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Posts posted by QueenE

  1. OP out of curiosity how old are you? I refuse to believe that anyone over the age of 15 actually say these things out loud or even think these things. Everything is a process sweetie, leave uncle sam out of it. You are to blame for your situation not uncle sam. Plus it takes at least 3 months of your EAD. I was origionally coming in here to tell you to twerk while you wait for your EAD but thne I actually read your comments. Just what this country needs another entitled brat

  2. So why do you think she would want to commit fraud?

    There are lots of assumptions being thrown around on this thread so let's clarify them.

    Ticking time-bomb, comedy vs reality: It might sound comical when you and your spouse are in a good mood and the relationship is feeling sweet. But every couple has their trying moments. When she feels deceived or angry or jealous this time-bomb could detonate. Same as USC just more likely with an Alien.

    3rd world country: My wife is from western europe, not a 3rd world country. She has a university degree and her parents live in a half-million euro home. Her life is actually easier in her country due to the socialist programs there. If there were decent jobs and I didn't have my two teenage daughters I would have seriously considered moving there.

    not knowing spouse: We never met online. We met in-person when she was studying in the US for 2 years. We traveled to each others countries 2 times each, over the course of a year before getting married. I spent months living with her parents and getting to know her family, I speak her language almost fluently and she speaks english almost fluently. There is no racial or ethnic divide. We have similar features, and strangers have guessed we are brother/sister and have told us we look perfect for each other.

    Why she freakes out: This is the major difference between USC and Aliens. USCs are adapted and have family or friends nearby for support. Alien wife's generally do not. This is a HUGE difference. All my hours outside of work were spent with her, giving attention, taking her to dinner, trying to entertain her, doing things with my friends and her, attempting to remedy the emptiness an alien wife will always feel when away from her home country and family. She skyped each day with her family but it wasn't enough. I felt so insufficient because I couldn't give her that family she is accustomed to.

    Her obligation while here: She felt little necessity to contribute financially. She knew I was close to buying our first home with my paycheck alone and was in no hurry to find work. She has turned down offers for work because she claims to be an actress. She has never made a cent through acting though.

    usc vs alien: You're right. This scenario of accusations of domestic violence can be from any USC. Its just that us AOS supporters have more to lose and aliens have more to gain. She will be granted immunity from deportation simply by saying she is afraid of you. As rampant as DV allegations are in family law cases, it will only be MORE likely with your foreign wife. She will probably have less emotional support than a USC and feel more desperate to gain an upper-hand. She also might not have much respect for our legal system. My wife treats it like a game to win and has made allegations that I also make bombs and enjoyed watching 9/11 thinking it would help to polarize the judge's opinion against me. The judge simply ignored that portion.

    Yes, the definition of domestic violence by the laws in my state (and most) is satisfied when a woman merely says she is afraid. My wife never actually said that. She claims that I pushed her. I was actually demanding that she leave my place and go live with my mother for a couple days because I couldn't tolerate her negative attitude any longer as she was ransacking my clothes. Her feeling of rejection lead to rage and threats to stop me from seeing my son. There wasn't one shred of evidence to support her claims and since its not a criminal domestic violence case, (its a family law over custody of the children), the judge must make the determination of what is the safest household and consider the possibility of any allegation's truthfulness.

    Don't think this warning only pertains to you in family law situations. Her restraining order against you will become proof. She can use that against you in divorce, to gain more possessions, maintenance, child support, control of the kids and in possible future criminal charges she, or others make against you. Any future relationship you are in will be a jeopardy because you will have an established history of domestic violence. Next time will be easier and easier for your ex to prove. She will not need to supply a single shred of evidence, a single bruise, or anything else. The dominoes will fall.

    Where we are today: Despite all her devious and amoral ways I still love my wife and she holds the key to remaining together as a family for my son. I am still pursuing this avenue and for the week until she relocates we are spending time together as a family, having thanksgiving together, and she is even sleeping in my bed and being intimate with me. I probably can not get her to change her mind to relocate. She will certainly not rescind her false allegations now that she has basically won temporary custody. She claims to be open to returning to live with me again some day but I doubt either one of us will want that after what's happened.

  3. The thing with judging a racist act that isn't overly obvious is that unless your actually there in the room to see how the exchange happened its hard to make other peoples see it for what it is. So the nurse could of possibly been racist but unfortunately we can't tell you yes or no because its complicated, but if your gut tells you something you should listen to it. If your not someone who automatically jumps at the race card then you probably have a good idea of when someone is being racist or not. Its hard to let it go, but try not to let it eat you up because that's doing more damage to your children than the lady's unnecessary remark (children know when something is bothering us). Next time though make a subtle remark back.. like ya she has messy hair cause she actually runs around and gets some exercise, say it while looking at the fattest part of her body and make sure she see you looking. Its petty but at least you would be satisfied.

    Some random guy came up to me in the store to scold me to put a blanket on my daughter who sweating all over the place when she was younger. I just stared at his adult acne and that was the end of that.

  4. Even if you do not have enough income at the interview, they will give you time to find a sponsor or prove higher income, so you do have a chance to either get records of current income/second job or find a sponsor.

