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Posts posted by Presley

  1. I went there this morning and the IO told me that I was supposed to be scheduled for August 10th as I was told before. Unfortunately, she stated that someone forgot to schedule me... Apparently, the lady in charge of scheduling was on medical leave. I then requested to be scheduled for 8/10 as promised. The IO said that the Federal Court only allows 50 people and the quota was reached on Friday. She confirmed that I would definitely be scheduled for the next one and mentioned that the next judicial ceremony is at the end of August. They are doing two judicial ceremonies a month to finalize as much cases as possible before the end of the fiscal year. I scheduled another Infopass appointment which will be in ten days from today to ensure that they don't "forget to schedule me" again. This is really disappointing considering the fact that I also had another Infopass on 7/27 and was told to wait for the N-455 letter for 8/10 oath ceremony. I will keep you updated and please share your oath ceremony experience on Friday.

    Wow. How come they forget to schedule u. Of course I will.

  2. Good evening Presley,

    Would you mind informing me once you receive the form N-455 with the oath date and time? I was also approved during my N-400 interview in West Palm Beach. I have been in queue for the next judicial oath ceremony (name change) since 7/25. Thanks!

    I've been on queue since June 25

  3. Cool! And exciting! We just have to wait the 5-10 business days for the 2011 tax transcripts then we'll mail it off asap!!!

    Im sure they just want to make sure our taxes are paid and that they arent getting put off or anything. For the past 3 years we owe just alittle bit so we have more money through out the year. Our taxes always get paid by April so last year was no different.

    Why u didn't go to ur local irs to get the tax transcript

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