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    HappyMama reacted to Harpa Timsah in Harsh Question   
    I live on the street and eat trash! I know how to make it work off of zero, why can't everyone else get my secret? I'm special!
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    HappyMama reacted to Gigli2008 in Harsh Question   
    Take a look at the restrictions and things that have become illegal to do in the last 40 years. Big Government stealing our liberty one act at a time.
    For example. kids today are not grouped by their cognitive abilities like they were in days past. Because they will be stigmatized because they are put together in the 'dumb kids class' or other nonsense, (instead of viewing it as the kids are at this level and are taught at this particular pace), so now the kids are disbursed into the regular classroom and the teacher is forced to teach at the LCD (lowest common denominator) pace to the benefit of that one child at the expense of the rest. Our education schools have nose dived in direct relation to the implementation of this feel good philosophy. (google it! - there i quoted Rosie for you).

    The example you give below on "Big Government" is pure hogwash. Basically you are repeating talking points without really understanding the implications. BTW "Big government" is not the cause of poor performance in schools. There is something wrong with the school system, and it's not "Big Government". "Big Government" is just a catch-phrase that people throw out willy nilly. The problem with the schools nowadays is teacher training, education management, and lack of student & parental responsibility.
    People should start paying attention and not wait for media to brainwash them. And this goes both ways, liberals or conservatives.
    1. Jobs have been outsourced to other countries to the detriment of the American people and yet people don't blame the people who caused this to happen because of another catch-phrase, "free enterprise" that people don't fully understand.
    2. More and more prisons have been privatized causing more tax payer money to be funneled into the hands of the people who own these prisons. http://www.correctionsproject.com/corrections/pris_priv.htm
    3. The free enterprise and anti-"big government" crowd has been misinformed into thinking that less regulation is what big pharma, banks, insurance companies etc., need to bring this country back into prosperity while, right in front of their noses, during the longest time of less regulations these same companies were the cause of recession and near depression and the downward spiral of said prosperity.
    4. Now the free enterprise and anti-"big government" crowd has been led to believe that privatising Social Security, Medicare & Public School Education is what the country needs to thrive while they fail to realize that Social Security, Medicare and Public School Education dollars are essentially tax payer dollars, and their costs should not be tied to share holders needs. http://www.edweek.org/ew/issues/privatization-of-public-education/
    And if privatized, Social Security, Medicare and Education dollars will be given to these private institutions to manage, which will only guarantee that they get rich off the tax payer dollar (driven by share holder greed) while not really giving any better Benefits or Education.
    Privatization essentially turns tax payer contributions into a for-profit enterprise. And as you know, even great enteprises can fail....it is the nature of business....so what happens if these private institutions claim that business was bad this year and sorry, we no longer have your money.
    5. Same old, Same old story. Banks looted the american people of their money by doing shoddy practices in mortgage lending and using tax payer dollars as collateral. Both parties were to blame for allowing this to happen. Health Insurance companies have fought to keep the status quo, so they can keep looting the american people off their premium money, while not really providing care that is comensurate to the premiums that tax payers pay or that doctors get paid. Is it a wonder then that Medicare currently has a 3-5% Administration overhead because it is not a private entity while the "free enterprise" health insurance companies have a 17 - 35% on Administrative cost alone. What happens when Medicare becomes privatized.....the needs of the shareholder will trump the needs of the beneficiary or the doctor who gets paid. That is what drives the cost of health insurance up. Doctors have no problem with the amount they get from Medicare for seeing medicare patients, and they get roughly the same amount from private health insurance. The difference is, Medicare has no shareholders demanding millions of dollars in earnings while private insurance is driven by shareholder needs for those millions in earnings. So in order for the insurance companies to meet the shareholder demands, they drive up the cost in premiums, gives the same amount as Medicare to the doctors and pay themselves huge amounts in salaries and give the rest to share holders.
    6. And now those that cry free enterprise the loudest ask... where can we get more tax payer money?, SS, Medicare, Public School Education, instutitons that are still funded by tax payers. Please, people do not allow your tax dollars to go to private institutions that the government would outsource its functions to.
    Why can't we all be independent thinkers. The power of having access to the internet should ensure that every one of us can research for themselves and separate politically biased talking points from reality.
    This country is going to ruin because the american people are lazy and believe everything that the media tells them to. They shout "big government" this and the other and the next day their viewers have the term "big government" coined in their vocabulary. The media says "death panels" and the next day their viewers have those exact words flying in their every conversation. Comeon, be original. Evaluate the facts and come up with your own opinion.
  3. Like
    HappyMama reacted to Harpa Timsah in Harsh Question   
    Wow, there are some real nutjobs on this forum.
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    HappyMama reacted to chaine1 in Harsh Question   
    There are far too many variables at play here, and I think anyone who takes a black-and-white view fails to see the whole picture. I, for one, am grateful that the USCIS understands the great variation among its petitioners and tries to accommodate these differences.
    I have lived abroad for five years, and would now like to return home to the USA to enter into a PhD program. As a PhD student, I will barely meet the poverty guidelines. I met my husband abroad, and while there are arguments floating around here stating "You could have found your love in the USA," this was not the path my life took. Should I have stopped myself from falling in love with him, because I somehow should have known that I would struggle to meet the poverty guidelines if and when we wanted to move the USA?
    My husband's earning potential is high (fingers crossed he will find a job quickly), but is it possible for the two of us to survive on 125% of the poverty line? Absolutely. I have lived on less. However, if the USCIS did not allow me the option to have a co-sponsor, I would probably not be approved and my husband and I would look elsewhere to move.
    I think it's fair to say that no two cases are the same. Are there people getting married who can't even support themselves? Sure, but I don't think povery requirements will stop that.
    Anyway, I'm just grateful that the USCIS sees each case as individual, and does not apply a one-size-fits-all policy. I would likely fall through the cracks that way.
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    HappyMama reacted to Gary and Alla in Harsh Question   
    Anyone trying to support themselves or another on 125% of the poverty level is kidding themselves. The line has nothing to do with "having enough" to live on, it has ONLY to do with having enough income for the government to confiscate if your fiancee becomes a public charge.
    That said, provided it costs ME nothing, I could not possibly care less if someone else is prepared for their wife or husband. Make your bed, lay down and STFU! Not my business. I make no judgement. I do not care. I have enough to do to keep my own @ss afloat.
    If you ask me they should do away with the Affidavits of Support altogether and simply make it impossible for a family based immigrant to collect ANY means tested benefits until they are citizens. Job done.
  6. Like
    HappyMama reacted to Dakine10 in Harsh Question   
    This is by design - so technically not a loophole.
  7. Like
    HappyMama reacted to Moomin in does I-846 discriminate between rich and poor   
    My husband is in the background. I'm not really religious in the same way as him however, he mentions following the law of the land. Romans 13: 1-7.
  8. Like
    HappyMama reacted to one...two...tree in John Burri, Father of Fallen Soldier, Burns NJ Flag to Protest Whitney Houston Tribute   
    We celebrate George Washington's birthday and he was a slave owner.
    We have MLK day and he was a philanderer.
    Thomas Jefferson made one of his slaves pregnant.
    Andrew Jackson ordered the slaughter of thousands of Native Americans and he's on the $20 bill.
    600,000 Elvis fans visit Graceland every year and the man had sex with a 14 year old girl. He also died from a drug overdose.
    Marilyn Monroe died of a drug overdose.
    How is that we as a country can collectively look past these historical figures' flaws and celebrate their achievements, but the state of NJ is somehow not following that tradition?
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