsor. We have all made sacrifices and have been away from our loved ones while we go through this process. We tried to give you the best advice possible in the situation that you were in. After everyone gave you their advice, I was really hoping you would have taken the advice and had allowed him to go back home without overstaying his VWP and ruining his chances of being allowed back in the country using that option.

    I can tell you from my personal experience that my fiance and I had a very tough goodbye last time he was here. He went back home knowing I was pregnant. Yet he still went back home because we wanted to do things the right way. We didn't want to ruin our chances of him incurring a ban because he chose to overstay. We filed for his K-1 visa and he is at the last stage of that now as his interview is next week. he will have his visa and be here in time for our baby to be born. He hated not being here and missing out on dr appts and such but we did what was best in our situation. We could have gotten married and filed for AOS but we chose not to because in the off chance that we were the couple that got questioned regarding intent we knew if we got denied we would not be able to appeal due to him having entered under VWP.

    As much as I know you don't want to hear this advice he needs to go back now before he overstays past the 180 day mark. You will need to file for his spouse visa once you either find a co-sponsor or meet the income requirement. That requirement won't change period.Good luck in whatever you decide to do...

  5. This is pretty much the same as our situation. Current income requirements are much stronger than weak tax returns from being a student.

    I may tell her to get them just in case - were they easy to get? and where do you get them from? (sorry if this is a silly questions)

    Also many thanks for your responses!! :-)

    Yes if you can let me know how it works out and if they ask for them it would be greatly appreciated!!

    This is the link to create an account on-line. Instructions are on there as to what information you need to provide to confirm your identity before you gain access to your transcripts. It's fairly easy and quicker than requesting for them to mail you the transcripts. :)


  6. I'm sending my fiance to his interview on Wednesday with the i-134, a letter from my employer (stating my title, annual salary, etc.) and pay stubs from the last 6 months (as I started a new job in August as well). My fiance doesn't have a copy of my tax transcripts as my current employer letter/paystubs are stronger (meaning I make more) than at my previous employer. So I sent him with the strongest information, if that makes sense. Will let you know how it works out lol

    I'm only sending my fiance with the transcripts in case they ask him. I've already told him to not give it to them if they don't ask for it. My current letter from my employer and paystubs are stronger evidence as well. I just don't want them to ask and him not have at least one year of transcripts and have him be delayed because of that. Hope everything goes well for your fiance's interview. My fiance has his interview on the 20th.

  7. We will be submitting pay stubs for the last 5 months, tax transcript for last years taxes, current letter from employer stating annual salary and job status and I-134. This should be more than enough. When you file AOS you will need to submit tax transcripts or tax returns. All previous years will need to have been filed if she hasn't filed them. That is stated on the I-864 form. Good luck!

  8. Awh thanks sweetheart, I am feeling a bit glum! I think I put Feb 26th or thereabouts.

    I did get a response to my email asking about the possibility of a short notice cancellation interview today and all they asked was what my UK address is. Maybe that's hopeful? I am in Cornwall but there is a direct flight from here to London which is under an hour so I really would only need 24 hours notice (which is what I said in my reply). Keeping my fingers crossed!

    Fingers crossed for you. I know you were hoping to have everything done so you could fly out for your fiance's sister's wedding. Hopefully they will squeeze you in on a cancellation. So will you still fly out for the wedding and go back for the interview if you don't have the visa yet? I hope it doesn't come down to that :( We booked flights and a hotel last night for my fiance since he's flying from Edinburgh. Even with him having his interview on the 20th I don't think he'll have his visa in hand by the 1st of March.

  9. Well I just phoned NVC (beneficiary) and they were happy to talk to me. However, they said our interview has not been scheduled yet :(

    I was really hoping you would have an interview date scheduled by today. What date did you put on your form that you wanted to travel? I know you had even offered to take a short notice cancellation interview. Hope you get good news soon.

