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Posts posted by sk8rpatty

  1. I wanted to do something very small since this is round 2 for me and we're both older but this is his first and his Mom is sooo excited about it and is traveling down with other family memembers so I had to do something a little bigger. My dear friend came to the rescue and offered the park behind her house for the ceremony and the reception in her backyard. We are thinking about 50 people now. I'm lucky that I have friends that are excited about helping me plan it.

    Now to find a dress....ugh.

    Oh, and I'm not inviting my brother and sister-in-law. Long story...

  2. Do you know theres a USCIS app to check on your status? I have it on my android.. its called "uscis case status" ... kinda cool! That way I don't go back to the actual site everyday.

    No, I didn't know that. I'm kinda glad I didn't....I would have made myself nuts with it checking constantly. LOL I'm sure others can use it though!

    I sure hope so. My hardcopy NOA1 was May 10th, even though I didn't get the actual hardcopy for nearly a month after because of their screwup on my mailing address. I just hope they send it to the right address /this/ time right away.

    My hardcopy NOA1 took some strange path too. I think mine took as long as yours. I hope my NOA2 doesn't do the same. I'll let you know. Are you checking the USCIS site for status?

  3. Yep, we're still here!

    We'll be around when the VSC gets their #%*@ together and starts moving on your petitions. It was pretty sudden the way the CSC started moving so the same thing can happen at the VSC. I'm praying for you guys!

    We're stuck until the end of November anyway since Jordan won't be back to Cananda until Nov 18th. So the best we can do is schedule the medical and interview after that date. He now regrets taking this contract, but he needed to go to work so he didn't go crazy waiting. When he signed on the CSC was taking 5 months, we never dreamed it would happen that quick. Unfortunately there is no way for him to leave early, not without jeopardizing future work.

    Soooo.....we're still waiting! :whistle:

  4. ConGraTuLaTions :):dance::star:

    Thanks! I was an emotional wreck back when this thread came up. Beating myself up horribly for leaving a couple stupid blanks on my form. I did call and they said it was best to wait for the RFE so after that and reading all the discussion here, I decided to wait. I was SURE I was going to get one or my package was going to be rejected. It's stupid to stress so much over something so little, but I did.

    Anyway I was beyond thrilled to see that I was approved and no RFE. The package as a whole was solid, so I guess they were able to overlook one little mistake. My fiance had been telling me this all along. I did do my research but I pulled it together quickly (6 days) and wished I had taken another week to more thoroughly check it.

  5. I concur with LeftCoastLady. From my own perspective, I knew that I would drive myself insane doing the "coulda...woulda..shoulda" and trying to "second-guess myself" manners of thought, waiting and worrying right after I mailed the initial petition. From my own life experiences, I realized I had to submit a petition that was as "bullet-proof" as I could make it the first time. For me, it just came down to basics, have a plan of action, be patient, read and heed all of the instructions very carefully. When I completed the petition, I put it away for a couple of days, then went back and reviewed the entire document for errors of omission and commission. When I submitted my petition, I was satisfied and confident that I had done the best job on it that I could. The result.....NO RFEs !!!!


    Sorry....I just had to come back here and respond.

    I was APPROVED in 87 days!!! NO RFE, yep, NO RFE! :dance::dance::rofl:

  6. Still in shock, can't sleep! To think I was in such a pissy mood over all this today. Now I hope I can relax a bit. :dance:

    I think I spent at least $50 calling the ship. $9.50 per minute and it took me 3 tries to get through. Luckily he was able to call me back for only $10 per hour. It was the best $60 ever spent to be able to tell him that we were approved!

  7. hey.. I thought you said I would be next?!! :P hehe just kidding.

    yep.. my 2 weeks till Hawaii seems like ages to wait and I'm clearly going a little nuts, I'm up and down like a yoyo.

    LOL I'm one day before you, so how about I get mine on Monday and yours on Tuesday? hehe.

    Hey, at least you get to see your guy one week before me! Definitely know the "up and down" feeling.

  8. just hang on there you will be next :)

    I hope so! Been going a little crazy lately. It's been 2 long months since I've seen him and now that he's working we only get to talk 3 days a week. 3 weeks from tomorrow I fly out to join his ship in Tampa! Still seems too far away.

    I know others have been apart much longer, so I really shouldn't be whining and my heart goes out to those at the VSC. It's just some days are harder than others. Thing is, he won't be back to Canada until Nov 18th so we can't schedule an interview before then anyway. But it would be nice to know my petition was approved rather than rejected. I'll take an RFE at this point!

    I need to keep busy or go for a run...

    Happy Friday everyone and have a good weeekend!

  9. I keep hearing all these CSC May approvals and I'm going crazy in anticipation. I'm still in "Initial Review". I'm checking USCIS too many times a day now.

    Sooo happy for everyone who's getting approved here....just kinda wish it was me too!

    I have a quiet weekend at home planned so it's time to start working on the house to make room for his stuff. I've been talking about it for months now. LOL :whistle:

  10. Going to attempt jogging BEFORE work as well to see if it helps my mood before my day officially starts... IF i can get out of bed early enough, which is doubtful.. haha


    I might have to try that. It's been a week and a half since my last run due the heat wave we're having. It's been in the 90s when I get home from work and that is just too hot for me to run. But getting up before 5:00am to run is going to be difficult!

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