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Status Updates posted by Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba

  1. Oh I will! LOL now I know how I missed it the last time! I clicked on your name instead of 'new comment' D'oh! Still not familiar with this site, and I am pretty sure I was on mobile when I did it, hahaha.

  2. Wait here, wait there, it really doesn't matter where we wait, because we all know we WILL! lol

  3. Dont seriously know how I missed your comment on my wall, lol. Yes our petition is being forwarded, already done so according to NVC and DOS. Waiting on confirmation, then onto the interview date wait :)

  4. Okay, wracked my brain all weekend trying to track our petition via the DHL trick, NVC said they received and sent it out on the 26th, nothing on DHL for the 26th or today, so 8 backtracked to the 25th, viola, there it was, received today, signed for by a Mr. Ben Obi :) thank you Jesus!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      I just answered my own question...if no interview date has been given, your case stays at NVC as it is not complete until the interview has been scheduled. SO, if none of them have interview dates yet, it is none of them.

    3. dwheels76


      K1's are sent to embassy for interview. IR1/CR1 stay at NVC until interview is set.

      Also you assuming this is a petition that has or has not an interview. I guess I am confused.

      Once NVC is complete with case it gets the good old DHL tracking. So how would you know if its an assigned interview or not.

      Like someone has said before 100's of those babies are shipped out daily to embassies all over. Check the K1 flowchart you'll see.


    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      No you are not confused, I forgot all about the K1's being set up that way, so it could be one of theirs. But even with tracking, the IR1/CR1 wouldn't be received to the Consulate without an interview already scheduled. I am simply hoping it's our petition and that's what I will continue hoping.

  5. We tend to focus on the busyness in our lives, work, our VJ, families etc., and it can wear a person down quickly. Spend some fun time with your loved one today, foget all about the stress of life, LAUGH with each other! We all need reminders of who we fell in love with so we can recharge for the new week! It's far too easy to get caught up in the day to day drudgeries!!

  6. As difficult as it is to be apart, let's remember that while we may not have known what this process entailed, we did sign up for it. Today you are one day closer to where you wanna be, and one day further than where you were! :)

    1. winnie george

      winnie george

      when i think of how far i and my hubby has come, i say to myself LORD I KNOW WE DIDN'T DO THIS ON OUR OWN, IT WAS BY YOUR GRACE. its difficult but surely its worth it... LOVE conquers all fear, doubt,worries, sorrows, disappointments.

    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Oh yes Winnie!!! That is solid truth there!!

  7. Adjustments....there is nothing he and I cannot overcome!!!! As for our house, we shall serve the Lord!

    1. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Am so totally free! God has given me clarity! Oh yes, God is glorious!

  8. signed in to update, NVC received our petition today, its being forwarded to the Consulate. Another wait process for interview date. Signing back out, but first I will say God is good, all the time! Glory to Him!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      I miss mine as well, and I try to appreciate the little moments we have now. I have a feeling we will both miss the butterflies when the phone rings, or the *ding on chat notifying us that one or the other is calling or online! We will have new butterflies, yet this part will be removed. I am such a sap, lol

    3. Louza


      Well said...you make a very good point as always. Here's to new butterflies! And you aren't the only sap around here ;)

    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      After I wrote this, my mind got to thinking that once he's here, hubby and I will have to plan an online date once a month, only not really planned, but more of a surprise, just like it is now :). I am seriously gonna miss that *ding and reading "Hi Love" from him. But really I can't wait for the new butterflies either

  9. There apparently is no rhyme or reason to NVC's process.......

  10. It's a new dawn, It's a new day and I'm feeling good! If you're reading this, God chose to give you another day, so thank Him!!! Happy Wednesday y'all!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Did he do a cover? I was actually thinking of Nina Simone :)

    3. Louza


      Yep! He did!

    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      I will have to check that out! Thanks! Have a fab day! :)

  11. I tried, I really did! Ok, on reapproved petitions they travel alone, all others get lumped in a package together. I asked for a date they were processing at this time, no answer, but they process from 7am-midnight. Thats all the info I could get. Sorry, it doesnt help any of us...

  12. Time to regain my shine!!! They're not gonna hold me down! God is good all the time! Amen

  13. NVC is gonna drive me crazy! I asked them to remove the attorney info and they send me an old update on our petition. What did that have to do with removing that info from their database? Do you even read the emails sent? Needless to say I replied back, trying to be nice, but am sure they will feel my disdain underneath my words.

  14. It's a new week, full of good news to be had! Maybe not for some of us, yet rest assured that which we are seeking will come, all in God's time! have a blessed week y'all!

    1. Ada&Neme


      Remain blessed dear!

    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba
  15. Life doesn't stop just because we are in holding patterns through this process! I am grateful for every minute I am alive and well! Cheers to the freakin weekend, drank to that yeah, yeah, last night. lol

  16. Hey! Welcome to FRIDAY!!!! Woot woot! Have a blessed weekend everyone! :)

  17. LOL...our petition is NOT in a black hole, it is en route to NVC, it may be at NVC just not logged in, Lagos is keeping track of its whereabouts as well, which is nowhere but en route. Dontcha love these answers??? tee hee

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      If our petitions get frequent flier miles I am cashing mine in to go for the interview! Bwahaha and Susie Q better get back from her vacation soon, lol

    3. dwheels76


      And excuse me who what set up off. Saw the post. LOL (remember I get email first hehe)

    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Just basic drama, ugh...am so over it hahaha

  18. On a lighter and happier note....Have a blessed day y'all! may you receive the news you are waiting to hear in your visa journey! :)

    1. Ada&Neme


      Amen, you too dear!

    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba
    3. dwheels76


      Amen I know thats right. Still in the waiting to be received line. Feel like the puppy at the kennel everyone passes. But that one family comes and gets me. Oh where are they. :)

  19. It's simply a matter of time :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Thanks Louza! How are things for you?

    3. Louza


      Things are ok thanks Tracy :)

    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Good, glad to hear! :)

  20. Anyone use FedEx to ship? if you have an account and print the label from home, it will save you money. Did not know that until tonight! smh at myself, lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      ummm, fedex, ups and dhl are all comparable, not the cheapest, but more reliable than USPS!

    3. Ada&Neme


      Loll, I knw

    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      All I know is I saved $22 just by printing my own label, any money saved is a good thing :)

  21. I am well! Thanks! And you are right, it isn't easy, yet we all seem to make it through :) Have a wonderful day.

  22. Hello! And welcome! I see you have just come back from 9ja, hope you had a lovely time! :)

  23. Okay called NVC, and I have to wait for the research team to contact me......

    1. Kehinde


      Give them about 2 weeks to receive it. ai had to contact the research team too but they really cant tell you anything until they receive it. And they will not contact you back. Cos the never contacted me back but if you send a reg. email to Lagos they will reply.

    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      It's been over 2 weeks now. So they may have sent it on to Lagos without going through NVC? I will keep calling everyday until I get an answer from them I guess.

  24. Just fresh off the phone with NVC....was instructed to scan my re approval letter to them so they can research our case. Oh boy, log jam???? Hope so!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      I'm about to call myself and see if I have a case number! WHEW...nerves, nerves, nerves! LOL...

    3. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      I'm about to call myself and see if I have a case number! WHEW...nerves, nerves, nerves! LOL...

    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Well call! Dont wait, just do it and see what you find out! :) Just breathe, it'll be fine!

  25. I wish to send you a PM but its telling me you cant receive any...Need some advice from you, is there another way to contact you?

    Please pm me, thanks!

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