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winnie george

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Status Replies posted by winnie george

  1. This is the week to get my IV documents from Husband. I know it will be here this week. Album gets delivered on the 11th also. YAY. Everything off to NVC by end of week. Case Complete end of next week in Jesus might name. Interview date will be Dece. 20th or 21st. amen.

  2. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of Power, Love and a Sound Mind. Lord I know I'm not good enough, but I'm so glad You love me.

  3. This is the week to get my IV documents from Husband. I know it will be here this week. Album gets delivered on the 11th also. YAY. Everything off to NVC by end of week. Case Complete end of next week in Jesus might name. Interview date will be Dece. 20th or 21st. amen.

  4. Dear Lord, I feel beaten down by storms of life, drowning in a sea of adversity and stress. I commit today to depend on You as my refuge. I place my hope and trust in You and commit to hanging on to You at all times. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

  5. 4 days til the interview! Continously sending prayers up for God to send blessings down for us on 10/11. So ready for our lives to be complete when we are together.

  6. I remember how worried and stressed out I was last year the month of Toyins interview. I thought I was trusting God, but clearly, with stress and worry all over me I wasn't. That denial was a blessing, for God had a lesson for me to learn during this past year. When the time comes, I shall not worry over the outcome, I shall accept what God gives, for it is on His time and in His plan for me.

  7. October 7, 2011 was Prince's interview date...it was a year ago today that our intire lives changes as man and wife once we were approved. I thank God for that moment in time because it started us on our true journey into being together.

  8. Alright, the day I've waited for is here! I will be leaving later this afternoon to see my hubby!! Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes, we appreciate it!!!! Talk to you guys after the interview!!!

  9. Approvedddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

  10. Some days crawl, and other days zip by.....ahhhh patience, it is a virtue I haven't fully mastered yet. Lord, bless those who are traveling with safe journeys, those with upcoming interviews with approvals and bless the CO's from head to toe, who are in charge of those petitions. In Jesus Name Amen!

  11. VISA APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. winnie am not sure yet...but once am certain will let u guys knowknow

  13. thank you jesus...picked up my visa today...

  14. Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything, tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ.

  15. Anyone know what a current Tourist Visa to Nigeria costs? I've heard the rates went up and I can't find the answer online.

  16. Approved! Thank you for all the prayers and the wishes. I will post a review shortly.

  17. In 3 days I am leaving to go see the hubby!! =) Interview in a week!!

  18. Here we go! NVC has scheduled my hubby an interview date on Nov 14th, 2012. Thank you God. Please God keep guiding and providing for all of us on this process in Jesus name.Amen!

  19. NOA2 is here at our 245th day wait!

  20. Dear God, Thank You for this day. Please help me to stand firm and to always give myself fully to Your work. I know that anything that is done for You in accordance to Your will is not in vain, but will reap showers of blessings. Although I may not always see immediate results or receive instant gratification (as so many want these days), I know that You are the Lord of the harvest, and that You will bring the results in the right time. Please guide, direct, and strengthen me. In Jesus' n...

  21. I did a poe review for those going through MIA to catch connecting flight or not.

  22. Blue sheet!!!

  23. God bless us all in these sweet October! May all our hearts desire come true. Oh, Mr. October shower us all with success please be nice to all of us, hehehehe. To God be the glory! :-)

  24. Blue sheet!!!

  25. Lord I thank you for the month of september, it will always be a september to remember for us...and am also thanking you for the wonderful things, good news and approvals your yet to give us in this month of october...I know it will all be wonderful in the end... Amen..

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