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Posts posted by Jarrod&Vicky

  1. Respondo porque creo entender la emergencia de tu mensaje. Yo fui visa K1 en 2012 y tardo 4 dias habiles en llegar a DHL (estaba apurada yo tambien, asi que pedi de retirarlo en DHL- que fue lo que me ofrecio la embajada- en vez de esperar que llegara a mi casa). Lo unico que te voy a decir, y tomalo mas que nada como un consejo de buena fe, es que antes de tomarte el avion con otro pasaporte y llegar aca pensando que no van a reconocer que sos la misma persona; avisa a a embajada por las dudas. Una vez que tenes la visa otorgada tenes que entrar con esa, cualquier otra o waiver pierde validez, y no quisiera que llegues hasta aca y te generes un problema mas grande con los agentes de border patrol (y tal vez no puedas ni entrar) del que ya tenes de por si con tu mujer enferma. El que avisa no traiciona, y tal vez la embajada logre acelerar aun mas el proceso y entregarte la visa de urgencia manana mismo en la embajada (despues de todo, lograste dos expedited already, asi que esta mas que demostrada la situacion de urgencia). Mucha suerte con todo y que se mejore tu mujer!

  2. Hi, I am planning on applying for the K-1 while my girlfriend is in the USA on a tourist visa, I understand it takes several months for the NOA2 to come out and while we wait for that time we want to be together. I am worried about how much time she will be given on her tourist visa (3 mo, 6 mo?), I would like for her to stay with me for 4-5 months while we wait for the NOA2 to come out. Did you plan on only staying 3 months and they ended up giving your 6 months? She will be taking a break from work to come and be with me and I don't know how the best way of getting the 6 months allowance...

    Did you show a return ticket for more than 3 months after your arrival, why do you think you got 6 months?



    I didn't stay for the 6 months that I was given. I just stayed for 20 days since at the time I was still working in Argentina, so your girlfriend's case seems to be different (I still had strong ties to my country) Why they gave me six months? I have no idea. I guess it had something to do with the fact that I had been in and out of the country on that B1/B2 several times and I had never over stayed, I guess... they just stamped it for 6 months. I think the best thing you can do is just be honest at the POE, tell them that you are here waiting for the NOA2 but that you are totally aware that you have to go back for the interview and that you don't want to overstay your b2.

    Good luck!

  3. I think you are confusing the terms and that is why you are not getting any responses here. The Biometrics appointment is done after you applied for AOS (well after you arrived to the US and got married) and you get a letter in the mail for it. Now, the medical appointment, which you are supposed to have done in Argentina for your interview, can be done before you get the packet 3 if you already know the docs (and vaccines requurements) doing it. If you got the NOA2 and the NVC number, it's just a matter of days before the embassy sends you the packet 3 anyway... So go ahead. I did it and had no problems. The med exam is valid for six months anyway.

  4. I've never had Chicken pox, so I decided to get one dose a couple of years ago because Adult Varicella can be really dangerous. When I went to see Dr. Kelly with the certificate of that single dose, he said everything was fine. I'm still in the process of AOS but I remember he checked the complete vaccination box in the form. My two cents!

  5. Hola a todos! My fiance and I are preparing the i129 application for the K1 visa and I have a question, specific to Argentina. I am from the U.S. and am here in Argentina on a tourist visa. I have been living and working here since 2011 (with my fiance) although I am technically a tourist. I am SO confused about what to put as my address on the i129 and Biometric forms!!! If I am technically just a tourist here, then do I "live" in the US and should put my permanent address (my parents' house), or do I "live" in Argentina since I have spent more time here than in the US in the past 3 years?? Any advice will be much appreciated!!!


    We had the same situation as you do guys. My husband (back then fiancé)had been living as a "tourist" in Argentina for 3 years by the time we filed the petition. The only difference is that he always kept his condo, which was being rented out, and that was the address we use in the form I-129F (you would have to use you parent's from what you're saying). Now, when it comes to the G-325A Form (Biographic Information) make sure that you complete "Applicant's residence for the last five years" with your Argentinean address. In that way, you are not lying about the fact you are in Argentina but you also completed the 129 form with the US address that they are requesting.

    My husband had his own company and he was filing US taxes from Argentina during those year, I don't know how your situation is (working as a "tourist" in Argentina)... but I'm sure you know you have to show that you've been making certain amount of money to support you and your future husband/wife, and you need to send your tax returns from previous years. (read the guides, you can have you parents or someone as a co-sponsor if you don't meet the requirements).

    Hope it helps.


  6. We were together traveling when we got the interview date. I Just explained the truth to the Buenos Aires embassy and told them that we needed the interview a couple of days later and they had no issue whatsoever. You'll need to have the medical exam and police certificate done before the interview, so make sure you come back a couple of days before. But most likely, like Ning said, you'll be back to Argentina before the NOA2 if you'll only be away for four months, so don't worry and enjoy your trip.

  7. Correct me if I'm wrong... But we were advised to do the K1 route instead of adjusting for a B1/B2 (in Argentina we are not part of the VWP anymore and I had my B1/B2 issued many years ago and had been using it) because when you Aos from a tourist visa, even though the chances of everything working out fine are big, you are creating a problem for the family members of the K1 holder. Heard stories (outside of this board) where family members from, in my case, Argentinians, went to get a visitors visa to be able to visit the person on the US and were denied on the simple question "if your family member came and applied for a non immigrant visa and eventually used it to stay (we let them adjust due to marrying to a usc, and as a courtesy to the usc), how can I be sure that you won't be doing the same thing specially now that you have your daughter (or whatever the case may be) in the Country?

