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Posts posted by skiptex

  1. from another thread. but i have same question..

    Anyone fluent in both languages can do the translation. The translation must include a certification by the translator. The translation does not need to be notarized.

    Follow this link for an example of the translation certification block; http://www.visajourn...nt/translations

    HOLD IT!! i just stumbled on this!! my GF can translate her own papers.. or another friend.. she is fluent in spanish and english.. and just sign this statement.. http://www.visajourn...nt/translations

    that is great news.. that was what i worried about!!!!

    ok.. does anybody have an example of what Translation format should/would look like??

    do you just hand write under original text on copy of original.. or re do it in a msword file?!

    can anybody have help me understand this part.. thanks..


  2. "chill winston" is movie reference from Lock Stock and Two Smoking barrels.. :)

    hey i am new here.. but old in another forum for my hobby.. i understand the shortness when you see the same questions asked over and over.. LOL>>

    ps.. congrats on your i-129 filing..

    i will probably send my off in dec. when she visits.. or right after she leaves.. :) but i like to do lots of research before i do something like this.. mostly it just keeps me from doing housework or studying for my engineering exam :)

  3. HOLD IT!! i just stumbled on this!! my GF can translate her own papers.. or another friend.. she is fluent in spanish and english.. and just sign this statement.. http://www.visajourney.com/content/translations

    that is great news.. that was what i worried about!!!!

    ok.. does anybody have an example of what Translation format should look like??

    do you just handwrite under original text on copy of original.. or re do it in a msword file?!

    can anybody have help me understand this part.. thanks..


  4. This has NOTHING to do with whether or not the OP's taxes were prepared correctly. She's not seeking additional deductions or to lower her income taxes - her income does NOT support the number of persons in her household that is required by USCIS.


    chill winston.. she mentioned her tax form.. for what ever reason.. AND with her Lawyer telling her to change things.. i don't know why 2010 is in question.. hence speak to a pro.. since neither of us no who did her taxes.. LOL>> is this not a place for brainstorming ideas...

    SIGH>> ;)

    so i looked up my work info.. i am good for this part of my K1.. so i learned something that was helpful.. :)

  5. his post explaining situation from K1 thread.. maybe it can shade some light..


    I have met My ex 2008 she viisted me in my country everythign go fine but later problemes start so i was aprroved did doctor exem 1 week ebfore inteview we broke so i decided do nto go to my inteeview .Now i met somoen else more than 1year she viist me ;My question cozdue what happend before as me and my ex broke and i did nto go to interview will coz any probleme to me if got new interview

    follow up.

    Its easy to understand ;I met us ctzen women evrythign went good at first but she viisted me then after back home after 4months she snet paper to uscis ;then i felt soemthign changed on her ;we start have probelemes.In march i was aproved i did my test exmen i eman went to doctor one week before interview she said we are done try ask why ;i thin ehr fmaily and her ex bf who talk on her ears so i decied do nto go ;why i should go if we are done .in 2010;i met the wonderful person i ahve never met ;then i ntoiced how i am lucky that thinsg did nto go fturther wiht my ex i am very Thankful to God for that ;Now we fill up i129 f so we are lookingforward for the decision;the question is there is any probleme i will face if i am approved in the interview
  6. well, the is a chance your taxes were not prepared correctly.. or maybe some deductions left off.. or some tax mumbo jumbo.. but maybe getting a tax professional to look over the tax form.. THEN maybe something can be done.. but taking a kid off.. probably not.. it could be worth a shot.. i know.. i used to do my own taxes but now. i have a cpa.. that would be only way to change past tax form.. HR BLOCK has commercials.. HEY BRING IN YOUR OLD TAX FORM.. WE CAN FIND OUT IF YOU OVERPAID or NOT CORRECT>> :)

    just a thought..

  7. yea.. i am not a smart man.. but trying to changes TAXES from two years ago.. does not seem like its possible.. since EVERYBODY would be changing PAST TAX Forms if they could benefit somehow.. so you are correct to not trust that attorney.. if you have a TAX question.. Call IRS directly. :devil:

    ps.. what exactly is co sponsor responsibility?

    i looked up the poverty level.. i just have to be making 125% over that correct? is that were you need co sponsor?

  8. http://www.visajourney.com/content/k1guide


    these two links have been the most helpful..

    personally i don't you think you need a lawyer.. i don't plan on using one.. its pretty easy to figure out.. looks just like lots of patients..

    also.. if you SEARCH Macau.. this is what comes up.. several threads for you go to thru.. you will probably find all the answers you want!


  9. i figure english is not your first language with all the mistakes..

    i was trying to help you out by putting in a form that others would understand more clearly..

    thats why i asking if i was correct in how i 'read' your post..

    but i will let others more experienced answer that i don't know if person in interview may think it is strange that you have found LOVE again with another US CITIZEN and was on another I-129 form.. that would be the only thing i thought that may be something they look at more closely..

  10. I will be very busy for the wedding, I am sure I don't want to work right after I set my feet in the US or even 2 weeks after marriage. I am thinking of like my 5th month there until I get my Green Card.

    it does not mean you have to start working right after the wedding.. BUT once you get this processed you will be allowed to work.. when you want or when you find work.. which ever comes first! :) either way.. good luck in your journey :)

  11. K-1 visa wont allow you to work, right?

    that is what i understand.. BUT once you get in US and get married.. you can apply for a work permit.. hope this helps

    this is from : M-564 (August 2008) I Am a U.S. Citizen How Do I… Help My Fiancé(e) Become a U.S. Permanent Resident?

    Can my fiancé(e) work in the United States while on a

    fiancé(e) visa?

    After admission, your fiancé(e) may immediately apply for permission to work by filing Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, with the USCIS Service Center having jurisdiction over your place of residence. Any work authorization based on a nonimmigrant fiancé (e) visa would be valid for only 90 days after entry. However, your fiancé (e) would also be eligible to apply for an extended work authorization at the same time as he or she files for permanent residence. In this case, your fiancé(e) would file Form I-765 together with Form I-485 as soon as you marry.

  12. OK>. you met a US Citizen.. fell in love.. but broke up during the K1 process and did not go to the interview..

    NOW.. you met another US CITIZEN fell in love and you want to start K1 Process again and will previous K1 application/not showing up to interview affect your current K1 application?

    this is what i pieced together from your Original Post., it was difficult to understand

  13. If a petitioner and finance do a 'religious wedding' in a country outside the USA, in the eyes of American law, it really a marriage took place, so a K3 is required. because the USA court marriage is what matters once the K1 finance enters USA.

    Secondly, during the interview, it would be quite stupid to mention you got religiously married, because, it defeats the purpose of K1. So if have gotten a religious ceremony keep quiet about it.. and just do a US civil service ceremony upon arriving here.

    maybe OP does not know about K3 visa

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