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Tayri n Tudert

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Status Replies posted by Tayri n Tudert

  1. I am so happy that my husband will be with me forever veryy soon his visa was approved the interview took less than 10 min because of all the evidence i sent i am so greatful alhmdolilah

  2. NOA2 ! So shocked and excited.

  3. GRRRR finding it difficult to call the NVC from the phones in Morocco..any advice..


  5. APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Im leaving tomorrow for Hamids interview, which is Tuesday!!!

  7. i am sooo worried ....... i sent in my RFE required documents on March 20, 2013 and they recieved it on march 21, 2013 still waiting for their decision :(

  8. Man, sometimes being so far away and the fear of the unknowns really gets to you. May Allah make this easy on us and all of you Insha'Allah

  9. paradise cant compare to being with him.... loving every second!!! even if they are completely redoing the house hahaha :-)

  10. Here to find some camaraderie in the agony and total frustration of this process.. 8 months and counting. Checking the processing timeline today brought me to tears and the need to connect with others going through the same.

  11. INTERVIEW Schedule ON 04/22 At 3pm..Wish me luck guys...

  12. little over two weeks and insha'allah im with abidine!!!

  13. little over two weeks and insha'allah im with abidine!!!

  14. Here in Morocco with my sweet Ahmed and my dad :) it's great to be with the family again!!

  15. insha'allah Marg had a safe trip over the pond, ill be following her in 3 weeks :-) hope everyone is doing well!!

  16. Leaving Sunday for Morocco :)

  17. My husband's Interview has been scheduled for March 7th. I'm so happy & Can't wait to be with him soon. Wishing my husband's best luck.

    1. Tayri n Tudert

      Tayri n Tudert

      Good luck, hope your husband's interview will go smooth :)

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  18. Package finally sent on Tuesday Feb 5th. Let's hope for the best.

  19. WOOOHOO! got first NOA!!!

  20. insha'allah i will ne able to return to Taza early April :-) gah i miss rajli so much!!

  21. 30:21 And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect.

  22. Waiting For the Call !!! fingers Crossed :P

  23. Still waiting and spending the sweet moments (though far away and sadly only on Skype for now :( ) with my honey as we wait for good news insha'Allah :) school and work is keeping us busy! Hope all of you are having blessed years!

  24. Sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying life. Nothing like having your loved one home...

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