    This info might be wrong, but just in case, and since we want my parents to be active members in our future children's life here in the US, we went the K1 way. I wouldn't want to jeopardize their chance of getting a B1/B2 visa renewed in their case.

  8. Hi all, I have my medical exam on January 28th, and I was wondering if anyone could give me some information on that. I read everything I have to bring to the exam, and the forms that I'll have to fill in. However, I read that women had to get a gynecological exam, but I dont see that in the forms I dowloaded from this website. Also do they test urine and blood, or just one of them? And what do they test for? Im healthy, and dont take any drugs, so I think I'll be ok. Im just getting nervous because the date is so close!!


    Hi! If the exam is the same as for k1 holders, you don't need to fill out any form. Just make sure you bring all your vaccines records and the doc will be the one filling out the right form. On the first visit he'll send you to have a chest x ray taken (cheap way to check for TB) and a blood test (just checking for stds, only Sifilis if I can recall correctly). On the second visit he does a basic physical exam and hands you an envelope with the results. No gynecological exam, no urine... You've been reading way too much VJ! Lol

    Nothing weird, relax. If you're going to see Dr. Kelly, he's great!

  9. I'm not sure about whether it would speed up the process if you do an early walk-in, but I have read that some offices do not allow this. So, if like us you have to quit your work, drive for 1 and half hour to get to the office and then drive back again, be sure to check (call?) whether that particular office accepts walk-ins. :thumbs:

    Generally, yes.

    However, if is a bit of drive you should do your research before making the trip. I decided to just wait it out because I didn't have a valid reason and don't want to have to explain anything to anyone or risk being turned back. Mine is on 01/15...waited about 3 weeks since I received my appointment letter.

    Yeah, I'm not that close so I think I'd better wait. Thanks so much for the info! I have 3 more weeks of waiting too!

  10. Tengo otra pregunta: Hay problema si en la aplicación i-129F anotamos la dirección donde mi prometido prefiere que le llegue la correspondencia, y no la dirección del DNI?

    Yo no tenia la direccion cambiada en el DNI, asi que la direccion donde vivia, y que puse en el formulario, no era la del DNI y no tuve problema. Igualmente a esa altura del proceso a el no le va a llegar nada por correspondencia, sino todo a vos aca en USA, asi que la direccion me parece que es mas una cuestion de info biografica que otra cosa.

  11. Hello Jarrod&Vicky: I see that you got your visa approval on the same day as our interview. About how long did you have to wait after the interview for your paperwork to be processed so that you could enter the US?

    It only took one week to have the Visa ready to be picked up at DHL, a week later I went through my POE here in the States, a week later got married and a week later sent my AOS papers! Lol If you want to, everything can go really fast after you're done with the interview! :-)

    BTW, if you can edit your timeline and signature, it would be great... Because it's kind of confusing. NOA1 and 2 with a difference of a couple of days? When was your interview?

  12. Just wanted to say Hi once again and let you know we filed for AOS yesterday!

    To those of you still waiting to come to the US, I hope you get your interviews very soon... just know that once you are here, time flies and all of a sudden you are already waiting for your AP/EAD combo card and GC!


    Hello Everyone!

    Just wanted to update that my interview was originally scheduled for March 4th at the Montreal embassy, however extra spots opened up and we were able to get a January 22nd interview date! Very nervous and excited about this!

    Hoping to be with my future hubby by end March!

    Amazing news! :thumbs:

  13. hello everybody

    I am an argentine citizen gathering all necessary documents prior to the initial K1 visa interview at the american consulate in Buenos Aires, for which appointment I am required to bring a Police Certificate -"Certificado de Antecedentes Penales"- , whose validy after issuance -to my knowledge, and for argentinian institutions- is of 5 (five)days.

    I am wondering if the american consular authorities would consider the police certificate as valid indefinitely for K1 paperwork, because I have no idea when my interview will take place and I was planning on traveling to Buenos Aires one of these days in order to start the process and would not like to find out that within a few days the said document will be invalid.

    Does anybody have any experience with this and has had any similar inquires?

    Any information will be welcome!

    Thanks in advance!

    Hi! I'm Argentinean too. I arrived to the US using my K1 Visa less than 2 weeks ago. I got my Police certificate more than a month before the interview (since we were starting a 5 week vacation and couldn't do it afterwards), and had no issues at the interview. If you are doing it in CABA just know that they will give you a link and you will download it to your computer (and print it) and make sure you ask for it "con excepcion del articulo 51". Good luck!

  14. I arrived to the US less than two weeks ago through a K1 Visa and got married last Friday (courthouse). We have a Catholic wedding and reception planned for April 27th, back at my home country, Argentina. In order to be able to leave the US for our religious wedding, we are sending the AOS papers tomorrow together with the AP request, which shouldn't take more than 90 days (The AP/EAD combo card I mean).

    After doing a lot of research, this is for us, the best way to go about it.

    You have 90 days to get married IN THE US after entering using the K1 (we did it right away), then file for AOS with the advance parole, and approx. 90 days later you can leave back to Canada in your case and have the Catholic ceremony there.

    It worked great for us, hope it does for you too!

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