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    slim got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Georgia city backs off on mandatory gun ownership   
    If they give people free food for doing nothing, they should give them free guns as well. Bearing arms is a right. Food.... not so much.
  2. Like
    slim got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Concealed weapons permit holder stops parking lot stabbing   
    There's no reason to carry a gun. Things like this don't happen in the US.
  3. Like
    slim got a reaction from The Nature Boy in I'm carrying a gun - Am I looking for trouble?   
    I saw an article just yesterday about guns still being a problem in Australia. Now that they've been outlawed, they're being smuggled in and even manufactured.

    Seems people still want them. Good thing law abiding citizens have to protect themselves with single shots and shotguns.
  4. Like
    slim got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Iowa husband shoots, kills escaped inmate who held him, wife hostage   
    What I like about all these studies is first of all, they're tax-payer funded. Secondly, they're done by medical and/or academic sources and the overall goal is always to illustrate how dangerous firearms ownership is. If you can't see the ultimate goal of these studies is to prevent citizens from private ownership of arms, you're missing the point.

    "You're five times more likely to be shot by a gun in your home than to use it in defense." No sh!t. If you drive a car, you're five times more likely to get into an auto accident than if you walk to work every day. Did we need a million dollar study to come to that conclusion?

    Where are all the statistics of firearms being used in defense and/or stopping crimes? Where are those studies? Why doesn't the government or academia publish those findings?
    Those folks are typically carrying guns illegally that they've acquired by illegal means. It's already illegal to shoot someone yet the type of person that will kill another is somehow supposed to be stopped by more laws?
    I keep hearing this call for universal background checks and registrations and blah, blah, blah. Folks, this group of parasitic degenerates has no issue with breaking the laws already on the books. Do you really think new laws are going to curb their behavior?

    Or perhaps you're hoping there will just be less guns and therefore it'll be harder for these folks to get their hands on them. "Less guns means less gun crime." Perhaps that's why they have such a hard time getting drugs.
    Why is that a problem? Are these people a danger to society?

    How is it any different than having a swimming pool you don't swim in? It just sits there in the home... just in case you want to take a swim.
    Who is getting killed by guns? I keep hearing all this hoopla over all the murders and innocent people getting slaughtered. Where?

    Folks seem to ignore the hundreds of thousands of people dying by other means. I just can't wrap my head around this thought process that dying at the end of a gun is somehow worse than dying by some other way.
    When you pay people to do nothing more than sit around watching TV and having kids, this is what happens. When families are destroyed and the morality of a people is non-existent, you get this result.

    We're paying for it to happen and we're paying for it to get worse every year.

    Folks have to stop moving away from their problems. The problems breed faster than we can move away from them. Luckily for most suburban white folks, they'll never have to deal with it. But, their kids will. By the time their kids are grown and buying their own cookie-cutter houses far enough away from the city that they don't have to personally witness brown people doing bad things, the numbers will have overtaken them and they'll have to deal with it first-hand.

