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Posts posted by skiptex

  1. if you are doing K1.. it probably would not be a good idea to offer any information about ANY service you had while K1 is processing..

    do what you want..

    i myself, will not do this.. i don't care what anybody else has experienced..

    i dont' think you can tell the US Goverment.. "well, somebody i don't know in a VISA forum said it was ok.. ".. LOL :)

    but if you do it before K1.. why not get married and do K3?

  2. congrats on the wedding mr/ms rupa.. i am not trying to scare anybody.. but it is better to be informed of any risks, that is what op was asking for.. don't you think :)

    for another story.. i was with ex, from mexico.. she needed to renew a stamp to go past 30 mile check points in south texas.. one ICE officer.. said "go thru here, and around the incoming foot traffic".. we never left US soil.. got her stamp.. when i had to get in a line and walk out.. another officer asked for my passport.. i told him.. i did not leave the country, we just went to that office..

    he said, well, i need your passport if you want to enter the country.. all i had was my Drivers license.. he took it and talked to someone else.. he let me pass.. it was close.. but he could have denied me entry.. i would have been SCREWED!

    so it really comes down to the person asking.. :)

    either way.. good luck to the OP.. and a big congrats to everyone else that received the K1.. i am learning lots of great stuff here thanks!!

  3. barbara..

    i haven't started process yet.. my gf has come to USA for a couple of weeks and i went to VENZ for a couple of weeks.. and she will be coming back in Dec. (all trips in 1 calander year) we have lots of pics.. but no time stamps.. should i make sure we get time stamped pics for DEC trip? in your opinion, do ya think that would suffice..?

    we still have our boarding passes from our trips, recipts, passport stamps.. just to play it safe. should be get all pics we take time stamped to be safe.. ?

  4. well, i think you are playing it too close.. domestic or not.. you won't be a US Citizen at the time (us citizens do not need passport, that part is clear).. so why chance it.. in my humble opinion.. i think it is NOT worth the risk.. no matter what anybody tells you here.. it will be the people at the airport who have the opinion that matters..

    but, if that is what you and your spouse choose to do... i hope it works out great is not a problem.. and not like the article i posted..


    i would say, go to Florida.. instead.. for now.. you have rest of your life!!

  5. are you US Citizen? US Citizens do not need Passport, if you came in on K1 and not married yet.. i would becareful..

    here are some links.. good luck in what you choose :)




  6. i just saw this on another thread.. i will look for the link..

    what i understand it is ok, does not affect you going back an forth.. but it would not hurt to have statement from work that you will plan on coming back to you home country.. they may still deny entry.. but most i have seen it was not a problem..

    my gf is in Venezuela.. and she has come to see me and i went to see her.. this past year.. and she is coming in dec.. we will probably start the K1 when she leaves.. so i was wondering about the same topic.. but that is the info i have seen..


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