    I am self-employed, so they wanted us to get a co-sponsor and we turned in the papers a few weeks after the interview and we got the visa no problems.

    it looks like they already given them the time

  5. People here I feel really under estimate the interview. If it wasn't such a big deal they wouldn't have that step. Of course the CO may have their mind made up before you get there but that's the whole point of the interview to convince them otherwise if they suspect something else. Its just like a job interview, or any interview you will encounter in your life. Everyone already has a conclusion in their mind, that's what interviewees have to realize ( its not fair but is human nature) so its up to you to try to persuade them in your favor. Your husband thinks they were simple questions and of course they are simple questions he really needs to be more specific. Note to anyone asking "simple" questions is one of the easiest way to catch someone in a lie ( not saying at all your husband lied), liars tend to be very ready answer complex questions but don't prepare for simple ones.

    My in law went for his interview and they asked him if he and his wife went on a honeymoon and for no good reason he lied and said yes they did. Simple question simple answer. He got denied. He and his wife had been a couple for 3 years before that and saw each other very often. I mean they are reunited now and have been for a while. Your day will come but in my opinion something went wrong at the interview.

  6. Thank you guys for ur support.

    Gown i will be going there soon as i get the entry visa i just applied for it

    Dwheels i sent in a lot of evidence to NVC here a list

    pictures before,during and after the wedding

    flights tickets, copies of passport pages showing entry and exit stamp

    emails messages from 2011 to present

    facebook chats

    call logg from 2011 to present

    my husband also take all of the above but in grater numbers

    As regard redflag am not aware of any

    Am 6 years older than him,am in my early 30s

    same race

    i have a child, him none

    same religion

    meet his mom and older brother....father die

    visit him 3 times, 1 weeek in malaysia, second visit 1month in Ghana where we go married, third visit in Ghana 2 months 1 week.i never been to Nigeria the CO ask him y I go to Ghana and not Nigeria

    He said the interview was good the officer keep nodding her head while trying bearly look at him.....took the fb chats and when inside another room came back 30 minutes and said am sorry hand him the slip ..she tell him not to worry they send back to uscis and uscis will ask me for more evidence

    Hope this make sense

    I'm sorry about your denial... sounds but not definite by it may be in the interview itself. Does he remember the questions? Make sure he is objective when giving you the information. Sometimes Nigerians think just because someone isn't immediately aggressive with them things are going well. Nodding ones head is a typical response interviewers have. LIke everyone says there is still hope.

  7. I assume you are in touch through PM, so there never was a US connection? A local scam?

    yes through PM.. not local but in Guinea.That's where she has been sending money to. He convinced her that he works in the Guinea branch of their law firm. He even went as far as sending her what I'm assuming is an itinerary of a flight back in June to prove they are working on her behalf, ( keep in mind her "visa" was issued in August 2 months later). People are so mean, preying on others desperation. I was hoping it was someone in the US so I could report them.

  8. Thanks all,so i-140 n i-130 can't be filled outside d US.n I got confused dt I started asking dem qst but was re-assured dt those 2 forms are pre-requisite for working/permanent resident card.dt is possible for one to get it thru employment too.

    Ya they are lying. They are not your relatives they cant file a I-130 Petition for Alien Relative.

    Here are all forms that could possibly be filled for employment proposes. http://www.uscis.gov/forms?topic_id=1129&search_q=&=Go

  9. Thanks so much for the clearification.I-140 was also file for me then follow by this i-130.the whole process is just taking longer than expected.

    Well maybe because they don't know what they are doing? I-130 should never have been brought into the picture. This is for relatives! Not workers. Also why didn't you travel with the H1b visa? You need to educate yourself on this whole process because nothing that is being explained to us makes any type of sense.This immigration lawyer where are they? What are they hiring you for?

  10. Thanks all, am outside us.the coy ar recruitment agency in US, dt got me an immigration lawyer on My behalf who av been filling d petition on My behalf.I was given B2 visa around Aug.After dt is one process to another n was told d whole process is to secure work permit/PRC, to be able to Live/work in US.

    A recruitment agency got you an immigration lawyer and made you pay for the lawyer and the application fee? This makes absolutely NO sense. On top of that the lawyer is making you fill out applications that is not relevant to your situation. You are 100% being scammed! This recruitment agency are they hiring your to work directly with their company, or are they hiring you for a client? Either way the I-130 takes longer than 2 weeks to process maybe around 6 months. Are you sure they didn't file I-140? and your just getting the names wrong?

  11. Thanks for the info smile.png His AOS papers have been filed and we did notice that his state issued drivers license is expired.

    The following might be a dumb question, but just because you seem to know a lot more than I do about this process I might as well ask, right? So, before coming to the US he got an "international drivers license." People with this license can legally driving in our state. Therefore, he should still be able to drive using that right? He's gotten used to driving to his English classes and back during the week so it would be a bummer if he couldn't do that. Thanks again for the help!

    Wonderful to hear! Thank you so much!

    Did you guys apply for his work permit? That takes about 3-4 months ( usually) to come in, so he should be getting his shortly. once he gets it he can go an apply for a driver's license.

  12. It looks like the girl lied to OP and USCIS, I don't know why everyone is jumping on him he already said the girl disappeared after she didn't get want she want she is clearly a manipulator and a user so its not unlikely that OP believed her originally. Other than the wanting to go back to make videos (buhahahahhahaha) that comment seriously just made my month, I don't know why people are attacking OP for sleeping with a minor just based on the information he has shared with us. ( Also when I was 16 I could have passed for 20 especially with make up.)

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