    US Census predicted it to happen in 2036. It's probably going to happen sooner and if the FED has anything to do with it, our currency will be long gone before then anyway. Probably be more like 2020 or sooner.
  5. Like
    slim got a reaction from Harsh_77 in Iowa husband shoots, kills escaped inmate who held him, wife hostage   
    You should have a gun by the bed, by the couch/computer, and of course, on your person. Plus a couple out in the vehicle too.
    Many of you are saying you dont live in fear...but are too scared to live in urban environments. When you move to "the safe ndighborhoods" are you doing so because youre scared?
  6. Like
    slim got a reaction from Ban Hammer in I'm carrying a gun - Am I looking for trouble?   
    I carry a Warthog. (Lite Hawg, to be more precise.)
    My buddy says, "I don't go to stupid places with stupid people to do stupid things...unless I absolutely have to." and that's his avoidance strategy. For him, stupid places isn't the Chinese Buffet by the freeway, it's the shopping mall that's posted as a Criminal Protection Zone. (No guns allowed.) "Why would I walk around somewhere that a criminal knows is full of money and people without guns? That's stupid." I have to agree with him.
    You'd probably be interested to know that those signs don't deter him from carrying his gun anyway. "If it's concealed... uh, nobody can see it, can they?"
    The whole idea behind being able to go to the Chinese Buffet (even if you feel better having your gun) is you shouldn't have to abstain from doing anything or going anywhere in America that you desire to go simply because there's an increased risk of being victimized there. We're Americans. We're not supposed to feel like there are places that are off limits. It's a free country. If we want to eat there, then dag nabbit, we should be able to.
    If they were discriminating against people eating there based on their skin color many of you would be (pun intended) "up in arms" over the issue. But because they're discriminating based on victimization in a crime, your strategy is simply to avoid those places. It's an effective strategy... but it's highly hypocritical.
    As for cops and their training... uh, how much training do you need to make the determination that someone's life is in danger? Isn't it pretty obvious? The legal standard for deadly force in all 57 states is one of objective reasonableness where someone must feel their life - or the lives of those around them - is in jeopardy. Are you really suggesting we should legislate some kind of training for that?
    Perhaps you're talking marksmanship and firearms training? I'm all for that! Have you read the statistics on most police shootings? They miss the bad guy a whole lot more than they hit him - often hitting bystanders in the process. (The one up in NYC recently takes the cake. Way to go, Bloomy!) If our cops can't shoot, it's doubtful most "average" citizens can shoot. I'd love to change that. As a matter of fact, I donate over 500 hours a year volunteering to improve the marksmanship and firearms skills of Americans. I wish more people would do the same.
    Marksmanship is our birthright. It's something we were born to do. We're in danger of losing it. We should all be active in preserving our heritage as a firearms culture. Great suggestion!
  7. Like
    slim got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in I'm carrying a gun - Am I looking for trouble?   
    Nobody envies the infantry!
  8. Like
    slim got a reaction from Darnell in I'm carrying a gun - Am I looking for trouble?   
    I carry a Warthog. (Lite Hawg, to be more precise.)
    My buddy says, "I don't go to stupid places with stupid people to do stupid things...unless I absolutely have to." and that's his avoidance strategy. For him, stupid places isn't the Chinese Buffet by the freeway, it's the shopping mall that's posted as a Criminal Protection Zone. (No guns allowed.) "Why would I walk around somewhere that a criminal knows is full of money and people without guns? That's stupid." I have to agree with him.
    You'd probably be interested to know that those signs don't deter him from carrying his gun anyway. "If it's concealed... uh, nobody can see it, can they?"
    The whole idea behind being able to go to the Chinese Buffet (even if you feel better having your gun) is you shouldn't have to abstain from doing anything or going anywhere in America that you desire to go simply because there's an increased risk of being victimized there. We're Americans. We're not supposed to feel like there are places that are off limits. It's a free country. If we want to eat there, then dag nabbit, we should be able to.
    If they were discriminating against people eating there based on their skin color many of you would be (pun intended) "up in arms" over the issue. But because they're discriminating based on victimization in a crime, your strategy is simply to avoid those places. It's an effective strategy... but it's highly hypocritical.
