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Posts posted by Brian-n-Jinkie

  1. So we filed my wife's papers for lifting conditions back on February 4, 2016. It will be a year come Saturday and we have not received a NOA. Anyone know what may happen?  I have called twice to put in a request for an explanation and have only gotten "we're working on it". 

    We moved and I have successfully changed our address so that shouldn't play a role, but want to give you all the info. May have to drive 36 hours round trip to the nearest field office for an appointment without even knowing what they will say. 

  2. I don't know if anyone is still reading this, but I film weddings for a living. I film some the biggest, most expensive ones there are even that include celebrities. By far! my favorite ones are the ones that are unique to the couple. They have their own style, surround themselves with people who love them, and they throw a very personal party with decor that is unique to only them. I remember one had a "Biscuit Bar" with different kinds of jelly and preserves. As for the song, it needs to be something that means something to the two of you. Don't randomly pick something. PLEASE do not walk down the isle to NSYNC or Dave Matthews! UGH! You are beautiful and elegant and you need music that suggests that. Check out "River Flows In You" by Yiruma. Something like that would be nice.

    Just my 2 cents!

  3. How did you do Brian? Our noa2 came in 66 days so now it's my turn to panic About this certificate!

    We did fine. It took a little less than 3 months to get the certificate. We were told once she turned it in they would go ahead and mail out her visa. That was over 3 weeks ago. I'm really getting tired of dealing with this Embassy. I'm sending her down there to speak with them face to face and see if we can light a fire under their #### and get this done! There's nothing else to do but add the one letter to the file and review it, then send it out! I just don't get it!

    because bahrain is in the middle eastheadbonk.gif

    Really? Bahrain is in the middle east??? You're a smart one! The reason it was posted in the Philippines forum is for advice from others who had worked abroad there FROM PI and get there experiences with it. Obviously if she were still in Bahrain she would have walked in there personally and gotten it herself. Thanks for your unnecessary comment though. :thumbs:

  4. My fiancé just had her medical at St. Luke's and did it in one day, however it would be a risk to go to close to your appointment. For that fact, if you call the embassy to schedule your interview they won't even schedule it less than 2 weeks to allow for the medical to go through. The clinic sends your information directly to the consulate and you need to allow time for that. This whole visa process is about being thorough and on the safe side. Is being turned away at the interview worth saving a trip? If they turn you away cuz you don't have your medical done you're gonna have to make another trip anyway.

    ...... in short, don't chance it!

  5. I know this is an old topic, but I wanted to add my 2 cents.

    I am self-employed. What I did was made copies of the Articles of Organization showing my company as an LLC (or entity). I sent this along with my last 3 years tax returns showing the business as stable and successful.

    That being said.... I'll have to come back and say wether she gets approved with that cuz she hasn't been to her interview yet.

  6. Yeah, the problem is we just got our NOA2!! It sucks to have to wait so long to get it just to find out you have to wait again. I've heard different things from different people about how long it takes, but you're right..... none of them move fast enough for me. Luckily I'm the impatient type and will probably bug them daily until they do something about it. lol However, someone told her yesterday that she had to wait till she had her packet! I don't know what that's about, but it shouldn't be necessary. They should still do it. It drives me nuts that I can't be there and help her. Thanks for your reply and sharing your experience. :)

    Left sock..... :rofl:

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