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Posts posted by Marhaba

  1. Did they keep his passport and asked him to pay for the courier service? That would be a telling sign of approval.

    Did they give him a 212g yellow form? That would be a telling sign of the dreaded open-ended AP (they usually don't keep the passport in this case).

    I am not sure yet. He said he will call me later.

    I will keep you posted. Thank you for letting me know those things. I will ask him. :)

    Breathe, everything is going to be alright! soon he will call you..... :goofy:

    Thank you !!! ??

    11 hours and 30 mins left for my interview! I feel so nervous :<

    GOOD LUCK!!! ?

  2. We had our visa today and were approved. We are so excited. We had to wait 3 1/2 hours for the interview, but it was really easy. Just asked my spouse if she spoke English. Then he asked me what I did for a living and where I lived. That was it. We are so happy!! Thanks for everybody's help.


    hi guyz

    yesterday i had my interview at 7:00 am .. By the grace of almighty ALLAH it is approved :dancing::dancing::dancing: .. It was super easy only asked four question and consular said you will received your visa within 7-10 days , i hope i will get it by the end of next week .. Thanks to all members for helping me out throughout this process . :)


    Okay, husband says he is not sure until he gets the visa in-hand. I checked and it is AP now. Will know for sure in two weeks!!! :).

  3. Awwww you are so welcome. It's not whining at all. I often wish many of us could have a private sit down with President and he see real people real faces of people who are doing things the legal right way and he understand.

    But I am happy for you and waiting for the celebration for you and Dirk Diggler tomorrow. Keep this party going people.

    I hope so, too!!!

    My husband says he cannot sleep. :(. He slept only two hours and will leave at 5, (3 hrs 20 mins). I think he is used to being on the East Coast timezone. Appt is at 8:15. I hope the checkpoint is not loaded w ppl.

    Tick tock, tick tock.

  4. Oh my goodness!! Reading your story makes me realize how much I take for granted sometimes. Let's hope this cease fire sticks and he has a safe journey and successful interview! I can't wait tosee your visa approved post!!!

    You are SO sweet!!! Thank you !! :)

    I must apologize for getting too involved in our story here. I know it is not the right forum. So, I need to switch gears and just patiently wait.


  5. This does not answer your question, but I just heard there's been an agreement for a 72 hour cease fire, naturally I thought of you and your husband. His interview is within that time, yes?

    THANK YOU!! Yes, I was thinking the same thing. When I heard about it, I did the math and was hoping this ceasefire will stick. We shall see what happens. Thus far, from what I know, none of the ceasefires have been kept. My husband is in the West Bank, which is a different government and different situation from Gaza. However, I worry bc there have been demonstrations that have caused killings in the WB and some bad things are also happening in East Jerusalem. He has assured me he is steering clear of all the protests.

    The situation in the WB scares me. The random checkpoints with the IDF holding large automatic weapons. I have been there a couple of times and even during "average" times, it is scary for me. Each time, I was detained for hours, being questioned and told to sit for hours. Until, finally, allowed to pass into the WB and can visit my husband's family. Bc of these conditions, we decided it best not to marry in the WB bc it was most likely I would not be allowed to pass the boarder unless we were married. It was a tough decision bc then no close family members could afford the trip to Jordan for our wedding.

    I hope all goes okay and again, Thank you for your kind thoughts. ❤️

  6. Thank you marhaba and your next as well ;) share the good news after!!

    Thank you !! :)

    I hope we all have good news to report.

    One of my friends had a terrible interview (April, 2013), the CO did not want to listen to what her husband had to say and just kept saying the marriage was a fraud. His wife went through so much, (money, time and anguish), to get it rectified. Her husabnd was recently admitted to the US. But they lost so much time together and I dont think she ever received any refunds or even a, "we are sorry for our mistake".

    So, I am soooo nervous about the outcome. It all depends on the CO. Just have to wait and see.

  7. VISA APPROOOOOVEEEDDD!!! :dancing::dance::D:wub:

    I will be posting his interview review to our timeline shortly. His interview was at 8am this morning and he was in and out in less than an hour!! MY HUBBY IS COMING HOME ON THE 30TH WITH MEEE!!!! YAYYY!!!!!! :D:luv:

    Thank you to everyone in this community who has supported us and been there with us through the frustrations, tears, small triumphs, and finally here at the last steps before we are together permanently (esp my Sept peeps and Brit/American duos - lookin at you guys!). Y'all are the best and for those still waiting on your next step, we wish you the best of luck and we're cheering for you on each of your individual journeys. (F)(L)


    That is soooooo great!!!!


  8. Trust the doctor and just take to interview as is. I mean they can always call doctor and verify things.

    Thank you. Your answer makes me feel a bit better, like a second opinion. :)

    It is just so weird, why does it always say SEALED and they provide it opened. Unless, ..................... They mailed originals to the embassy and this is my hisbamd's copy, but I doubt it. We shall find out Thursday.

    Thank you! ;)

  9. Ooops! Sorry, my internet is so bad, here at work, I double posted that.

    Totally serious question:

    Has anyone received their medical unsealed??? My husband got his and it was not selaed. He called the physician and the physician stated that they used to provide them sealed but no longer do.

    On the consulate site, it has nothing current that says it should be sealed. Their most current doc is from May, 2014, but it does not say it has to be sealed. They have a write-up from like 2011, that says it should be sealed. I found on the traveldocs state site that it should be sealed, but it is not embassy specific.

    My husband said that the physician has been doing this for 25 years, so he knows what he is doing and they know him at the embassy, end of discussion!

    Any advise????

  10. He's going to be just fine. You both will definitely be in my thoughts, he'll be safe and sound and in your arms soon :-)

    I like your logic about the COs!!!

    Thank you !!!!! ❤️

    :D (my smile when I read the part about being in my arms soon.). Lol

    The CO thing though, for some strange reason I am recalling ppl posting that their interviews were cake at the beginning part of the month but during the middle and end of the month, all grumpy, Doubting Thomas-type COs. Maybe it was just those times of the month when I actually read the posts. I dont think that info is correct at all.

    Anyway, positivity is the path. :).

  11. My husband and I were talking about his interview tonight. I've been completely neurotic and he's been so relaxed since we filed the I-130 and now that the interview is days away I'M cool as a cucumber and he's a bundle of nerves now! We've prepped for this moment and we're ready! We all got this!! :-)

    Lol. YAY!!!! I am sure everyone will do just splendidly. :). (I like that word.)

    I was wondering, did anyone notice this or is it my imagination, when ppl report back their interview experiences, the CO's seem to be nicer in the beginning of the month? Maybe I am just making up stuff in my thoughts, to remain clam.

    I just got off the line w my husband. We were going over possible questions. We did not get to finish bc it is quite late there now. (He has an evening/overnight job, so we can be awake around the save times. It helps so much.) :D

    GOOD LUCK YOU TWO!!!!!! :D. Please let us know how it goes.

    I am scared!! I will be all crazy Thursday. I thought to see the positive side, he should be out of Jerusalem by the time I am ready to leave for work. :). Then, I can either have a happy day or be an emotional wreck!! (Gotta think, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY thoughts. Okay, need to play that 'HAPPY' song now.)

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