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Tayri n Tudert

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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to 2far in The Dream Act   
    I have seen people complain about the DACA cases, but not about the recipients of these cases. I do believe that the majority of the complaints are towards the way USCIS has handled this situation. I have not seen any personal attacks on "illegals", but I have seen complaints (and personally agree) that the influx of these cases by an agency that has significant resource constraints has caused unexpected delays in many people's lives. No one is blaming the "illegals"
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to AZRG <3 in The Dream Act   
    Well said mimolicious, agree at 100%!
    My father was illegal once, he came to the US in 1975, he naturalized in 1994.
    I was born in the US, but he gave me school, a home, food, he is almost 60 and still works
    hard at a company that works with steel, he works in extreme heat and extreme cold.
    He makes enough to sustain my mother and my sister and still co-sponsored me for my fiancés K-1.
    People who whine about the Dream Act disgust me. These "illegals" deserve a chance to live the American Dream
    as long as they do it for good just like my father did and many other "illegals" are trying to do.
    We ALL have to wait for anything and almost everything we want in life, we can't blame other people because our wants are not given to us at that exact moment.
  3. Like
    Tayri n Tudert reacted to Dr. A ♥ O in 9 years ago today   
    Nine years ago today I met my husband on St. Patrick's Day. I guess we could say it was our lucky day!
    I had time before my friends could meet to go out for St. Patrick's Day so I went online into a yahoo movie chat room. That's where we talked for the first time and saw each other on webcam. I was wearing green lipstick and green clothes. He was wearing a white button up shirt and I remember the day was so bright there while it was night time where I was.
    It just started out as casual acquaintances with a mutual interest in films, and then we became friends for a couple of years before it grew into something more. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I'd be married to an Arab Muslim from Egypt that I met over the internet but here we are nine years later and still going.
    This is a really special anniversary for us because it was the start of it all. He brought it up to me so we recently looked back at our old photo albums together and said we look so young to ourselves now. My God we were both just 25 years old when we first met! Both so young, healthy, attractive and full of potential. You don't realize what you have until later. Hindsight is 20/20.
    Then we talked about what happened each year that passed since we first met and recalled all the things we went through to be together. We realized we're finally coming up on having more years being physically together than when we were apart. Some of those years apart were so dark and difficult, but now life is a lot sweeter the three years after he's been in the States with me and it feels like it's only going to get better from here. I know some of our best years together are yet to come!
    Think about that when you feel down about everything. Some of the happiest years of your life together hasn't happened yet, but it will. It's waiting for you both and there is so much more to look forward to.
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to LivA in "High fraud" and "Low fraud" countries.   
    To tell you the truth though living in NY and knowing many people from outside the US who live here I have met many people from Brazil trying to marry Americans for their visa, and I have met many nanny's from Germany and Europe trying to find some nice American boy so they can stay in the USA.So honestly you can be from anywhere and want the visa.But of course you are right some countries to have a higher tendency of wanting visas more.Like my fiances.lol. Well 2 years into our realtionshp(This Wednesday) Im pretty sure to say we are not fraud.
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to Sarah Elle-Même in "High fraud" and "Low fraud" countries.   
    As a petitioner whose fiance is from a "high fraud" country I do sometimes feel it's unfair to punish everyone for the bad behavior of a few. Other times I understand the Embassies are doing their jobs and that they are responsible for weeding out the bad apples. Also, it's hard to know how unfair the CO's are really being on cases when you're only hearing the side of the story as the VJ members are presenting it. People often omit things to save face, even though they post semi-anonymously on the internet. But truthfully, people with fraudulent intentions come in all nationalities, races, genders, ages, etc. It's just that certain trends have caught the State Department's attention more than others. Why? I cannot say with any certainty. I don't think anyone outside of the State Department can.
    What I don't like is that these same Embassies, particularly in the MENA region, are often completely disorganized and at times incompetent and they drag people through AP (administrative processing) purgatory for months and even years because they are under-staffed and because they don't work effectively with local authorities or ministries to get background checks and investigations cleared in a timely manner. Quite a run on sentence but I made my point.
    May all with love in their hearts and good intentions in their minds be successful on their visa journey!
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to kristen_maroc in The I-­134(affidavit of support) is not a legally binding affidavit?   
    What I don't understand is how that is possible. I have googled links, or else I wouldn't post here. What I have googled and have not found is something OFFICIAL that says that, or explains how a document that says that you are signing under the condition of perjury that you understand that you can be sued is not actually going to happen.
    I see links over and over again in forums. But not an explanation of how, if someone comes over, a co-sponsor on a I-134 (who is not a co-sponsor on the I-864) won't be responsible legally for them. What I am looking for is proof to show a co-sponsor, not people's posts on a forum.
    Sorry for the frustration; I've googled to no avail.
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to TBoneTX in How to talk to Tier 2 USCIS officer   
    When this happens, play hardball. "Sir/ma'am, you are required to escalate my call if I so request, and I do so request." Repeat this, adding "NOW, please" as necessary.
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to Penny Lane in disabled by military service...   
    You never mentioned not meeting in person, so there's really no reason for you to get snarky with people who don't know your situation.
    You will not qualify. You must meet her.
  9. Like
    Tayri n Tudert reacted to marie_yahya in Yahya_Marie   
    Hey everyone just wanting to share with you our update and our special occasion today....Miracles do happen and Love is real....If you look at our timeline you will see what we have been through and how much it took to be a real family together against all odds with the embassy....we are now going into our 7th year of being together and today is our 3yr. Wedding anniversary...and we are together thank God...I want to say our love is what kept us strong and will always be our strength to get through anything in this life...hope everyone gets there loved one home soon...and may God bless your families...
