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  1. Like
    Peikko got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    It's not over the counter condoms that are the issue. Morning after pills are prescription only (and the other legal drugs that are being argued over). If your Dr can't prescribe the pill because the insurance will not cover it, that's a form of discrimination against the employee. If you don't want to use a morning after pill, fine, but don't make your employees follow your personal ideology. This is a business that engages in all kinds of contracts and exchanges with people that it has absolutely no control over, and yet here we are, sanctioning what benefits an employee can and can't access through their insurance plan.
  2. Like
    Peikko reacted to JohnR! in Obama Announces that he Will Rule Without Congress on Immigration   
    It is not. When someone it turned away at the border it is not considered a deportation. The numbers that are up are those of immigrants caught by the border patrol agents after they have crossed into US territory. However you can make an argument and claim that since these immigants entered the US without inspection they can't be deported. Any port in a storm...
    In addition, you probably have missed the threads where the motley crew was telling everyone Obama had declared war on immigrants for having increased the number of border patrol agents to way above those of any previous administration, the very reason deportations were up.
    So many choices...
  3. Like
    Peikko reacted to Trumplestiltskin in Texas Official Believes Illegals Renting Kids To Cross Border   
    Drawing crazy conclusions based on soundbites is a waste of time. All it proves is that you've been indoctrinated by right wing propaganda.
    Since when does a quote by a single person become the opinion held by 'liberals'?
    No reasonable person wants to see children abused. I know I don't.
  4. Like
    Peikko got a reaction from JohnR! in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    suddenly, the expansion of the aluminum industry becomes clear. The scales have fallen from my eyes!!!!
  5. Like
    Peikko reacted to elmcitymaven in White Deaths Outpace Births - is Obamacare sending all the white people to death panels?   
    I also enjoy eating Caucasian babies in a light coating of panko crumbs.
  6. Like
    Peikko got a reaction from Teddy B in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    It's not over the counter condoms that are the issue. Morning after pills are prescription only (and the other legal drugs that are being argued over). If your Dr can't prescribe the pill because the insurance will not cover it, that's a form of discrimination against the employee. If you don't want to use a morning after pill, fine, but don't make your employees follow your personal ideology. This is a business that engages in all kinds of contracts and exchanges with people that it has absolutely no control over, and yet here we are, sanctioning what benefits an employee can and can't access through their insurance plan.
  7. Like
    Peikko got a reaction from Trumplestiltskin in Pew Research: Where Do You Fit in the Political Typology?   
    You do know that no political party can provide solutions to modern day problems that embody a system of simplistic political ideology? That has occurred to you?
  8. Like
    Peikko got a reaction from Trumplestiltskin in If was President my first act would be   
    Here's a thought, why don't you answer to what you see people have written in their post without scrambling it up with preconceived ideas about what people on the "left" think? Every time you respond with "the trouble with lefties is..." you completely disconnect from responding to a person's specific take on a given issue and ascribe a left wing group think (with all the predjudices you hold against those who you perceive to be on your left ideologically ) to that post. That is not only intellectually dishonest but also disrespectful to the person you are responding to. Try a little intellectual respect and you might get some in return.
  9. Like
    Peikko reacted to Boiler in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    You have missed it, 29th June.
  10. Like
    Peikko reacted to SMOKE in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    No, that's why we kicked england's butt. We're gonna celebrate the drubbing on Friday. You're welcome to join us.
  11. Like
    Peikko reacted to Jacque67 in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    Good for him and you. Not sure how that links in with your comments about liberals though.
    Ps I know plenty of kids who lie to protect their parents;)
  12. Like
    Peikko reacted to 2ndMessiah in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    sssssshhhhhhhhh. You are stepping onto the slipper slope of socialism there. And we all know that leads to Communism. The US didn't fight the cold war to beat those damn commies and keep this country free for Murkins.
    Stepping back into reality, A single payer system would require a major mindset shift by a lot of Americans.
    Unless you can sell it and make money from it, It is not the American way.
    For the greater good is not enough of a reason. The thinking is, why should I pay for my neighbors healthcare?
