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    user19000 reacted to howtosurvive in Vawa part3   
    Arggg. He's prolly the same guy cowardlyhoward. These men now a days don't know to chill and let nature rake its course. And got ultimately made the io approve the case. If u want to get all technical everything is don't the way god wants it.
  2. Like
    user19000 reacted to Faithkeeper in Vawa part3   
    You are indeed a verysadguy thank God for the highly trained US citizen government employee of the VAWA unit who looked beyond an saw the need to grant your ex her I360.....this is a forum for victims of abuse please redirect your anger elsewhere I wish your ex all the best in her brand new life!!!
  3. Like
    user19000 reacted to anajnic in Vawa part3   
    I never understand when folks say its rude to type in Caps , because to me its used to exaggerate a particular point. Nevertheless, this is the second time I am told of this and therefore I must take heed.
    Thank you
  4. Like
    user19000 reacted to anajnic in Vawa part3   
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    user19000 reacted to Faithkeeper in Vawa part3   
    I would still like to think that a child is a union between two people in a marriage I would never have a child for a man just to 'anchor' myself here. The human element is worth more than that its a responsibility an commitment you have for the rest of your life. My spouse an I share a daughter I didnt have a long list of proofs of bonafide marriage because at the time I believed we had a future an eventually everything else will follow so as howtosurvive said only God knows what happened behind close doors but she got her approval for a reason God saw it fit to grant it to her.
  6. Like
    user19000 reacted to howtosurvive in Vawa part3   
    A child is enough to prove bona fide marriage. A child born in wedlock says a lot. Its not like she was married to him and had the child with someone else. It shows they plan to established a family. Marriage is the beginning of the establishment. "Who just have sex with there spouse" ur spouse is ur spouse u make love and in that processa baby if a person has no intent to have kids with there spouse there is birth control. Its not like they were a fling or just dating they were married and that speak volume.
    We don't know what happens behind close door so if she deserve it god will grant it. Give onto Cesare what's due onto him.
  7. Like
    user19000 reacted to anajnic in Vawa part3   
    Clealy it was enough to prove in this in this situation " GOOD FAITH MARRIAGE" But i get what ur saying
  8. Like
    user19000 reacted to anajnic in Vawa part3   
    So are you trying to say a baby doesnt prove bona-fide marriage??? Are you serios?? Let it gooo dude..
  9. Like
    user19000 reacted to Sandra G. in Vawa part3   
    needhope you have to file FORM I-751, choose the option ":waiver request filing" if you will fill out based in abuse then put x in the option "1e". If you can' t pay Uscis fees then file form I-912 ok.Do not forget to write down a nice affidavit minimum 5 pages maximum 9 pages, telling when and how you met him,describe courtship, describe life after getting marriage and about the abuse suffered as well. Do not forget to send copy of your green card (both sides) and your children's green card copies as well.Submit documents showing commingling finances(joint tax return,statement of joint bank account, copy of credit cart statement etc) and proof of commune residence such as driver license showing same address, lease agreement, utilities bills in name of both and copy of restraining order and police report,if you suffered mental abuse submit a psychological evaluation as well, police clearance and affidavit from friends stating your marriage was genuine; if someone knows about the abuse get an affidavit saying about it as well. if you decide to file just based in bonafide marriage then you have to submit copy if the divorce decree.I am using my phone and probably I misspelled some words...my bad,lol
  10. Like
    user19000 reacted to CaroSL in Is there any couple went through this?   
    Are you suggesting that he should stay with her until he gets a green card and then dump her? It highly seems like visa fraud.
    If the OP got maried for love and not for the GC, like he says (and I have no reason to doubt that), he has no reason to stay with her until he gets a GC if he has no desire to stay with her any more.
    I believe it is against the policies of this forum to suggest and encourage visa fraud...
  11. Like
    user19000 reacted to Dieseltu in i pay taxes i get s***t   
    No its not discrimination. Its up to the person buying the license to prove in state residence. With a state ID. Out of state hunting and fishing is big business. And all people are treated the same. There's one state ID and everything else don't apply. Do it right the first time or do it right the second time.
    End of story.
  12. Like
    user19000 reacted to Christi85 in Getting a divorce while on conditional Green card, what are my rights?   
    Yes, I am aware of your previous divorce, you've mentioned it on other threads before. I never claimed I had first hand divorce experience (thank God!), though we are very close to said family member and happen to know a lot of the details of her divorce, but then neither do most VJ members who participate in the family immigration forums. But I digress.
