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MyVisa Journey

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Posts posted by MyVisa Journey

  1. to ppl that have case complete ur case does not not go to yemen usually until u get an interview the the case gets transfered to sanaa. theres no estimates about how long it takes to get an interview cuz he each case is treated differently . it looks like everything is moving along good now from what i hear these days.

    antisar-- im happy they called u guts im always askin myself bout if u got a call or not anyway alhamdullah all well inshallah

    everyone else waiting inshallah everything speeds up for u

  2. h93 - we have been here since feb 13 and they sent us the greencard like two weeks ago . i now that ny its faster then other states.

    sorrry everyone i have not been around lately to give advise or help i just had a baby nd things r crazy right now with two kids. but dont forget allah because just like h93 said things happen when least expect them

  3. i got the green card in the mail yesterday. it took a month and a half since i paid it nd got it . god is good ppl so lose faith . also this is to dream come true dont say that the embassy is going to give out appointments cuz ppl will get exited then they will end up gettin upset when they dont eveyones case is dofferent and everyone will get an appointment but when its there time to and i dont think everyone will get an appointment at the same time so just wait and try contactin them if u want but stop saying everyone will get an appointment. im sorry i just relly had to say that cuz it gets me mad evrytime u say the embassy will be giving appointmwnts on this month or the following. dont be mad please but its true.

  4. its weird how they keep transferi g ur case from office to office.

    so u sent it to vermont nd they transferred it to nebraska right then to ur local office right ??

    what state do u live in? also r u a citizen or greencard holder? one of my friends who is a greencard holder got her case transferred to her local office cuz they said all the main offices r full at this moment nd wont be able to except more files so they send them back to the local offices which is sometimes better cuz they move quicker. mine was never transferred and stayed at the vermont office which was approved and sent to nvc after 16 months. inshallah the local office doesnt get full neither so ur case would go by quicker.

  5. yea makes sense now i didnt now all that cuz i just sent out the 130 only. anyway i sent the uscis elis team an email they said i should get the green card within 30 days or else contact them again. anywho for ppl that r waiting for interviews wait atleast 3-6 months then contact ir congressmen or women for help. they dont give interview dates within 2 months like a really long time ago they have so many ppl on line now and i now it sucks but wat can we do

  6. Hey everyone my husband and I are finally here we are very glad it's over with and inshallah I hope everyone here starts getting good news and faster answers. Thanks for anyone who gave me advice and I'm still here for anyone who has q"s for me. I paid the the fee before we departed by two days nd its days it's been submitted however I'm still waiting for the green card in the mail inshallah doesn't take more then a month ..

    Is there anything we have to do after the immigrant comes in? Like is there any paper work still left to do when they come to the US, I don't want to sit here and we have paper work to be done. I hope what I wrote was understandable lol

    U guys got the visa right ok book ur ticket and pay the 165 fee for uscis that's it

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