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shin shin

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Posts posted by shin shin

  1. I dunno if some member here still remember me..

    But to tell my story short:

    My husband who is in the Military kicked me out he's emotionally,verbally and sexuallt abudive...and said he reported me to CIS with fraud after he learned that i made report to Military Police,JAG and to his CO.

    His CO gave him order to give me xxx amount till the divorce is final.

    Also seeing Psychologist,Psychiatrist and attending DV class @ women shelter..

    Inspite of pending divorce and threat that he reported me to CIS i took the risk to visit my family back home for 7weeks as the Therapist advice it'll help my depression and anxiety...

    So just got back with no problem @ POE..

    But find out we have Prodedural Assistance Conference on the 12..have no idea what is that??

    But still I am overwhelmed how God is sooo good to me..

  2. A counselor can be a psychiatrist or psychologist or a minister or a social worker or someone with similar credentials and training. It is generally someone who has received training in how to listen and identify/ understand problems the other person is experiencing. There are different types of counselors with different abilities to help. One counselor can also refer you to another counselor who has more skills or specific training that may be more appropriate to your needs. The woman conducting the class at the Woman's center may or may not be a counselor. She may be a teacher instead or just someone who is very well informed and compassionate.

    oh now I know..you're very knowledgeable thanks again :)

    And the difference is .......

    Their spelling :devil:


    I knew it lol... :lol:

  3. It is so normal to feel a sense of loss when a relationship ends - even a bad relationship. Not only does it mean that you are not longer together, but you also have to let go of all of your dreams, all of your hopes, all of your plans together, all of the 'what if's. You have invested so much time and energy and emotion into those future plans and now you know that they are gone and can never be. You are in mourning not only for your lost relationship, but also for your lost dreams.

    When my husband divorced his ex-wife, even though the relationship was toxic and it was the right thing to do, he still felt that sense of loss as well. He went to a 'grief' counsellor who helped him come to terms with what all he had lost- not just his ex-wife - but all of the hopes and the plans, the good times now marred by the bad times, and even his own confidence. He kept going over the 'if I had only' or 'if she hadn't;. . . but you can't do that. It will only make you more unhappy.

    It is very hard to let go, even when you know that letting go is the right thing to do and in your own best interest. Allow yourself time to mourn and give yourself permission to grieve the end of 'what could have been'. Talk about what you are feeling and hoping and thinking about with someone until you are able to see a counsellor. If you can be with family or friends at this time who can support you - and just listen to you instead of bad-mouthing your ex so you won't have to feel a need to defend him for when things were good, it will help. If you want to call him, don't. Call anyone else, even if it is a grief hotline. Processing your emotions and your sense of loss will take time, but it will happen.

    Good luck to you and remember, you really are strong enough to do this. You deserve so much more love and happiness in your life. Hold out for that.

    oh it bring tears to my eyes and brought more confidence and motivation...That is true a lots of "What if"

    Loosing him is also loosing all our dreams and plans together its like you built a Building and you're expecting it to be finished one day and its all gone all of a sudden...

    I am giving myself time to grief but I know in God's grace I will able to stand up again and continue to live normally..

    Thank you dear..Bless your heart :)

  4. and he responded after an hour....just wishing me to have a good holiday..

    I know its not a good idea to contact him but my heart really dont wanna listen...

    But I guess I really have to move on and forget about him...

    life oh life :(

  5. Psychology is a scientific study of a human mind. While psychiatrist is a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.

    You are getting better now than before. That can be judged from the way you talk. You should always remember that you have your family who love you and support you unconditionally. To step back one thousand steps, you have everything to lose but not the love from your family.

    so the marriage family therapist is considered Psychologist???

    Yeah getting better now...my family is my motivation especially my 6yr old lil brother...

    thanks so much for you response...Bless you heart dear :)

  6. Is the MP give your file report already?? what happen to your case now?

    no not yet JAG advised me ask for the names of the watch commander who took my report...

    till now I haven't called yet since its holiday...I will start calling again after New year...

    If I haven't get anything from them I will contact JAG again as he want to give him update...

  7. Have you thought about going to visit, being back with friends and family can be good for you.

    I thought about that but my husband said he reported me to CIS and said i can get deported..we are 100% legit so I dont know how he can prove that allegation that I am a fraud..

    But still thinking to visit my family back home...if they dont let me in at POE then I guess America is not for me..

    ar least I took the risk to be happy and be with family...

  8. where's yer taser?

    I didn't get one yet...Can u slap me back to back?? :crying:

    He sounds like a monster.

    But I used to love that monster soo much :crying:

    Thank u guys for all the response..it just tonight I am soo depressed again I'm due to see my therapist on Wed and then Psychiatrist on January to have anti depressant..i really need one I am going crazy :crying:

  9. If you are not careful he is going to come after you with stalking charges, block him and all his family on every electronic device you have and then block him from your mind. You are setting yourself up for trouble. Stop it all now! Get a cat, a dog, a bird, a fish, something, anything just stop waisting energy on a man that abused you and probably never loved you.

    When you get yourself together you will find someone who is deserving of your love.

    I slapped myself after...then tried to call my paralegal right away and let her know what i did for sure she will yell at me :crying:

    I promise this is the first and last :(

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