    As for cops and their training... uh, how much training do you need to make the determination that someone's life is in danger? Isn't it pretty obvious? The legal standard for deadly force in all 57 states is one of objective reasonableness where someone must feel their life - or the lives of those around them - is in jeopardy. Are you really suggesting we should legislate some kind of training for that?
    Perhaps you're talking marksmanship and firearms training? I'm all for that! Have you read the statistics on most police shootings? They miss the bad guy a whole lot more than they hit him - often hitting bystanders in the process. (The one up in NYC recently takes the cake. Way to go, Bloomy!) If our cops can't shoot, it's doubtful most "average" citizens can shoot. I'd love to change that. As a matter of fact, I donate over 500 hours a year volunteering to improve the marksmanship and firearms skills of Americans. I wish more people would do the same.
    Marksmanship is our birthright. It's something we were born to do. We're in danger of losing it. We should all be active in preserving our heritage as a firearms culture. Great suggestion!
  9. Like
    slim got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Guns from out-of-state make up the grand majority of city crimes   
    Why cant these cities keep their criminals from doing crime in my state?
  10. Like
    slim got a reaction from Harsh_77 in Does the NRA Really Have 4 Million Members?   
    It only takes one time of needing it and not having it...
    .50 BMG ought to take that thing down.
    Our army isnt intended to keep us safe. Thats our job.Army was intended to be formed, go kick the snot out of someone, then come home and get back to work.
  11. Like
    slim got a reaction from Darnell in Iowa husband shoots, kills escaped inmate who held him, wife hostage   
    Joe Biden was right!
  12. Like
    slim got a reaction from Jacque67 in Guns from out-of-state make up the grand majority of city crimes   
    Another guns thread?
    Do any of you actually do any shooting? Im going tonight after work. Pistols on the indoor range.
  13. Like
    slim got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Iowa husband shoots, kills escaped inmate who held him, wife hostage   
    Joe Biden was right!
  14. Like
    slim got a reaction from Harsh_77 in Police: Young woman killed in gunfight between concealed weapon permit holder, felon   
    This guy went to a fight... with a gun. I'm surprised you folks arent implying he was looking for trouble the moment he exited his vehicle.
    Why the double standard?
  15. Like
    slim got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Police: Young woman killed in gunfight between concealed weapon permit holder, felon   
    This guy went to a fight... with a gun. I'm surprised you folks arent implying he was looking for trouble the moment he exited his vehicle.
    Why the double standard?
  16. Like
    slim got a reaction from Danno in White America Must Make a Choice: What Side of History Do You Stand On?   
    I stand on the side of our courts following the rules and not what the public cries for in the media.
    Still cant understand why black folks are trying to get that ball rolling again.
  17. Like
    slim got a reaction from Karee in Woman fires at 7 people, including children, for turning around in driveway   
    Point is if gun laws worked there would be less gun crime.
  18. Like
    slim got a reaction from Karee in White America Must Make a Choice: What Side of History Do You Stand On?   
    Raise your hand if youve been arrested more than once. Saying I dont know what its like because of my skin color is, well, racist. We have black cops too. Do you think they like white guys? And the white cops are no better. Cops are cops.
    Getting harrassed by the cops isnt just for black people.
    And my impatience with law enforcement in that incident had nothing to do with those guys being cops and everything to do with them being a$$hole drivers.
    And wasnt it you that was so quick to point out GZ was NOT law enforcement?
  19. Like
    slim got a reaction from Harsh_77 in White America Must Make a Choice: What Side of History Do You Stand On?   
    I stand on the side of our courts following the rules and not what the public cries for in the media.
    Still cant understand why black folks are trying to get that ball rolling again.
  20. Like
    slim got a reaction from Darnell in Woman fires at 7 people, including children, for turning around in driveway   
    Penny writes -
    You should have to pass a proficiency test in order to get a license to carry a gun. And that license must be renewed on a regular basis.
    Most states already require a proficiency test that must be renewed ever so often in order to be licensed to carry a concealed handgun. Oddly enough, the states with the strictest laws have the worst instances of gun violence.

