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About dhaiti20

  • Birthday August 20

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Local Office
    Miami FL
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I have actually known my fiance for 5 years; He was an old friend of one of my co-worker (a male). I knew alot about him, because he always called the workline; therefore, in the beginning we were introduced thru the phone line. He called my co-worker all the time, so usually when he called we were always joking on the workline,sometimes even joking about me and my co-worker getting fired together because we were always on the phone. Sometime when he called and my co-worker was not at his desk I would pick up and act like the supervisor to make him scared. At the time we were only friends and had no intentions of even having a relationship, and actually I was going through a divorce. One thing I could say is that he was very helpful during that time with words of encouragements. He himself was in a on again off again relationship which ended. It wasn't until years later after talking and talking I started noticing the conversations was getting more intense. He was always so respectable. The feelings just started pouring in from left field somewhere. I remember the first time he called me Cherie. It was like someone had hit me with a ball in my stomach. I first ignored it, because I said maybe I heard it wrong. My feelings was there but I never said anything. Slowly we started to express ourselves, and it grew from there. I love this man and believe it or not I am alot older than he. Ask me 10 years ago if I would ever be involve with a younger man I wouldn't have even hesitate to answer NO. Its amazing how God put people in our life. I don't know what the future holds, but I am a true believer in faith,and I know this man loves me deeply and I love him as well. I ache when I am not with him, and I light up like a christmas tree when am with him. After my divorce from my ex I was so negative about love. This man has shown me how to allow someone to love me, truly love me and before I lay my head down to sleep I make sure that I thank God always for that.

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  1. This is the big week that my baby will be picking up the visas from Haiti Messenger. Thank you all for your help. Am so happy this part of the journey is over. Now comes the next journey!

    1. mtcmk1


      Yes Congrats! One journey at a time... Good luck with everything! :)

    2. dhaiti20


      Thanks mtcmk1.. feels great!!!

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