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Posts posted by Ron/Sharon

  1. Didn't expect the approval this quckly and in fact didn't expect a approval at all.


    The last processing action taken on your case

    Receipt Number: EAC08********


    Current Status: Approval notice sent.

    On February 17, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I601 APPLICATION TO WAIVE EXCLUDABILITY. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

  2. One can only wonder what goes on. How is it possible to have a touch and then have none exist as if it had never happened? At this very moment Sharon is packing and will be leaving before the end of the month. Better and happier times are ahead. This for us has never been about where, but where we were needed most by family. That where is no longer the concern it was so now we can concentrate on ourselves as we have been doing since the beginning.

    We will be married long before Vermont says yea or nay to our waiver which is fine by us.

    My personal greatest pleasure will be to reply to any and all correspondence from Montreal or Vermont with a few very few well chosen words.

  3. 9 Months and 9 days watching every day for a touch on our waiver application and nothing happened, we remained at (04-09-2008), on the 9th month and 10th day at 4:00 p.m. an update appears (touch) (11-18-2008). Then to my surprise less than two hours later the (11-18-2009) disappears (and guess what (04-09-2008). If we were totally dependent on USCIS we would be heartbroken but that ain't happinen, Our alternative is working just fine for us.

    Sure hope others here have better news regarding their Waivers and dealing with the government when it gets back to work on Wednesday.

    Happy Martin Luther King Day.

  4. Good morning y'all from downtown Ottawa, Ontario where the temp is a balmy -26C / -14F and with a slight breeze making it feel like a very cool 36C / -33F. Today you need a friend to get around as the busses are still on strike, God bless those black heart buss drivers.

  5. Have had a beard for over 30 years and shaved it once 4 years ago and it scared the piss out of me, looked in the mirror and thought my father had came back to haunt me. Trim only never to be completely shaved off again. with beard mid to late 50s without breard add 20+ years. Sharon prefers the beard too much of a diference without.

  6. When I forgot mine I sent them an e-mail and got this in return


    Dear Ron,

    Your User ID is Ron.

    To change your password, select the "Forgot Your User ID or Password?" link from the login screen.

    Please save this e-mail for future reference. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via the feedback link from our website.


    The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

  7. In Option 2: The group of three have decided that Stephan Dion would be the Prime Minister in a coalition if the Governor General decides to go that route. He Stephan Dion said he will still leave his post in May regardless of the decision made.

    At this moment Harper is kissing ### to keep his party in power until they can bring in a new budget in January.

    Right now the only one’s fearing they may lose their job are the drivers for the ministers and deputy ministers.

  8. If you send the letter be sure that someone at the other end signs for it and request a receipt which will tell you who signed and when.

    You will get a reply and most likely it will be what you already know.

    I sent a package to the former Director of USCIS in Sept. 2007 and got a reply in Oct. dated Sept. 2008, so they do reply in their own good time not ours.

    Do what you feel is right, it may or may not help the process but if it makes yoy feel good go for it.


  9. Just a word of caution, if you're expecting your appointment in the near future, keep calling. I amoung a few others have never to this day never received our appointment letters. we learned of our dates by calling often. I had less than a two day notice having called on August 7th and found out the appointment was on the 9th.

  10. The following two doctors were panel phycians in Ottawa, but as Trailmix stated there seem to be only 4 for the entire country now. The new list is as of October 2008

    Dr. Maureen Stewart 302-1919 Riverside Drive, Ottawa 613-523-8998

    Dr. Lorne Weiner 75 Albert St., Ottawa 613-238-5963

  11. I am so sorry for all that you have been put through. I hope that you are able to have Sharon immigrate to Canada soon (F)

    Thank you Yaads, any time after March will be just fine for us. I hope and I'm sure that Sharon agrees that no one else has to learn our lesson first hand, mind you there are others that are worse off than we since we have not been denied just placed on hold.

  12. Oh my dear friend. I have no words to say :(

    Though you guys are a testament to love in adversity. Love you bunches and hope the bride can travel to Canada soon (F)

    Len, where you see sadness I see a new beginning, it won’t be where we wanted to be but will be with my sole reason for getting up each morning. As you know we are not quitters, and if we are not able to settle together here she will still be my bride in the next few month. Plan A was to move to Kansas, Plan B if A didn’t work was come to Canada, Plan C if both A and B don’t work is for Sharon to move to up State New York which is just a short drive from Ottawa. Right now it looks very good for Plan B and she should be here sometime after next March which would be perfect re: her pension.

    Len next time hubby gives you a hug, take two and give two and tell him one was from us. Love you much and thank you for always being around.

    <H1 style="MARGIN: 12pt 0in 3pt">Ron and Sharon</H1>P.S. To others in pain if your love is true you can get through what is dealt to you.

    Don’t look at how far you have to go, look at how far you have come.