    I agree with your last sentence. Either focus on immigration or focus on saving up enough as soon as possible with a view to returning home.
  13. Like
    user19000 reacted to Christi85 in Getting a divorce while on conditional Green card, what are my rights?   
    With respect, you keep calling me on silly stuff, IMHO. Do you think that the OP doesn't know that she and her husband are not celebs and that she can't possibly expect anything remotely similar to a celeb-type divorce payout? The reason I mentioned celebs was specifically for the duration of marriage part- some of them stay married much shorter than the OP and some still get a decent payout. Now what the OP can expect from her ex is going to be commensurate with his and her income and of course NY divorce laws. Which I can't comment on, since I know next to nothing about. As far as Cali is concerned (and both my comments were specific to Cali, before the OP clarified her divorce was filed in NY), I do actually have a case in my husband's family, a non-celeb case might I add, where the wife ended up with a decent payout for a short lived marriage. The amount was of course commensurate with both sides' income and assets at the time.
    But since everything we've been debating on was specific to battling a divorce in California and the OP has since said her divorce will be adjudicated under NY laws, there's no point in discussing this further.
  14. Like
    user19000 reacted to Christi85 in Getting a divorce while on conditional Green card, what are my rights?   
    Gowon - you're right, I should have clarified better. Yes, it goes without saying that this is true for the assets acquired post marriage. While 9 months is a really short time, that's true, there are assets that could have been acquired in that short time, such as a car for example or sometimes even a home.
    As for the duration of the marriage, it seems like it is one of the factors for calculating any spousal support owed from one spouse to the other based on the link you posted, however it's only one of many, as the post indicates. And you see all those celebs getting divorces every day in Cali with marriages much shorter than that of the OP and still fight lengthy court battles etc. so you never know how it could end up.
    Finally, remember that we are all a community in here, with our main purpose being to help each other without claiming to be experts. If one member says something that isn't 100% clear, then another member can jump in and clarify and that's the great asset of having this forum. Keeping it polite to each other while doing so (as in, not quoting a whole post and branding it "totally wrong" just for one line that you wish to add a clarification to), always pays . Case closed. Not looking to get into a fight, just saying.
  15. Like
    user19000 reacted to newacct in Divorce before 10yr green card, please help!   
    This is very strange. They usually give no more than 6 months of authorized stay for people entering on tourist visa, not 2 years. Plus, tourist visa is not for "living here", so I am surprised that they even let you in.
  16. Like
    user19000 reacted to Yurika & Jim in I-751 Waiver Filers Timeline   
    Well... Personally, I'm not a waiver filer and I'm not familiar with divorce process.
    I just tried to help updating the list and I'm not sure if this thread is still active or not so... Sorry, I can't help you...
  17. Like
    user19000 reacted to buster2209 in I-751 Waiver Filers Timeline   
    From my timeline;
    My interview was scheduled for 0915. I arrived at 0900. I was seen at 0930 by Officer Johnson. He explained to me that he is filling in for someone who called in sick and he hasn't had chance to review my case. I could see my paperwork was 3 inches thick and the inch thick RoC evidence I had provided was in a separate folder as my file was too large to contain it. He made me swear to be truthful to the questions he was going ask. He asked me when my ex-wifes birthday is, then specifics about dates and times to do with when and where we met, when and where we were married, when we separated, when I moved out, when we divorced, etc, etc. He mentioned that he needed to see my previous years tax returns (which I didn't have because I filed them separately from my wife because we had been separated 6 months by this point). He said if he needed to see them to make a decision on my case, he would send an RFE out. He then explained to me that in 4-6 weeks I would receive a judgement in the mail. If I was approved, I would receive my permanent green card approx 2 weeks later or if it was denied, there would be a reason stating why and details of how I could appeal that decision. The interview lasted about 30 mins.
  18. Like
    user19000 reacted to rabbit75 in I-751 Waiver Filers Timeline   
    I had an interview today and OH BOY! the officer who interviewed me was mean. I tried to be nice and polite but at the end I had it enough. I felt like I was accused by him. Is that normal? At first he asked questions about my ex-husband. Weird that I couldn't remember his birthday and our previous address. He also asked regarding the money, such as "did you offer him the money in order to get the green card?" "Did he ask for money?" " why did he transfer the money to his account before he left you?" Where did you get all the money? "So that means you paid him so you can obtain your green card?" blah blah..blah...The most unbearable question he asked me was why we ended up being divorced. And of course I started to cry and told him that he wants to find his identity and he asked why can't he do it with me. I said I asked the same question and I would love to hear an answer from him. He also said I looked nervous when we talk about the money issue and this was my last chance to be honest. If I don't tell him the truth i could lose my green card and might end up in jail or deported. Doesn't that sound like a threat? I told him I had a great job back in my country and made good money but the reason I am here is to be with my husband but unfortunately he is not here today. There's not much you can do about it when your partner doesn't appreciate you anymore. Also added that if my goal was to get that card why did I even attempt to commit suicide after he left? Did you check that part? SILENT MOMENT..He said he was sorry to hear that and asked me if i was okay now and he said I would get my green card within two weeks. It was a very overwhelming moment for sure and hopefully I don't have to deal with all these ####### again in future.