    Purchase gun insurance.
    Liability or full coverage? Most folks' guns are covered under their home owners or renters insurance. I made sure mine are.

    An annual registration fee per gun.
    That would guarantee we could use our guns in any state, locality, etc., due to reciprocity laws. I kind of like where this is going!

    Restrictions to the kinds of guns you can own and operate, as well as restrictions on WHERE you can operate certain kinds of guns.
    Already lots of restrictions. You'd like more?

    Can't operate a gun if intoxicated or impaired.
    Already a law in most states.

    Abide by various safety regulations.
    Best idea you've posted.

    Pay a tax when transferring a gun to a third party.
    What would that tax money go to? If it's for something like firearms safety courses, you'd probably have little resistance.

    Create a federal agency tasked with improving gun safety.
    Have you heard of the BATFE?
    Mr. History, you really should get a refund for those courses... and the English classes you took as well.

    Well regulated has nothing to do with regulations, rules or laws. It means practiced. The founders actually wanted citizens to not only have shooting irons, but know how to use them - and use them well!

    A militia is nothing more than a group of able-bodied men. So to say that modern day citizens have to be part of a militia that has lots of rules or else they shouldn't have guns at all proves that you not only misunderstand the Amendment but also some pretty simple English words.
    You're basically saying more laws that further restrict sales, transfers and ownership of guns will make it harder for criminals to get them. Did you miss the part about criminals ignoring current laws?

    I have ZERO issues with enforcing current laws. If someone breaks the law, they should be tried for it. That's not happening. More laws won't help that happen. Before we pass more laws, lets try enforcing the laws on the books.
    So which other rights should we place under scrutiny?
  21. Like
    slim got a reaction from Karee in Woman fires at 7 people, including children, for turning around in driveway   
    Penny writes -
    You should have to pass a proficiency test in order to get a license to carry a gun. And that license must be renewed on a regular basis.
    Most states already require a proficiency test that must be renewed ever so often in order to be licensed to carry a concealed handgun. Oddly enough, the states with the strictest laws have the worst instances of gun violence.

    Purchase gun insurance.
    Liability or full coverage? Most folks' guns are covered under their home owners or renters insurance. I made sure mine are.

    An annual registration fee per gun.
    That would guarantee we could use our guns in any state, locality, etc., due to reciprocity laws. I kind of like where this is going!

    Restrictions to the kinds of guns you can own and operate, as well as restrictions on WHERE you can operate certain kinds of guns.
    Already lots of restrictions. You'd like more?

    Can't operate a gun if intoxicated or impaired.
    Already a law in most states.

    Abide by various safety regulations.
    Best idea you've posted.

    Pay a tax when transferring a gun to a third party.
    What would that tax money go to? If it's for something like firearms safety courses, you'd probably have little resistance.

    Create a federal agency tasked with improving gun safety.
    Have you heard of the BATFE?
    Mr. History, you really should get a refund for those courses... and the English classes you took as well.

    Well regulated has nothing to do with regulations, rules or laws. It means practiced. The founders actually wanted citizens to not only have shooting irons, but know how to use them - and use them well!

    A militia is nothing more than a group of able-bodied men. So to say that modern day citizens have to be part of a militia that has lots of rules or else they shouldn't have guns at all proves that you not only misunderstand the Amendment but also some pretty simple English words.
    You're basically saying more laws that further restrict sales, transfers and ownership of guns will make it harder for criminals to get them. Did you miss the part about criminals ignoring current laws?

    I have ZERO issues with enforcing current laws. If someone breaks the law, they should be tried for it. That's not happening. More laws won't help that happen. Before we pass more laws, lets try enforcing the laws on the books.
    So which other rights should we place under scrutiny?
  22. Like
    slim got a reaction from Harsh_77 in Arkansas school to arm teachers with concealed weapons   
    Arming everyone is the answer. Give them lots of ammo too.
  23. Like
    slim got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Woman fires at 7 people, including children, for turning around in driveway   
    Yeah, how can licensed individuals accidentally kill more each year than unlicensed. Doesnt help your case much.
  24. Like
    slim got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Does Stand Your Ground Apply   
    Proper reaction would've been to say, "You do not have my permission to search my home. Good night."

    Ever notice how police show up expecting to enter your home? They shouldn't have that expectation at all. They shouldn't have any more of an expectation just because someone called them. They should only enter a citizen's home at the request of the citizen or when they personally observe a crime in progress.

    I can't believe you folks are actually pushing for the police to be able to enter your home just because your neighbors called. That's amazing to me.

    It's also shocking that you haven't made the connection to waiving your rights to privacy and the TSA at airports. It started off simple enough, didn't it?
  25. Like
    slim got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Florida sheriff's deputies shoot unarmed black man in his own driveway   
    And y'all think I'm paranoid.
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