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Posts posted by sowens

  1. Hate me-Blue October ....maybe????

    That's what Google suggests:

    I have to block out thoughts of you so I don’t lose my head

    They crawl in like a cockroach leaving babies in my bed

    Dropping little reels of tape to remind me that I’m alone

    Playing movies in my head that make a porno feel like home

    There's a burning in my pride, a nervous bleeding in my brain

    An ounce of peace is all I want for you. Will you never call again?

    And will you never say that you love me just to put it in my face?

    And will you never try to reach me?

    It is I that wanted space

    Hate me today

    Hate me tomorrow

    Hate me so you can finally see what’s good for you

    I’m sober now for 3 whole months it’s one accomplishment that you helped me with

    The one thing that always tore us apart is the one thing I won’t touch again

    In a sick way I want to thank you for holding my head up late at night

    While I was busy waging wars on myself, you were trying to stop the fight

    You never doubted my warped opinions on things like suicidal hate

    You made me compliment myself when it was way too hard to take

    So I’ll drive so ###### far away that I never cross your mind

    And do whatever it takes in your heart to leave me behind

    Hate me today

    Hate me tomorrow

    Hate me for all the things I didn’t do for you

    Hate me in ways

    Yeah ways hard to swallow

    Hate me so you can finally see what’s good for you

    And with a sad heart I say bye to you and wave

    Kicking shadows on the street for every mistake that I had made

    And like a baby boy I never was a man

    Until I saw your blue eyes crying and I held your face in my hand

    And then I fell down yelling “make it go away!”

    Just make a smile come back and shine just like it used to be

    And then she whispered “How can you do this to me?”

    Hate me today

    Hate me tomorrow

    Hate me for all the things I didn’t do for you

    Hate me in ways

    Yeah ways hard to swallow

    Hate me so you can finally see what’s good for you

    Hate Me Lyrics

    Thats it! Thanks Et, thanks so much! Yeahhhhhh!!!!!!

  2. Yay! We should start a new thread-"guess the song" :D ---damn i am bored :huh:

    Not bad Idea, but I'm not so great at it ...LOL else I wouldnt be asking for help.LOL

  3. Hate me-Blue October ....maybe????

    Not sure but I will deffo be checking every suggestion....it seems a bit melancholy the lyrics that I posted but it is such a great song, and well sung. thanks for the help! :thumbs:

  4. OK so I am at work and I am pounding away at the computer when the radio starts to play this song and it is rocking! I mean I cant quit humming it and bouncing in my chair.....the song goes off and the DJ calls out every song but that particular one! I hate that. So now I have made it a mission to find out who this song is by and what the name of it is, because naturally everytime I have heard it, the same old ####### happens! They NEVER name the song or artist. The station is an alternative rock type and all I can remember at this moment is the beat of the song and a few of the lyrics which I may not even be singing properly (i'm bad for that) and very off tune...LOL

    Lyrics go something like this

    Hate me todayyyyyyyy..... Hate me tomorrowwwww

    And as usual I am drawing a blank because my daughter is conviently singing in the shower again :dance:

  5. I can understand why some would want seperate as well as joint accounts etc, I had a rocky realtionship before and money was a mjor issue in it, but there isnt anyone I trust more than my husband, we share everything. Its been hard due to the pride thing, there has been times when one of us wasnt working and the other was, but we have gotten past it knowing that we are just that "Partners". And I couldnt have picked a better team mate!

  6. I'm glad to hear such positive comments about the South as I'll be making my home there - southISH I guess, NC..

    The only place I spent time before was SoCal, right on the beach at Venice, which i did love - tho living right on top of LA was good in many ways, it was also very dirty.

    The people that I met (big Brit expat community in Santa Monica if you're every down that way) were all really nice tho.

    I'm happy to hear so many of you think the South is such a nice place to live :thumbs:

    Hi Jaylen, I'm in NC and I can tell you it has its positive side as well as drawbacks just like anywhere, but since your thinking of coming this way I will tell you positive...he he.. I am from the Charlotte area and its really nice coz your just a few hours from the beach and just a few hours from the mountains, lots of history and really neat things to do, ie; Biltmore Estates (my MIL from Ireland loved it) Old Salem, were also close to Charleston SC (2 1/2 hrs) in which I feel is one of the most beautiful towns in the US. I tend to hear people say that our unemployment is high, but to be honest, if you cant find a job here its due to laziness in my opinion, I have lived here for 20+ years and nobody in my family has had issues finding work. If your coming to NC let me just say WELCOME and I really hope you enjoy it.