    If you have an interview, be sure to check everything and be ready for it. Because I thought all the documents I sent was pretty relevant and I was confident enough to answer all the questions but obviously I didn't realize that they can play a mind trick.
    Hope my interview review helped. I am certain that there are much nicer and gentle officers there but I wasn't lucky today.
  19. Like
    user19000 reacted to iamwhatiam80 in I-751 Waiver Filers Timeline   
    Hi everybody,
    I got approved today. God is great. I cannot describe how happy I am today. I am on cloud 9. As you all know it was good faith waiver and i was called for interview. I went with my lawyer. I was calm and composed. After all the building security, we waited in the Hall. After 30 minutes my name was called. The agent was a very good guy. He told us to follow him. He took us to his room. He made me take the oath and then asked me 3 questions:
    1. My ex father in laws name.
    2. My ex mother in laws name.
    3. My ex wife's date of birth.
    Thats it and then the golden words. You have been approved. You will get your green card in mail. I was shell shocked. the interview lasted for just 15 to 20 seconds. I cant help dancing as i write this. All the best to everyone remaining in the queue. If your case is genuine, you will get approved.
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    user19000 reacted to Goldfee111 in I-751 Waiver Filers Timeline   
    hey guys
    thanks for crossing thumbs
    i dont knnow what to say....i have a wierd feeling about it...
    first i waited over an hour until i got called in..then the officer finally called me and swore me in and went over my adress and dates and so on..then he asked me that iam not together with my husband anymore and why..so i told him the hole story and started twice crying because it still hurts a lot..so after that he asked me how long we knew each other before we got married and i told him 3 month ..i said i know it was short but i was so in love and i really thought i found my soulmate...and he said well ur marriage was really not that long and i said yes but what am i suppose to do with a guy who beat me...and he said then yes the removal would be simpler if u file together and i said u know i know that a lot people stay married on the paper to get the greencard but iam not a lyer iam a honest person and the truth set u free..so i go the right and legal way here..
    i said i know iam here to prove that my marriage was in good faith but how should i prove love...i can just tell u that i loved my husband from my hole heart and iam still sad that it not worked out...so he said u will hear from us in 30 days and i asked him if he can tell me how it looks for me and he said well he needs to look over this case and he will give then the reccomandation..and i asked how will this reccomandation look like and he said he can not say that yet because he needs to look over the file,that was it..now i can wait and pray...
    hope everything will work out..what are ur thoughts to that guys?
  21. Like
    user19000 reacted to vivian678 in Went to i751 waiver interview today   
    He asked about how we met , how long we know each other before we got married ,have I ever met his family before , have he ever met my family before , ( answer is yes , I have a lot relatives here they are all US citizens ) also he went to china with me to meet my family .
    He also asked , when we married , what do I do ? I answered I was a student .
    Then officer asked , who support me go to school , I answered my family , before and after marriage it's all my family .he asked what did my family do for living .
    And then asked about whether my family support my marriage after I got married , I answered , NO, after I got married , my ex is the only one support the family , since I was still a student . My ex had a good job makes good money , which all shows in his pay checks .
    One thing officer concerned about is have we ever purchase anything together , I answered yes , all the furniture a everything after we moved together we bought together , but we didn't pay much attention to keep the receipt .
    Why my case took so long , I think only reason is the background check , and that's also the reason I got divorced . My ex was arrest for drug issue, after I got divorced I moved from east coast to west coast , so I change the address , the whole case have to transfer from east coast to west coast .
    The total interview took about an hour , but it wasn't a stressed out conversation , the other saying it was a pretty casual conversation feel like talking to a new friend about my past story .
    At the end , the officer didnt take my expired GC away , he told me I can get an info pass to get a stamp to travel , he need to review my case , he need a little more time , the longest I should be waiting about 60 days .