  13. Like
    Peikko reacted to lostinblue in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    I understand there are drugs everywhere.....They had a pretty good handle on this situation. Any involvement in smoking,drugs or booze and you were not suspended but gone no 2nd chances. Only 20 students graduated in his class. So it was a very small school Not like a large Catholic school .... About 1/4 of the students were from Asia ...The parents spent a lot of money getting them here. They sure were not going to screw up and get expelled . They sacrificed so their children could be here. My stepson went to a boarding school in China. when asked if he knew any one that used drugs or booze and he knew no one. that he was aware of.
  14. Like
    Peikko reacted to We Keep Receipts in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    Don't tell him, he might not be able to handle the let down.
  15. Like
    Peikko reacted to Teddy B in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    Self responsibility is great, I'm all for it.
    What's distorted is that you believe anyone who thinks differently than you is evil. Just because someone has different views and beliefs does not make them lazy blood sucking liberals, it simply makes them different. Most people do have the same end goals of peace and success, some just have different ways of getting there, that doesn't make them the devil.
    Pretty much Harpa. We used to fight over who got the incense and the who got to ring the bells. We also used to sneak sips of the wine when the priests weren't around, lol.
  16. Like
    Peikko reacted to The Nature Boy in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    I can promise you that will be lost in the Media.
  17. Like
    Peikko reacted to SMOKE in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    I've pointed this out in this thread already. But, i'll do it again for the 'slow kids'. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. did not object to providing birth control and will still do so for their employees. They objected to IUD's and the morning after pills, which they feel terminate pregnancy. Like it or not the SCOTUS agrees.
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    Peikko reacted to The Nature Boy in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    You really think all that does not go on under the cover of Christianity ?
  19. Like
    Peikko reacted to Harpa Timsah in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    Cool Teddy! Were you like this?

  20. Like
    Peikko reacted to lostinblue in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    It takes a liberal village to raise a child got it. It is so wrong and distorted to have a person be responsible for their own actions.
  21. Like
    Peikko reacted to Jacque67 in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    Utter nonsense !
    Lots of drugs etc in Christian schools"
  22. Like
    Peikko reacted to SMOKE in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    we the people are one nation united under god....yes we as in all of us.
    besides murika is intended to be an (all be it lame as hell) insult to Americans that live by their god given rights under the US constitution.
  23. Like
    Peikko reacted to JohnR! in Supreme Court Rules Some Employers Don't Have to Cover Birth Control   
    Ah, yes.. .You were these.... Please, do tell...
  24. Like
    Peikko reacted to Harpa Timsah in If was President my first act would be   
    Oh, so if I point out that you seem to hear people who disagree with you as screaming, which is basically letting your emotions cloud reality, then I am on the short bus?
    Classy, as always. That's why I have so much respect for you.
  25. Like
    Peikko reacted to The Nature Boy in If was President my first act would be   
    Thank you and here is my rub with you. You never seem to comment on a view point or join in any conversation I am having with a counter view point. You come in with some veiled insult that is right below the threshold of personal attack, or attack some little part of my post that has nothing to do with the post itself, then act so super offend when I don't embrace your greatness. Then you start talking about class and respect and politeness, and how we should all respect each other in this forum, when you yourself don't practice it .
    You very often post off topic, then threaten me for doing it, and actually had the delusion of grandeur to"Warn Me". As for the Left screaming about this or the Right screaming about that. I suspect you are smart enough to understand that "screaming" is a metaphor/allegory meant to illustrate an almost unanimous viewpoint echoed in unison by a certain political ideology. It could be expressed equally by saying the Left or right clamors for, demands action, constantly protest for, etc etc ad nauesm . So if you want to pretend that you understand that analogy, as me literately accusing people of screaming. Then by all means go right ahead. I will continue to assert you have limited understanding, which I do not think is the case.
    Lesson I learned early on in life. If you want respect you have to give it . I know several on here +1 everything you say , for some reason I have yet to fathom, other than I guess they don't get enough female attention at home.
    If you wish to have civil discourse with me, then I will do the same in return.
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