    Sherry :)

  7. Hiya ddurkin, nice to meet you as well, Niall is always glad to meet a fellow irishman in the states, especially when they are familiar with the same locale. Niall was born in Dublin but raised in Cork, hes from the Old Blackrock Road area. I know what ya mean about the typical bit....LOL. have you been to Ireland with Denis? I love it there, cant wait to go back! So far the journeyhasnt been to eventful, we recieved our NOA1 on the K-3 friday afternoon....now were just waiting! Anxiously I might add...LOL. Thanks again for the welcome. :)

  8. Give it few days, then you will be able to see your case online at the USCIS website. I did not see my case number for the first couple days after I received the NOA-1. Don't worry, you will see it. My NOA-1 says, "it is taking between 60-90 days to process this kind of case." My I-129F receipt date is March 24. Good luck to you.

    Thanks :D

  9. As I was getting my mail today I said my usual little prayer hoping to get our NOA, and finally it was there, I was so excited I could barely contain myself, hopefully not too much longer before my hubby can come home, but when I went to the USCIS website I cant enter our reciept number in to be able to check for updates, even the first 3 letters arent an option to enter (as it gives examples) ours starts with MSC, also I had seen another post asking about processing times, mine also says 60-180 days, so I am thinking that they are getting back logged and thats the reason for the change in time frame. Just wanted to tell everyone, I am so happy and cant wait for the next step! Have a wonderful day everyone!!!! :thumbs:

  10. OK this is the first time I have noticed this thread, so if you dont mind could you add us as well?


    We sent all our papers in and we are on our way to a hopefully not too long Journey,as I'm not to sure what kinda timeframe we are looking at, tho I am positive we wont be together for our wedding anniversary. Well ya cant win them all. I am just trying to stay positive and looking forward to when Niall comes home. I hope everyone else is doing well :)

  11. Wonderful news, my Hubby is from Cork and I love it there. The only reason we are going thur this whole process is because I have a child from my previous and cannot move her out of the country (her dad wont allow it). Congrats to ya and I hope everything goes smoothly for ya. Gawd how I miss being in Cork, and your right it is a GEM!!! Good Luck with everything! :thumbs:

  12. OK , so here's the thing, I am relatively new to this whole process, tho I have to admitt I have met some very lovely people on here. You know who you are :P . Anyways, I sent my I-130 off, recieved my NOA1, sent off the I-129f and have yet to hear from anyone, its only been a little over a week, so I am not to impatient yet as I know it will take a bit of time, my questions are,

    1) Now that i have filed the I-129f what kind of wait time are we expecting?

    (I know so many of you are without your SO and I hope for a speedy process for you all

    its just I am soooooo impatient)

    2) What is being "touched"? I check our I-130 often and cant tell if anything is moving along.

    3) What can I expect for my next step? Please tell me I dont have to fill out tooo many more forms!

    Thanks for any advice/help in advance, you all have been so kind and it really has helped to have talked with you and know there is support for this LONGGGGGGG Journey! :yes:

  13. just my opinion, I have had European chocolate and I grew up on American chocolate, Euro is way much better! My first experience with Euro chocolate was when I went to Ireland the first time and my husband bought me a mars delight......OMGGGGG it was awsome, and then he just went on with the cad. dairy milk ....mmmm....then on to Butlers Irish chocolate.......that is my absolute fave.. my MIL buys me a Butlers easter egg each year and those have been the best easter ever..lol.. my dad thought he would be sweet since I was away from my hubby this easter and bought me some generic chocolate egg from wally world, it was the nastiest chocolate I have ever had the misfortune of meeting.... I dont even like Mr. Goodbars anymore wich I used to love....... now as my hubby says.... I LURVEEEE ME Butlers!!!!!! (L):P

  14. My daughters name is Alexis Blair, dont know what my future childrens (GOD willing) names will be, I see so may i like. I agree with some of the others here I like some of the Irish names Roisin being one of them, but my hubby said he wasnt so fond of it. Siobhan (Sh-a-Vonne) is another girls name I like.

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