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Posts posted by katchoo12

  1. katchoo12 added to VSC!

    California Service Center (17 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

    VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved



    MLADEN I BORYANA......06/01/15......06/03/15......06/29/15......--/--/--















    Vermont Service Center (12 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

    VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved





    AT LONG LAST..........06/09/15......06/12/15......--/--/15......--/--/--


    JOSE GARCIA...........06/12/15......06/16/15......--/--/15......--/--/--

    STARFLYER 59..........06/13/15......06/16/15......--/--/15......--/--/--






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    Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application.

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    What is the receipt notice date printed on your NOA? We need to add that to your timeline! Thanks

    NOA1 june 23rd ;)

  2. I would have your husband file the ROC normally, send you the paperwork so you can sign it and then mail it back to him for him to mail it from the USA ( I understand it MUST be mailed from within the USA). After, once he receives the extension letter, he can mail it to you? It's a lot of mailing but easier that way and you don't have to worry about crossing the border and dealing with rude CBP officers...Midn you, some are mine but as you said, others arent... I dont think the ROC requires that you state you are in Canada right now. You are allowed to travel for 3-4 months and I think up to 6 months without having to tell anyone. When you file (or if you file) for citizenship, it may affect when you are able to apply but that's down the line so I wouldn't worry about it...

    Just take care of your brother and have your husband mail you the extension letter...I wish you the best! Sorry about your brother...I'm dealing with a similar situation so more sympathetic, I could not be. I know it's so hard. *HUGS*

    I would have your husband file the ROC normally, send you the paperwork so you can sign it and then mail it back to him for him to mail it from the USA ( I understand it MUST be mailed from within the USA). After, once he receives the extension letter, he can mail it to you? It's a lot of mailing but easier that way and you don't have to worry about crossing the border and dealing with rude CBP officers...Midn you, some are mine but as you said, others arent... I dont think the ROC requires that you state you are in Canada right now. You are allowed to travel for 3-4 months and I think up to 6 months without having to tell anyone. When you file (or if you file) for citizenship, it may affect when you are able to apply but that's down the line so I wouldn't worry about it...

    Just take care of your brother and have your husband mail you the extension letter...I wish you the best! Sorry about your brother...I'm dealing with a similar situation so more sympathetic, I could not be. I know it's so hard. *HUGS*

    Thank you so much for your reply.

    That is exactly what I will do, so much easier and I will be able to focus on being with my brother.

    I wish you the best and I sympathize with your situation, HUGS back !

    Take care

  3. I am so sorry about your situation.

    Do you have any idea how long you will be out of the country? I know this is a tough and terrible time to do an estimation. Does your 90-day window open in June? If it does, I would delay the application for a month or two and see how things go. As long as your green card is unexpired and you've met the "legal presence" requirement, you should have no problems. Again, I am so sorry.

    thank you for your reply

    I don't really know how long...maybe a month or so but maybe more since I am in charge of the after,,,

    My 90 days open on June 17th (green card expires on Sept 17th).

    I am just worried about when I will cross the border back to the USA and not having the extension letter since the border officer are not super nice and knowlegeable...

  4. I have to file for ROC in June

    I left the US on May 21st 2015 to take care of my brother who is dying of cancer. I have no intention to move back here in Canada, I filed my taxes and I am on a personnal leave of absence from my job.

    I will go back to my husband in Maine as soon as this is over.

    Do I have to include an affidavit explaining why I am here ? If so, will it affect my ROC ?

    Should I go to the consulate in Montreal and explain ?

    Any help will be more than welcome


  5. Also be aware that a lease is not a proof that you reside in Montreal. Anybody can buy a lease contract at the convenience store. You need to bring a utility bill as proof that you reside in Montreal for at least 3 months.

  6. Be prepared and organized, they like that !

    Make a detailed list of your belongings including what is in your boxes and suitcases.

    Make sure you have all you papers near you

    Breathe, relax and look at them in the eyes while answering their questions.

    Make sure they take your sealed enveloppe

    Make sure they stapple your I-94 in your passport with a date (you are going to need it when filling your AOS)

    Good luck !

    PS: If I may, which state are you going ?

    I almost forgot !!

    If you have electronics or furniture that looked new bring the receipt

  7. I had the same problem when looking for jobs in banking which most of my work experience and education is. They did not tell me up front that they could not give me an interview because I dont have my GC yet but only EAD, but it was pretty clear that they don't want to deal with EAD... As an immigrant, everybody expect us not to be picky and take whatever job is available (meaning minimum wage job), but when you have a good work experience and education it is kinda degrading and very depressing. I would not be happy to have to take that kind of job. Thankfully I do have enough savings to wait for the right job when i'll get my GC.

  8. I did not. I just list the number of boxes and their content. Ex: 2 box of books...ect and they do not even looked at it saying that my stuff did not look brand new !!

    As for the value of your stuff you don't need to provide it because this is all your personal belongings. Although, if you have furniture or electronics that looked new, bring the bill with you.

    I hope this help !

    The best of luck on your POE !


  9. Usually criminal offence are registered in your file starting at 18, sometimes before 18 year old if it was very serious. You just have to go to the commissionnaires, they will do all the research at once on the canadian level) so no need to travel to different police station in the country. FYI, I did my criminal check about 3 week before my interview at the consulate. I hope it helped !

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