  10. Have any of you tried calling NVC to see if they will give you your interview date? I called them 10 days after my fiance's medical and they told me his interview date and the date the letter was mailed out. It seems they've been mailing the letter roughly about 7 business days after the medical assuming no delays on them getting the results from Knightsbridge. Hope you all get good news soon. :)

  11. We submitted readiness form the day my fiancé had his medical which was Jan 19th. We got his interview letter on the 31st. His interview is scheduled for Feb 20th. I think on average the interview is running about a month after the medical as long as everything is ok with your medical and all forms are submitted. We called NVC on Friday the 30th and they were able to tell us what date they had mailed out the interview letter and the date and time of his interview.

  12. I called them at this number 603 334 0700. Your fiancé has to be the one to call though. I'm the US citizen. He has to know the case number and your name and date of birth. They verify your phone number and email address as well. If the info is in the system they'll tell you the interview date and the date your packet 4 was mailed out.

  13. Quick update on our case. My fiancé had his medical on the 19th of January. We haven't received his interview letter yet. I just got off the phone with NVC. I was on hold for 2 minutes before I spoke with a really nice lady which told me his interview letter was mailed out on the 27th and his interview date is Feb 20th at 9:30. Fingers crossed everything goes well as he has to be here soon since our baby is due March 21st. I was shocked at how quickly I got through to them. Everytime I've called in the morning or at night I always get the message to call back. So happy that we know his interview has now been scheduled. Now we can look for a flight and hotel for him since he'll be flying in from Scotland to London.

  14. My bus gets in from Edinburgh at 6.30 am, I will find somewhere that does a good cup of tea, then take a slow walk over to the embassy,

    thx all x

    Wow, how long is the bus ride from Edinburgh to London? My fiance lives in Kirkcaldy and he'll be flying from Edinburgh to Stanstead.

  15. When did you have your medical? How long did you have to wait for your interview date? My fiance just had his medical last week and we're praying that he gets an interview soon so he can be here by March. Good luck to you :)

  16. My fiancé and I just went through this as he is from Scotland also. He will use his drivers license. There aren't too many forms of ID that the airlines will accept for identification purposes. She might need to go back to Scotland on a train since they won't check ID that way. If she has an expired passport they will let her board with that.

  17. So my fiance had his medical on Monday. He flew from Edinburgh to Stanstead. From Stanstead he took the A6 bus to Baker Street which is right down the street from George Street. From there he went through Manchester Square then to Bentinck. The building was easy to find. He got there early as he had an early flight so he left after finding the place and found a Starbucks up the road on Baker Street just up from The Royal China Club. It helped that he had studied the map before he went so he knew his way around.Showed up at 1:30 for his 2:30 appointment and they processed him right away. The receptionist took all his paperwork which was on his checklist and 4 passport sized photos as well. Then he was called in for his Xray which was 5 minutes. Told to take off his top, stand, take a deep breath, with his hands behind his back. Put top back on and Xray tech just verified it looked good then sent him back to the waiting room. About 20 minutes later the Dr called him to the back. She had him sit down and went over medical questions (chicken pox) and she went over the questionnaire he had filled out. Since she asked about the chicken pox, he did not have to see the nurse for additional vaccinations.Then she had him strip down to his boxers and she started her checking. Checked his glands, tapped his knees, checked his stomach, felt his testicles (which he wasn't expecting lol). I had told him they would only lift his boxers up but she got a handful... Then she checked his chest and his back. Then she drew blood. Finally, she checked his ears, mouth, eye sight. (Make sure you have your glasses)

    Since he had the letter from his GP regarding his anxiety and depression a few years back, she told him that his letter was perfect and she was satisfied with it. After that she sent him back to the receptionist, and she handed him back all his original forms as well as the form he will need for AOS vaccinations. He then paid and that was it. Then back out to take the A6 bus at stop 15 back to Stanstead and flight back to Edinburgh. Exhausting day but it's all over with and he hasn't gotten a phone call so we assume everything was all ok since the receptionist said he would be contacted in 3 days if there was anything wrong with his xray or bloodwork. Now we wait for his interview date.

  18. My fiance came over twice from the UK for 80 day periods and both times he was sent to secondary inspection. I met him at his first POE both times. The first time they called me to verify his statement and let him through after being satisfied with our answers and his proof of ties back home. The second time they almost denied him entry. They wouldn't call me and they detained him for over 2 hours. Be prepared to show very strong ties or you could be denied entry.

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