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to kristen_maroc in Do we need a sticky for newbies?   
    So... after a few years here, I've seen the drama, I've seen the... strong women sharing their sometimes unpopular or "harsh" opinions with newbies and/or people who they characterize as the "rainbows, sunshine, and unicorns" folks... the skepticism that many MENA people get when they post here without telling their USC partners about this place... and it got me wondering...
    Do we need a FAQ or "Welcome to the MENA boards" sticky? Something to explain a bit about the tone of the boards to the newbies who come here and might get scared off by the content here? Because I know that the "reality checks" are needed, but it seems like there are an awful lot of questions that come up a lot. It feels like we're constantly describing red flags, etc.
    Is a FAQ/introductory post something that we might want to work on as a board and make a sticky? It could include things like:
    - What is "MENA" and other acronyms?
    - What are "red flags?" How do we overcome them?
    - Why is there so much talk about fraud on the MENA boards?
    - Why do people keep asking me hard questions that might seem irrelevant or like they don't trust our relationship? (answer- because that's what you are up against at the consulate)
    - Past interview questions
    - Why do people here seem "harsh?"
    - Country-specific details that come up often
    Again-- just a thought! I know that it would have been helpful to me to see this all in one place when I first started... before jumping into the discussion head-first, so to speak!
    Love and respect to all!
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to Greg n Veronica in I think she is good to go   
    You wouldn't have those questions in a word document? Guess it is time to take a look at the review section of our embassy and start building a list of questions and answers for her.
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to karola in Forgot a paper   
    id rather wait for them to contact you. or just call USCIS and ask... i would do that
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to amykathleen2005 in Forgot a paper   
    It will be lost if you just send it in.
  15. Like
    Tayri n Tudert reacted to sandinista! in need help   
    Petitioners are not always native English speakers.
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to RFQ in need help   
    This is a good question isn't it? The post doesn't sound like it was written by a native English speaker. Even for txt spk, or short hand writing, the sentence structure is a bit different.
  17. Like
    Tayri n Tudert reacted to destiny64 in responding to fraudulent Vjers   
    I don't usually get involved in others disputes or posts in this site. I come to get information to help me get my spouse into the country doing things the right way and without stupid errors that could make this transition longer. There is a new poster in this site, who has started a few very skeptical and obvious issues that would point towards someone who is asking far out questions to get answers to beat the immigration system. Working on using situations to pull heart strings to make people feel bad to help with ways to get around immigration and while you are using your best intentions, you are unintentionally helping that person to be fraudulent with immigration. I was banned from one of the posts for stating the obvious, I was called a troll and stupid, when I stated it was indeed the opposite I was the one removed ???
    I could sit back and just let that person repeating turn out "hot" posts without responding but while I'm in this process I can't overlook the fact that this process takes this long because of people like this who ruin it for the rest of us. Just please , please , please don't get sucked into this person like I myself did!!
    Let's pull together and if you go into the posts recently added by this vjer you will see that every advice is turned down in order to gather more information so that they can do things fraudulently. STOP helping!!!
  18. Like
    Tayri n Tudert reacted to msheesha in Morocco question?   
    If my lawyer was giving me advice based on a google search, I would wonder WTH I was paying him/her for.
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to CHarvey80 in Where can we meet?   
    Honestly, and without trying to be disrespectful, you should try to figure out what to do with your current situation- finding out that you have a child- and make sure that is taken care of. It's not your fault that you didn't know and whatever happened before can't be changed, but what you decide to do from know on is your responsability. If that kid is your child, then you are responsible for him/ her. Pal, you seem to have bigger issues now that meeting your russian girlfriend and getting her a visa. Kids first.
    Good luck.
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to Gary and Alla in What Ports of Entry give work authorization   
    You will find that our government is FULL of people that have NO CLUE what they are talking about and that does not stop them from talking. It also does not change the law that a clerk or CBP officer is wrong. Your friend met one already. You and your spouse need to be aware of what the law really is because everywhere you go these ignorant people will try to stop you from getting what you are entitled to.
    Alla had no porblem with her SSN, but when our K-2 son showed up with his green card they tld him he needed a "new visa, this one is expired" NO he doesn't get me a supervisor.
    A cleark at the DMV said he needed an SSN to take the drivers permit test. NO he doesn't, get me a supervisor! He took the test but when he went to get the permit issued they said he had to "show proof of getting married" NO he doesn't get me a supervisor.
    See how it works?
    But let me give you a thought to think.
    This is the USA, land of the free and home of the brave and yada, yada...equality for all. Right?
    So someone's plane lands at JFK and they CAN work and someone's plane lands at Newark, NJ within sight of JFK, and they can't work? Seriously?
  21. Like
    Tayri n Tudert reacted to Shoot Em Straight in the first few days in Morocco for marriage   
    Awesome details ...I hope this helps others. Have fun in Maroc!!!
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to sandinista! in the first few days in Morocco for marriage   
    Hawai, yum.
    i have been looking, looking, looking everywhere for Hawai here in the US, and have had no luck finding it. I want to find some so bad for my husband's birthday party next month!
  23. Like
    Tayri n Tudert reacted to Happytobe in the first few days in Morocco for marriage   
    I hqve not seen pepsi; but I have had a few Hawai and cappucinos yummy
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    Tayri n Tudert reacted to MAGGY@SANDI in k-1 petition approved 14 days.   
    Thanks again to those that are truely happy for me i really appreciate it and for those with negative comments I am extremely sorry that you guys feel its not fair or its a mistake. I worked really hard on my petition an obviously if I got approved in such a quick time I apparently did something right. and for those about to comment if you dont have any positive words to say PLEASEE DONT comment. Thanks.
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