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Posts posted by Karmalicious

  1. HI fellow April sufferers ! its Friday again. I am so hoping to hear something today... sleepy.gif same as the last 10+ months. ClockWatch2.gif

    My husband said that sneezing is good luck.. I sneezed 4 times yesterday. He sneezed during our conversation last night. I sneezed again this morning and the girl at my job is sneezing this morning !! ( yea, I know it sounds stupid but I need something to brighten my days )

    COME ON TSC... pick up my files today ! ! !

    Just dropped in to see how you are.

  2. I understand the feeling! We are so helpless in this process and at the mercy of USCIS!!!!

    What actually kills me is in the back of my mind, I know that there is nothing I can do to actually help my case! Just sit there and watch the clock tic tic tic!!!!!

    That's one of the things I struggle with in this process and it's probably the same for you etrangais and also LoveMyTico. We usually MAKE things happen when we want them to and not sit around for months and months waiting for some invisible person to make decisions about the way I will live the rest of my life.

    Specifically I would like to NOT have to live in Africa and would do everything I could (short of committing fraud) to keep that from happening. I will if I have to but it's a lot easier to visit Africa from the States than it is the other way around.

    And about the way they address the petition at USCIS... let us assume that everything is the same for you as for me.... CR1 petition, same PD, same evidence, no previous marriages, no children, no trouble with the law, etc. even the adjudication starts on the same day. EVERYTHING the same except that your husbands last name is Jones and my husbands last name is Bin Laden. Do you see why my case would take longer than yours to approve? And yes I agree with both of you that discriminating background checks should starts before adjudication, but they don't.

    Every day I come back to this thread hoping to see both of you moved on to the next step. There are only so many adjudicating desks so I need you guys to move on so that I can grab a spot on someones desk.

  3. Not in Ghana but my husband is. We were one of the unlucky ones whose august petition was sent to Overland Park Kansas prior to its grand NON OPENING on October 1st. Since there was no opening, our petition sat in probably the most expensive storage facility in North America with hundreds of thousands of other petitions until we were recently transferred to a service center that can actually adjudicate it. With a bit of luck and the continued blessings from God I may see my husband on US soil by the end if the summer.

    I would also like to chat with a woman in/from Ghana, preferably Ewe, who might answer a few "girl" questions as I try to understand the culture from another point of view

  4. YEP, its snowing like crazy in Philly. My job was called us last night to notify us of the closing. Thank God because I drive almost an hour to work.

    Today is my husbands birthday. I'm so sad I can't be there. Or that he can't be here... GRR

    I hope my approval comes soon because this is so depressing. The NVC is a long process too but at least there would be movement on my case.

    Was looking in to flying to CR the first week of March for our anniversary but DANG.. the tickets are so expensive. And it wouldn't be so bad except I don't have any vacation time left . I would really be taking a hit with a week of NO PAY.

    Interesting. Today is my husbands birthday too!

  5. Nah, I'm STILL crying all the time from the hurt feelings I get when my family and friends keep trying to 'protect' me by bashing the man I love. It can be unbearable.

    Ain't that the truth! You know how they say if a couple can make it through building a house or planning a large wedding they can make it through anything? Think what a bond a couple must have if they can make it through this long process.

    Yesterday marked six months since our CR1 petition has been held hostage in Overland Park Kansas. Last Monday we received our first notice of transfer (there are three USUALLY) We have only the CR1 petition filed but I got two texts on Monday the 10th (at the same instant but from different phone numbers) telling us to check status on the website. On Tuesday there were no texts or emails but a slight change in the way the final destination which I saw on the website. Nothing on Wednesday then yesterday, at the same instant two texts and an email. Now if I could just get the NOA2!

  6. Don't forget the reply that Tico got back from the omdudsmans office saying her message had been deleted without being read.

    You just keep doing what you do Kaylara. How lucky your family and friends are to have you in their lives!

    Some people "watch" and some people "do" and there are still others that watch because they have seen it before and believe that things "can never change." I am quite sure that things don't change if nobody ever tries to change it. I also believe that most things can be changed when the right idea hits the right person at the right time. I hope it is you.

  7. i just called holy trinity place and they said 460cedis (200usd) for medicals, but u should budget 600 cedis, u might pay for one thing or the other like they charge u 5ghc if u dont already have a passport foto, they ask u to eat if u haven't (at their restaurant),

    rem to go with passport too.

    good luck

    What exactly do you ask for when you call the hospital? I don't want to ask them for u.s. Visa shots unless I have to. Seems like as soon as they know it's for an American visa the price doubles.

  8. It depends on the local hospital he will have it done at. To be on the safer side he can go to the regional hospital and have it done. Or go to the embassy approved hospitals and that the process for the vaccines before doing the actual medicals. I have my medicals today so I will keep you posted on whether they accepted the tests I had already and fro which hospitals I did those.

    I was also reading that the hospital can write to the embassy explaining that you have done the tests and are still taking the vaccines.

    I appreciate your help and I'm looking forward to hearing the outcome. Thanks!

    It depends on the local hospital he will have it done at. To be on the safer side he can go to the regional hospital and have it done. Or go to the embassy approved hospitals and that the process for the vaccines before doing the actual medicals. I have my medicals today so I will keep you posted on whether they accepted the tests I had already and fro which hospitals I did those.

    I was also reading that the hospital can write to the embassy explaining that you have done the tests and are still taking the vaccines.

    I appreciate your help and I'm looking forward to hearing the outcome. Thanks!

  9. I have a question about the immunizations and would really appreciate some help. My husband lives about three hours away from Accra and he has not had any of these vaccinations before. Since at least one of them requires more than one dose, several weeks apart, how does that work? Can he get this taken care of at the local hospital or do we have to go to the medical to get them started and then back again several weeks later? Does that mean we have to pay twice? Just trying to be ready. Thanks in advance.

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