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Posts posted by mamibebek

  1. Hey guys,

    My husband went to his interview on 11-26-14 at Ankara embassy. They sent him an email a day before his interview asking him to bring his passport pictures, his medical report packet, my 2013 tax returns/ W2's, marriage certificate original/translation/copy, and passport pickup location receipt.

    My husband already had a packet assembled with a copy of all of the forms and documents that we have sent for our I-130, AOS packet, IV packet, and interview letter. Along with many pics, skype call copies, phone call logs, and my flight intineraries of all the times I have gone to visit him in Turkey.

    So they asked him...

    When did we meet? How did we meet? When was the first time I went to visit him in Turkey?

    Was I previously married? Did my husband know that I was previously married? Did I have kids ?

    How old are they? Do they speak spanish? (My ex husband was Mexican)

    My husband said the CO was polite and smiled during the interview. The CO told him everything looked good but he needed to see the original turkish marriage certificate which is actually a little red book with many pages. My husband told him that we thought the certified copy that he got from the municipality was enough.

    The CO gave him a 221 g ORANGE SLIP!! :ranting:

    So I had to mail my husband that stupid red book that does not even look official because all of our information is handwritten in it. I CAN"T believe that they are asking for this when it clearly states from USCIS and NVC that a certified copy is enough for the marriage certificate. grrrhhh!!

    The CO told him once they receive the original marriage certificate and everything looks good, they will send his visa and he should get it in 5 business days.

    So hoping that all this will be over with soon so my husband will be here in time for Christmas.


    Now I need the tears of happiness to stop. I have no idea how this transpired. Perhaps it was due to mine and my husband's phone calls to NVC and the Supervisor's this week. I guess it shows that it can pay off to persevere.

    Our only hope now is that all of our VJ friends also get a CC soon and can be back with their loved ones as soon as possible.

    I just saw your good news today!! CONGRATS to you and your loved one! Hope you get a interview soon so loved one can be home for Christmas! :) (L)

  3. Congratulations. That is wonderful news. I have been following your progress. Let's hope for a quick interview.

    Thank you msc13 for the good wishes. I really hope we get an interview for November. I talked to John at NVC and he said that the cut off of scheduling interviews for next month is 18 of this month but as of today its still open. Whatever that means. I also was able to look at the Ankara website where my husband will go for his interview and they show all the scheduled appts for immigrant visas and are all scheduled up until 11/22. *crossing my fingers* Hope they can squeeze him in somewhere next month?! :clock:

    How are things going for you? I am praying for you and your loved one that you will get case complete this week!! :)

  4. Just wanted to say that as of 10/11/2014 I have case complete!! YAY!! Checked CEAC website on Saturday and AOS fee changed from PAID to N/A.

    Tried calling NVC today but duh :P I was so excited waiting for Monday to come and forgot it's a holiday today! :lol:

    My scan date is 8/22/14. It feels so good finally coming to the end of this visa process! It's my hubby's birthday today and what better present to get when I tell him the good news!!! :dance: See you all in the interview thread hopefully very soon.

    Good luck to yall!!!

  5. Have you had a chance to look at the NVC wiki process? Read that and it will tell you the whole process of what to expect and contact information for the NVC. So you got your NOA2 on September...so call the NVC next week and see if they have recieved your case and if they have your case number and IIN number which you will need to be able to inquire about your case in the future. Join the rest of the people in the September thread at NVC waiting like you and going through the same process. You can learn a lot of information by reading the posts of others.

    Good luck!

    here is a link to the NVC wiki process http://www.visajourney.com/wiki/index.php/NVC_Process

  6. You can request an expedite at the NVC stage by emailing them at NVCExpedite@state.gov

    You can request that your case be expedited due to your husband's life being in danger or whatever the reason is. They will forward your email to the embassy you are going through and it is up to the embassy to grant your expedite or they might require more information from you and ect.

    Now about your husband having the wrong spelling on his passport? You should get that fixed. What is the spelling on his birth certificate? You will have to submit his documents later on and this could be a problem. So I suggest that you guys try to fix the spelling error and keep the spelling the same as it should be and what is on his documents like birth certificate, marriage certificate, police record ect.

    Hope that helps.

  7. About showing proof of your relationship between 2007-2013, skype messages/calls, facebook conversations should be fine. Send pics of what you have during your relationship and marriage. If you have pics of your marriage with family/friends in them those would be good too. Did you mail anything to each other? That would be helpful too.

    You could also get affidavits from people that can vouch for your relationship and use that for the bona fide of marriage.

  8. There is no time limit on the written test. You can take your time reading each question carefully. You have 3 chances to pass the written test. If you fail 3 times you have to fill out another application and pay the fee again.

    One more thing..If you choose to walk in to take the test, you have to show up before 4:30pm. After that they stop giving written exams for the day.

    Good luck!

  9. Found this at the Dept. of State

    (iii) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in consultation with the Attorney General)-

    (I) to have a physical or mental disorder and behavior associated with the disorder that may pose, or has posed, a threat to the property, safety, or welfare of the alien or others, or

    (II) to have had a physical or mental disorder and a history of behavior associated with the disorder, which behavior has posed a threat to the property, safety, or welfare of the alien or others and which behavior is likely to recur or to lead to other harmful behavior, or

    (iv) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to be a drug abuser or addict, is inadmissible.

    Mental illness is not a visa deal killer- you will have to get a letter from his doctor that he is not a threat to himself or others and that he is being treated and is stable. You will have to take that to the medical exam appt.

    Hope this helps. Good luck

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