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Status Replies posted by bsd058

  1. today is six months since i received noa1 and still waiting.... just feeling sad and discourage by the whole process and the wait.......

  2. Well everyone have a good weekend... monday is my interview..Good Luck to me and everyone that has a interview coming up!!!!!WornOutPatienceCarmen bello,Nani & Rob and Rafael & Liselot....CON DIOS ADELANTE TODO VA A SALIR BIEN!!!! VISA APROVADA!!!!!!!AMEN!!!!

  3. Got married :) Next step : AOS

  4. Aproved!!!!!!!!

  5. APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so happy i cant wait to be with my sweetheart.... maybe 4 or so more weeks =)

  6. Have you ever had one of those days that you are in a fog. You can’t concentrate at work. You Facebook, VJ all day than suddenly as the deadline creeps in your light bulb goes off and you are racing to the finish line. LOL I am such a hot mess today. ;-)

  7. Okay, so my husband bought a car this morning. Where is he going to park that on the plane?

  8. Embassy just changed my interview from 24th sept now its MON 10th!!

  9. Okay, so my husband bought a car this morning. Where is he going to park that on the plane?

  10. And the good news just keeps on coming. My DS-3032 was accepted and my IV BILL the wonderful nice lady said will be invoiced in a day or two. Oh and they are working throughout the weekend and labor day so stay tuned ya'll.

  11. God, Almighty and Powerful! Thank You for answering prayers! everyday we see proof of Your mercy, kindness and love!!! love You Father

  12. AOS Package Approved! :)

  13. My husband is so upset cause the air conditioning guy is jerking me around and making me miss work this morning when he was supposed to be her last night. Its so nice that he wants to "fix it for me"! I'm going to get used to that real quick! A M-A-N int he house makes a world of difference! Thank you God for my husband!

  14. I think VJ needs to develop a private chat, so members can chat back and forth to eachother...just some thoughts for a better more interactive VJ.

  15. i really dont care anymore what they will decide..i just want they tell me so i dont need to go to psychiatrist for the next few years...oh how lil did i know when i started this

  16. Received SSN finally yesterday

  17. Lord I just want to stop and say Thank You. And how grateful I am for this process. Yes this process. WHY? Because you have introduced me to some awesome people from every walk of life, culture and corner of this earth you created for us. I feel the VJ family is what you intended for us to be a world family with common goals. Thank you for my VJ peeps. I love you all. YES YOU TOO!! :)

  18. Finally joined the forum!

  19. Husband got work!!! Starts Monday morning!!! Oh what a journey!!

  20. Missing someone gets easier everyday. Because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, it becomes a day closer to the next time you will.

  21. Today marks 2 Months since having my Wifey with me everyday! Woohoo! But today it's show time. DMV Road Test and hoping for her to do good and get her Driver's License!

  22. 6 months :( This is becoming unbearable.

  23. OMG! we just got approved! Thank God! to God be the glory... :)

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