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Status Replies posted by THETIMEISNOW

  1. Keeping mute on this forum can be better sometimes.



      Absolutely!!! This is supposed to a forum that is geared towards helping one another, but I have found that many times this forum can be a bullying site....and be careful of the "beloved followers" of main posters on this forum for they will gang up on you!

  2. Thank you, LoveMyTico, for standing up for what's right! I pray that others will stand up for what is right!



      Thank you so much! Long distance/international relationships are a road less travelled, but they are so worth the wait!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Glory to God!! We are approved!!!



      Praise the Lord!!!! I am happy for the both of you!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. OMG!!!! the day has finally come! I am heading to the airport to pick up my honey! POE Orlando, Florida Thank you Jesus!!!!

  5. Yay, my green card arrived! All done with USCIS for 10 years now!!

  6. I'm not able to edit my timeline, but I passed my interview!!! My husband and I are so excited about being done with this part of the process!!!! God is great! :) :)




    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Mailed I-130 today! Finally!!! Lord, please lead and guide me through this journey. Help me not to walk in fear, but to continue to walk in faith trusting that You will bring my hubby to America to be with his family. In Jesus' name, Amen.



      @ Chikings: Be strong and do NOT let this process defeat you! God's strength is made perfect in our weakness! It is not easy for us to be away from our loved ones, but we will get through it!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hello Mrs., How are you & your family? I pray all is well. I tried to send you a message & it would'nt go through. Just wanted to check in with you.(long time no talk to) Have you been able to get your process started? I'm praying everything works out for you & your Hubby quickly. Keep me posted.



      I sent you a PM...I should be sending my package sometime next week.

  9. On June 21, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. ....It's about time! Hallelujah! :)



      TREEEEEEEVVVVVAAAAAA!!! God is GOOD!!! I have been praying for you for so long and I check your status everyday! Thank you Jesus!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. have not heard back yet from my husband. I hope he took his charger for the phone. that is a long ways to the embassy. i emailed casa too because I am on the edge waiting for an answer. I dont wont to go to work today because my nerves are standing like pine needles.



      Yes, I know what you are saying...the waiting game is not fun at all!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Our surprise turned out to be a precious little daughter, born Friday and very beautiful. It's been God. Dealing with emotions(joy, peace) and sleeplessness but loving it.

  12. Lord, help me to not become weary in well doing...Amen.

  13. He aced the interview yes so happy its over!!!

  14. Hey Lady, stopping by to show u some love. Praying all is well for u & yours! Take care!



      How did I miss this message? My daughter and I are well. I am sure that you are sooooooo excited right now!!!

  15. Hey my VJ BFF, we finally have our interview date PRAISE GOD on 6/25/2013. I told my Hubby the ball is now in his court. I'm continue to lift you & your family up in my prayers; please keep us in yours! God Bless!!!



      YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!! So excited for you!

  16. Woohoo, just graduated from college tonight! And with two degrees, too :)

  17. Lord we thank You for breakthrough finally.Hubby finally left Ekiti state after all that money spent on transcript. On his way back to lagos for last minute rush and tidying up. He is gonna be dog-tired by the time he gets in here LOL. Lord continue to cover him with your protection and journey mercies.

  18. Don't let your emotions or other people determine your faith, you must determine your faith by your walk and obedience to God. Trust him and be unwavering. This process is only for a season but how you endure this season is determined by you. Believe that & Be Blessed



      Now, that is a WORD! Amen!!!

  19. Just checking on you...How are you?



      Hey there! I am doing well...I've had my ups and downs...haven't started the process yet because I am waiting on my marriage license. This is the fourth time that it needed to be corrected! I think that I will be able to breathe once I mail the package. I am really praying for the end of May.

  20. VISA in hubby's hand, GC fee paid :).

  21. I don't know what I was thinking. I sent photocopies of my Hubby's doc to the NVC & not the originals. Uggghhh, anywho. My mistake, cost me overnight Fed Ex delivery fee. Praising God any how. My Hubby is growing impatient, but I explained some people hv a longer process. Staying postive.



      Hello there! I pray that all is well with you...don't worry; everything will work out! My hubby and I are still trying to correct our marriage license for the FOURTH time! Sheesh!

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