    Btw, I get all cleared answer , whatever he asked me , only thing l forgot is how many documents total I sent in . Cuz been too long
    Do your guys think I will get approved or denied ? I'm so worried its been so long , btw we were married when I still kinda young I was 23 he was 27 .
  22. Like
    user19000 reacted to Brother Hesekiel in Gathering I-751 Evidence   
    People, people, people . . .
    I know we all come from different areas of the world. Some of us may have grown up in a democracy, others may have been tortured by the Stasi, the Russian Maffia, or some Islamic terrorist group. Forget all that, okay?
    Try to instill some common sense. Seriously.
    There's an Immigration Officer, sitting in his/her cubicle. He/she has to read an x amount of I-751s a day. The officer will open the file and sees that you filed jointly. That's 75% approval right then and there. The next step is to read the cover letter and find out who you guys are. A look at some photos, a check for jointly filed tax returns, joint property documentation, perhaps some phone bills, and it's done. 100%. Next case.
    If you are truly married, if your marriage is real, you don't have to worry about anything. You have been approved 2 years ago. They just need to know if you guys are still a couple, living happily together. If they really have doubts and would like to get more paperwork, they'll let you know.
    If your marriage is a sham, however, you NEED to make sure that you cover every corner of this process. Fill up your file and don't forget afidavits from your pastor, telling the IO that you even treat your cat and your dog like a favorite child.
    To illustrate this in two cases:
    1) Teacher tells you to write a 5-to-10 page essay. You write 10 pages to get an A. You may have gotten an A with only 6 pages, who knows, but you wanted to be absoutely shure. Fine. But if you submit 50 pages, you won't get an A.
    2) Speed limit is 65 miles per hour. If you drive 56 nobody will pull you over. If you drive 69 you may experience the same. But if you drive 120, you'll asking for trouble.
    Hope that helps. Give' em something to ease their quick decision in your favor, but don't bullshit them by drowning them in paperwork. If I were an IO officer and somebody sends me an 2-inch thick file, I'll call 'em in for an interview. What's wrong with this person, I would wonder . . .
  23. Like
    user19000 reacted to Caryh in No more justice in America   
    If you're destitute, which it sounds like you are, you probably had only an appointed lawyer. Which is about as much good as having nothing. I would start attempting to search out immigrant or social groups that may help to provide a good legal lawyer to appeal the conviction, and an immigration attorney to stop deportation until the appeals can be heard. The real time to fight it was when she was originally in court though. Brandishing a weapon is a serious charge. I suppose you understand that now.
    I know there's another immigration forum that deals predominantly in legal issues with immigration. It even has many lawyers on it that will offer up advice. Sorry but I don't know the url, but you should be able to find it in Major Family Changes area.
    Also what state do you live in? That might allow people to help point you in a direction you may find help.
  24. Like
    user19000 reacted to Caryh in No more justice in America   
    Conviction on a domestic charge can get an immigrant deported. Its the law, and a good one for the most part.
    You give nothing in the way of details on her immigration status at the time, the charges and obvious conviction, or what you did to fight those charges. All I see is complaints about the police report and evidence and how you're upset your wife may now be deported. Actually you haven't even given the grounds she's being deported under.
    She arrived in June, 2011, did she ever adjust status?
    What was she convicted of?
    Who called the police?
    Did you have physical injuries or scratches?
    Did you hire a good lawyer to fight the charges?
    Has she been called into an immigration hearing?
    Grabbing a knife and threatening physical harm is a serious crime. Removing criminals from our country protects not just you, but other citizens. I can see the point of view of the prosecutor given the little information you've given about how the police reported the incident. I can understand you love your wife, if you felt the police report was incorrect, you needed to fight this as strongly as you could before she got convicted. Now that she is convicted, which I'm assuming since you say you're awaiting her removal, you need to appeal the conviction as vigorously as you can. This isn't about people's freedom, you're not free to bring dangerous individuals into the country just because you love them, this is about the law and how no one is above it. Had such a conviction existed on her record before she got the K-1, she never would have been allowed to enter in the first place. So if you want to keep her here, you need to act to prove the conviction was wrong and get it removed from her record. If she's already been given the deportation order, then you're probably too late.
  25. Like
    user19000 reacted to mosstoss in No more justice in America   
    This doesn't make sense. Was she actually convicted of a crime? Did she plead guilty? Was there a trial? Did she pull the knife on you, or on the cops? If she pulled it on you, you'd have to file charges against her before she even is convicted of any crime.
    If she was just arrested, that won't qualify for deportation.
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