  13. SAY WHAT? Oh man, these people are :protest: I should so go kick their collective rears.

    Our love and prayers are always with you and the girl my dear dear friend (L)

    Well Lenina if people wonder why it so long the above should take away some of their doubts. They obviously have multi level of bureaucracy, someone writes the letters, someone checks the spelling, someone checks the formatting, someone checks for possible security violations, someone checks for possible harmful to the government and beneficial to the petitioner/beneficiary information. Of course there is the person that had to read the 3.8 pounds of paperwork I sent them so they could see how ridiculous the consulate decision was in the first place.

  14. wow...what a great non-answer...so do you guys really have no other recourse than to be fobbed off on a bunch of low-lever know nothings at USCIS? Crazy.

    We aren't waiting for them, Sharon's immigration to Canada is in the process, she could be here before any decission maker south of here wakes up. All my dated documents are out of date and I'm not getting them done again. I just want the opportunity to tell them to their face what they can do with their visa.

  15. Ya just gotta keep simelin or slice your throat.

    I asked two simple questions.

    1. How do I get a notation (accusation) of having had alcohol before the consulate meeting off my file?

    2. Why is a 32 year old vehicular offense grounds for refusal?

    Their reply is nothing more than their practising their typing skills, the only thing I have to take away from the letter is a visa number which I did not have previously, now where is the visa to go with it.

    269 days to go until August 8, 2009 the end of the 18 months between heaven and heII.

    Thier reply is the following:

    Ms. Sharon ___________.

    Sep 12 2008

    Dear Ms. ___________.

    On September 28, 2007, your fiancée contacted Mr. Emilio Gonzalez, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)Former Director, concerning the denial of his visa, Case Number #MTL2006________. The Former Director's Office forwarded your fiancée letter to the Customer Assistance Office for a response. We have assigned it a case #_________.

    A search of our system revealed that your fiancée's Form I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiancée Petition was approved on December 8, 2006. The approval notice was sent to the above address. Once a petition is approved by the USCIS and a notice of approval is sent to the petitioner, USCIS forwards the petition to the U.S. Department of State (DOS), National Visa Center (NVC) or Embassy. USCIS has no jurisdiction over the DOS , NVC regulatory guidelines.

    The above case number is a DOS visa number and the issuance of visas for admission to the U.S. is a function of the American embassy/consulate officials serving abroad under the jurisdiction of DOS. They have the ability to grant, issue or deny visas and to determine the requirements for specific cases based on the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (INA).

    For further assistance, you may want to contact the U.S. Department of State's Visa Services' Public Inquiries Branch at (202) 663-1516.

    If you need additional assistance or filing instructions, we invite you to contact the USCIS National Customer Service Center ant 1-800-375-5283 or visit our web site at www.uscis.gov.

    We trust that this information is helpful.


    (Signed by)

    Christine Gooding, Supervisor

    Customer Assistance Office

  16. God bless Canada and its elderly ladies. You gotta love this one!! It happened in a Metro station in Montreal.

    There were protesters on the concourse handing out pamphlets on the evils

    of Canada. I politely declined to take one. An elderly woman was behind

    me getting off the escalator and a young (20-ish) female protester offered

    her a pamphlet, which she politely declined. The young protester put her

    hand on the woman's shoulder as a gesture of friendship and in a very soft

    voice said, 'Lady, don't you care about the children of Iraq?

    The elderly woman looked up at her and said, 'Honey, my father died in

    France during World War II, I lost my husband in Korea and a grandson in

    Afghanistan. All three died so you could have the right to stand here and

    bad mouth our country. If you touch me again, I'll stick this umbrella up

    your ### and then I'll open it.'

    God Bless Canada

  17. I'm back fultime, at work that is. There are many posts here that need to be replied to and I will reply to each one but it may take some time before they are all answered since I still have to work at getting things back up and running with USCIS and Canada and take the one that comes through first.

    We do thank everyone for their support it does help much more than you can ever know.

    Thank you all very much.

    Ron and Sharon

  18. For us things are getting better. Sharon has returned to work 3 days ago and is finding it rough as because she has been off for so long (4 months) they (Walmart) have placed her on the 12 hour overnight shift, it is one of the things Walmart does to its female employees to teach them a lesson for taking so much time off.

    I am doing better, can get around without crutches or cane and should be back at work in the next ten day. Am waiting for the results of the heart monitoring tests to see what that doctor has to say, I'm sure that everything is fine just need to stay on my meds.

    I haven't read much here yet, but I am hoping and praying for everyone so your voyage through this maze is quick and as painless as possible. Keep your eyes on tomorrow as it is a new day and can be the one that brings you the news you have been waiting for.

    In a way God has granted me one of my wishes, what is now a long time ago I wished that I would see all the couples that were here before us leave before us and I think that there are less than a handful remaining that are still with the program perhaps when they have had their turn it will be ours.

    Sharon and I wish to add our love to that which God has for you all.

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