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Posts posted by CLMIKE

  1. On 8/11/2018 at 4:19 PM, Leo7777 said:

    Wife got her 18 month extension letter today.  Her critical number is 297.


    We weren't too excited to get this letter because she is afraid to travel with it anyway; and yes we know that many others have traveled with the expired card and extension letter.


    She will only feel comfortable traveling with the 10 year Green Card.

    We are in the same boat as you.  Thankfully my wife's parents came and visited in July to see her since we are reluctant to travel until the 10 year card arrives.

  2. Not to fan the flames on if this is a glitch or not, but since when I actually click the link to check my wife's status online the next 2 weeks doesn't matter to me, because I still fully expect to be waiting until Fall 2018, I can wait a week or two and check to see if the date I conveniently look is the same date it's transferred and report back.


    Also, and I'm not a mod here, but let's try to not be a douche to Leo.  The whole "you're wrong don't quote me again" comments are not necessary.  Leo has more knowledge than most of us combined.  While we are all frustrated at the waits, it's not going to help anybody if we act like we have sand where sand shouldn't be.



  3. You should be fine


    When we were working on my wife's adjustment of status paperwork, I was laid off due to the oil crisis.  But I gained employment before we had our interview to be approved for the 2 year greencard.


    All they did was take a new letter of employment from my new job and file it in with all the rest of the paperwork.  And they didn't even ask for it, I had to mention my job changed to give her the stuff.  

  4. 37 minutes ago, Leo7777 said:

    Just wondering . . . Is it blythe in Blytheville ?

    Not really.  Town leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to cracking down crime.  All depends on where you live.


    There are good parts of town.  There are bad parts of town.  And there are farmland parts of town.  And all three area's have to share the walmart lol

  5. Thursday's biometrics appointment went great.  No issues.


    They got a little confused when we listed the previous names my wife has legally gone by.  She never changed her name from marriage, so that wasn't the issue, however, my wife has gone by an abbreviation of her name before when in school, and also lived about 21 years of her life thinking she had two middle names instead of a hyphenated last name...(example...Sue Mary Bob Smith was first, middle, middle, last, when in reality her birth certificate said Sue Mary Bob-Smith).  The officer though, once my wife explained how her parents named her (mom made it hyphen last name, dad thought it was two middle) realized it was no issue.  

  6. 3 hours ago, Leo7777 said:

    CLMike, the last three persons on the VSC listing are not in the correct date order.

    I can't correct it because apparently you locked most of the spreadsheet; and for good reason I understand.

    I have OCD and this is causing me a lot of anxiety !!!  :-)

    So could you please use INSERT row command and put them in the correct place?

    Thanks for your big help so that I can save the Valium for other events.


    I can....but it will mean I will have to unlock all the panels...then relock them all again


    I'll see what I can do lol.

  7. 4 hours ago, Anna51 said:

    I just noticed that someone put my information on the spreadsheet (thank you, who ever you are :)), but my information was mistakingly put under VSC, and not CSC. I'm a California Service Center filer as my profile states. 


    Can someone fix it for me? @gypsyqueen maybe? Thank you so much in advance! I use my iPad to access this site and have no idea how to do it. 


    My information:


    California Service Center

    VJ name: Anna51

    - Date filed: 07/24/2017

    - NOA1 date: 07/26/2017

    - No biometrics appt yet

    Done.  Moved you over.  if it gets deleted let me know and I'll add you back.  

  8. On 8/25/2017 at 8:03 AM, CLMIKE said:

    USPS informed delivery is showing immigration related mail for my wife today.  Hopefully it's the bio metric appointment notification.  I'll know more this afternoon.

    It was my wife's biometrics letter.  Of course it was one of the 2 days in September we had plans, but it's actually the first day we had plans, so we'll just head to the lake after the biometrics appointment.


    Yes I'm well aware I might be able to do a walk-in, but in reality, I'm taking the day off on 9/7 regardless, so we'll just leave it as is lol.  Arrived 8/25.  Date 9/7.  I'll update the excel for me on MOnday

  9. 2 hours ago, gypsyqueen said:

    Odds are it got deleted by an anonymous user before I had a chance to lock it.  I was out a few day's so I probably missed some edits that kept getting deleted.


    I can re-add it if you'd like, or you can PM me when you've finished editing and I'll lock it back.

  10. That does seem a bit of a headache on changing addresses.


    Assuming no major career changes, we're planning on staying where we are until after the 10 year green card (or nationalization if that long of a wait) is approved.  And use the estimated 12-14 months of waiting to continue to save up to purchase a home.  


    I see it as a congradulations!  We're done with paperwork for a while!  Now let's do a ####### ton of harder paperwork and buy a home lol

  11. Hello everyone


    Just as an update.  Today I had to readd the VSC tab 3 times due to it disappearing.  I've developed a work around, that should stop deleting the tab from here on out.


    Anyone can still add info and new lines as needed.  And I only did this for VSC.  No edits to CSC were made by me.


    Example:  @gypsyqueen and @Leo7777 both go to VSC tab and decide to add a new date to the excel, it will work just fine. PM me if you notice an issue with already entered data.  


    So in summary, I already had someone test to try and delete it, as well as myself deleting it, and it did not work.  But you can add data as needed.

  12. 10 minutes ago, lemongreentea said:

    I didn't wipe out VSC info. As you pointed out, I typed in info on CSC sheet not VSC sheet.

    VSC sheet was wiped out a few days ago. Not sure if someone restored the info or not, but when I entered my info yesterday, there was still nothing on VSC sheet.

    This is why I think it's more glitch than intentional.  The Vermont data was there when you started entering CSC, but gone when you were out.  But from what I can tell, it was nothing you did that caused it :).  Just a glitch.  Because it does not show it was deleted.  If someone was actually deleting all the data out, the area would be highlighted blue and empty in the revision history.  Instead it's only column A in VSC that's highlighted (where the sums are all different).  


  13. So I love google drives by the way.  It shows the exact breakdown of what happened.  I'm thinking more accident, than troll, but at least we can see who did it lol


    4:05 PM:  Someone made several changes to AB's line in Vermont  (please note it may show a different time for you, not sure if it adjusted to your time zone).  Vermont was intact.

    4:35 PM:  Someone made a change to CSC.  They added a line.  Line 35.  Typed CSC.  Vermont was intact

    4:35 PM:  Next change.  Someone typed lemongreentea in B35 for CSC.  Vermont is intact

    4:35 PM:  Next change.  Someone typed 7/11 for lemongreentea in B36 for CSC.  Vermont magically wiped.  

    4:36 PM and 4:37 PM:  Someone typed the rest of lemongreentea's info.  Vermont still wiped


    So it could have been a glitch.  I don't want to accuse lemongreentea of intentionally deleting Vermont lol.  We'll see how this plays out and make changes (different excel, protected excel, etc).  On days I go to work, I don't mind spending 10-15 minutes restoring it while I eat breakfast.  


  14. 1 hour ago, gypsyqueen said:

    I have no idea who's deleting all the info but I guess we should just stick to the admin-approved way of posting our timelines.

    I've added it back.  Essentially all I'm doing now is restoring a previous version, then looking through the history to add back people's changes on CSC.


    If an admin is the one that is deleting it, many other people would be complaining on other threads as well.  And they'd be deleting both Vermont and California.


    If this continues, we can always just create a new Vermont tab/excel and share it in messages only to the accounts that are posting in the thread.



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