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Tasha and Chris

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    Tasha and Chris reacted to Noah Lot in Illegal immigrants worried about their children...   
    I totally agree...the United States of America does NOT owe the rest of the world a particular standard of living. Illegal alien supporters frequently forget that illegal aliens steal from US taxpayers, by obtaining free medical care, by placing their children (not USCs) into our public schools, by working for low wages and thus depressing wages across many blue collar industries, cause untold numbers of car wrecks that they walk away from because they are too irresponsible to buy insurance, bring disease into our country and into our schools because they are living here without having been medically cleared, etc, etc, etc....now, for those of you who just love illegal aliens and think they are the most deserving people on earth, well, why haven't you taken in a dozen or so into YOUR home, feed and clothe them, let them have a job at your business (while firing an American worker), let them use your car, etc....because if you are unwilling to do this, please don't ask me and other patriotic Americans to do the same, by trying to pass laws that would reward illegals instead of shipping them back to their own country.
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    Tasha and Chris reacted to i'm-in-love in long wait is over (:   
    i had my interview last 21st of November 2011 and after the torture of waiting, finally at exactly 12:30pm (November 30, 2011) i got my visa from USEM
    for those who are waiting, have faith guys!!!
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    Tasha and Chris reacted to beejay in I love this site!   
    This is a good site but I think you should check out Immigrate2us.net
    Most of their members have been through or are going through the waiver process.
    Good luck bringing your family back together
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    Tasha and Chris reacted to JimVaPhuong in Illegal immigrants worried about their children...   
    They set themselves up for this when they entered the US illegally. The pitiable situation they find themselves in now would not have happened if they hadn't broken the law to begin with. I do have sympathy for their children, but their situation is not the fault of the Alabama government or it's new law. They took the risk that something like this could happen when they entered illegally, and when they chose to have children in the United States. They presumed it wouldn't happen because the federal government has a record of selective law enforcement. The Alabama law mirrors federal law, with the additional caveat that it requires Alabama law enforcement officers to enforce the law. I'm a little disgusted with the media for trotting these people out with their sob stories and completely glossing over the fact that they got themselves into this mess voluntarily.
    "I can't stop working. My daughters need shoes and other things."
    She shouldn't be working in the US to begin with, and her employer is breaking the law by providing her with a job. What's next? "We're doing the work that Americans won't do!" What they really mean is that they're willing to work for slave wages because they don't have legal status, and there's no shortage of employers in the US who are more than happy to exploit them. If they had green cards then they too would be demanding minimum wage jobs. The ones who use fake ID's and Social Security numbers and lie on an I-9 form are even worse because they actually ARE taking a job that a US citizen or permanent resident would be happy to take.
    I know a farmer who grows strawberries near the Northern California coast. He only sells his fruit through roadside stands and local farmer's markets. Because he doesn't have to pay distributors he gets to keep all the profit, so he can afford to pay minimum wage to strawberry pickers. He insists on proof of lawful presence for everyone who shows up for work, and he turns people away every day because he's got more than enough workers by the time the shift starts. Every day he says someone will show up and offer to work for half as much if he'll overlook their legal status. He just laughs and tells them to go find a farmer who is willing to break the law because he's not. Other farmers who sell their produce to distributors are forced to hire illegals because their competitors are hiring them, and the net result is artificially deflated prices.
    This is the same reason that unemployment is so high in the US. We can't compete with Chinese labor costs, and we don't charge tariffs to offset the difference. Nobody can afford to produce anything in the US because their competitors will always be able to undercut their retail prices because they're getting their products made in China. Free trade is the reason the middle class are disappearing in America. It's not the greed on Wall Street.
    Frankly, I think every state should enact laws similar to Alabama's. Eventually, there would be far fewer people in this situation because they'd simply stop coming if they know the chances of getting away with it were slim. Someone's willingness to break the law is directly proportional to their perceived chances of getting caught.
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