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Status Updates posted by BC-Neo

  1. Thanks guys.

  2. Did they say anything about the sealed package you take to the POE. Does it come by DHL with the passport and visa?

  3. She was told that her visa will be mailed within a week through DHL.

  4. Thank God that we do talk every day on the phone at least twice plus we do facebook, skype and oovoo. All our talking paid off cause she answered every question correctly.

  5. Dadajnm, when you go for your interview. Take every piece of evidence you can. We too didn't have everything but we had some. They wanted all our logs from chats sessions. All our phone call listing. if you receive money through moneygram or western union. And of course all the regular stuff. You need to know your spouse inside and out. They asked questions that we did not expect.

  6. Thanks, it was though. They asked question of my brothers names, why I go to Miami to work. It was so many questions. It you didn't have a real marriage and talk about things like family. She would have been denied. The even asked what kind of women I liked. All that was in our skype logs from over 18 ago. It must have been crazy for her to have two people ask you questions at the same time.

  7. Our Lord is so good when you keep the faith. She's approved. Ndungu, just as you said. it was tough. There was only seven interviews on Friday. She had two interviewers and one was the dreaded blonde woman. She said they asked tons of questions and wanted all our emails and skype logs, moneygram. They read through all the logs and the man actually laughed. In the end she got approved.

  8. Thanks Ben and Jill and also to ddartt1.

  9. Thanks for the prayers Ndungu. Only 7 hours until embassy. This is going to be a long night at work for me.

  10. I forgot to ask did you receive your original documents backs?

  11. Thanks for the extra incite. She's know everything that was asked to you. We have been doing mock interviews for the past two weeks over skype. Thanks you very much. I'm going to call her right now and again congratulations. I'm so happy for you.

  12. That is good news and God has brought you through it this very long process. Thanks for the extra incite. We too didn't prepare any emails. There's so many. I will tell her to print up a few just in case. She looked at our skype log. It's hundreds of pages long so she printed a few. Our phone logs are the same and so is facebook. Just taking a few of each.

  13. Tick tock, tick tock, we're waiting for the good news.

  14. Thanks. We're hoping for a quick and easy approval.

  15. Being nervous in natural. Our Lord won't let you fail when you keep the faith. I'll be looking for your wonderful news so I can cheer. I'm nervous now too and I'm not the one being interviewed. That's so crazy.

  16. Oh yes the end is near and we've been waiting for that day. Thank you for the wishes. I see you're almost done with the NVC. So you're not too far behind.

  17. You guys ready. Only 6 days to go for you. We got 8 days. It's hard to believe that our time is upon us when it seemed like yesterday it was almost two months away. Stay prayerful. It's brought us a long way.

  18. The countdown is going. 14 days as of Friday. As for getting a better date. Those people are full of it. They say call back but when you do there is no dates unless you're K1. Are you guys a little nervous? I am. We have everything in order we think. The wife is even all packed. Lol. Her biggest concern now is what to wear. Women, too funny.

  19. I just logged on to check on your medical but you beat me to it. My wife been in touch with the Embassy. She has to call back tomorrow to see if she can get a canceled appointment slot. I'm not going to Kenya either. I'll might be in Miami working during that time. Might have her do the POE there. Depends on when the visa arrives.

  20. We paid around 19.6k. Just under 20K. She needed 3 vaccinations. I agree with you. I'm given up rescheduling. I think there might be a problem with the family based side of the system. I read that K1's schedule there all the time. 28 more days for to wait for us. Did you ever decide if you would travel to Kenya around the interview date?

  21. Yes the embassy did suggest that we should rescheduled for an earlier date. The woman on the phone could not access our file online to reschedule us. She suggested we try it for ourselves. No we cannot view our already booked appointment online. We can reschedule but it says no appointments available. So I guess we'll wait it out.

  22. Thanks, I was just making sure I was using the right numbers. My wife did call and everything is there. She was told to rescheduled to a earlier date through the web site since we had over a month to wait. Of course there were no dates available on the web site. I will look every day to see if one does open up, but I doubt it will happen.

  23. Which phone number did you use when you called the embassy? Did you talk with a consular or just a phone attendant? I called the main line and the recording says to call on mon-thur to speak with a consular. So I will try again on Monday to ask about the Friday appointment.

  24. You travel by van to the hospital for chest x-rays. That's to check for TB. She said it's very cold in the hospital. Day 2 is vaccinations and exam. They will look at everything on the body. They're looking for lesions and sores on the body. Plus a breast exam. Yes they will touch. Than you wait for your certificate if you passed. Most time is spent waiting.

  25. It's good to hear that your wife is doing good. The medical when good. She passed. Expect to be there early on both days. It's first come first served. My wife arrived on 1st day at 7:15 and was number 18 in line. 2nd day she arrived at 6:30am and was number 8 in line. She was completed at 1:30pm & 3:30pm. day 1 is interview where you are told what to expect and the cost.

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