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Status Updates posted by Olomi_811

  1. Was thinking about calling you last night, but thought you may have been at bible study or making OT.

  2. Just stopping by to see how you're doing.

  3. I just read your review. Your daughter certainly sealed the approval. Too precious!

  4. Stayed home for date night (too hot). He lost me when he picked The 7 Adventures of Sinbad. Had a longggg nap and I'm revived now...round 2!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. dwheels76


      Olomi- stop it now. I am laying up in the bed laughing so hard tears. Just picturing u watching this and ur eyes rollin.

      Me and my husband thank you Jesus love the action stuff. "Transformers" I swear I have it on a loop on my computer.

      @Lagoslove-what is it with our husbands and movies on laptops. I guess the lack of nepa makes it that way. Too too fuNny. Hunni loves '24'. I have never seen an episode.

      I am lovin this so can't wait.

    3. ely chaudhary

      ely chaudhary

      I am laughing so hard at both of your comments cause I can so relate to this ...lol...

    4. ely chaudhary

      ely chaudhary

      I am laughing so hard at both of your comments cause I can so relate to this ...lol...

  5. So they tease me at work about how fast I leave now and remark about how they remember when I would be the last person there...(lol after hours I was getting my immigration work done)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Olomi_811


      @ love I was doing extra things for money too!

      LOL@ Jill

    3. dwheels76


      Girl i feel ya. I use to always say "ya'll should be happy I am single.

      And your after hours. LOL hehe shhhhhhhh

    4. dwheels76


      Girl i feel ya. I use to always say "ya'll should be happy I am single.

      And your after hours. LOL hehe shhhhhhhh

  6. Rain makes everything beautiful...

  7. I see you haven't logged in a while. I hope all is well.

  8. If I couldn't say a word...I would just wave my hands!

  9. If I couldn't say a word...I would just wave my hands!

  10. If I couldn't say a word...I would just wave my hands!

  11. Sorry for stalking (lol)...I see where you asked if you should have the police report sent to you. That's probably best if your spouse uses your address to have it sent as you will be the one sending it into NVC. Otherwise your spouse may have to get it FEDEXed to you. (shrinking back into the shadows).

  12. We applied for SSN on Thursday and it arrived today (23 days since getting here). Now he'll start taking a serious look at this driving manual....lol

    1. Olomi_811


      Lord grant him wings to soar...fly little birdie

  13. Don't withdraw it. Supposedly one will cancel out. Respond to the RFE, because either way your case is being processed and you don't want to get in your own way.

  14. Good day... where in PA are you?

  15. Love the photo!

  16. Love the photo!

  17. God works in mysterious ways...I got rear ended today (car only has paint from the other vehicle) and that somehow opened up the lines of better communication between us. He had not spoken to his people since he left, because he lost his SIM card somewhere between Doha and NYC. He wrote down 4 numbers tonight and the final one was his mom! Thank you Lord this is such a relief!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ely chaudhary

      ely chaudhary

      Glad that no one was injured. It is amazing how God works :-) May your blessings never end.

    3. Gambialove


      I'm so happy your okay, amen



      You guys are just learning to live together.Adjusting is for both husband and wife. Keep talking, Keep fighting thru it. You both have come to far to let anything break it down. Thank God you were not hurt and I'm sorry we missed your call. I was working much needed OT.

  18. Green card arrived today...18 days after POE!

    1. feli114


      Yall on the move. Get that SSN and send him out to work :)

    3. Olomi_811


      We went to the SS office yesterday. It should arrive within a week. Just want him to have all he needs.

  19. Thank you so much for inviting us to lunch. We are both looking forward to communing with you and Julius again. I could see the love for you in his eyes as I got to the table. You are truely a beautiful couple. Thank you for all your prayers!!

  20. Blissfully married? The couple who came up with this term must have been under the influence of some very strong substances or practical jokers. This journey is one of the most rewarding you can have, but it damn sure isn't an easy one. Just as you think you're not stepping on toes you smash a couple. As I reflect on what it looks like when we are warring with each other, nothing and no one else stands a chance against us.

  21. Just had the most wonderful date night! I won't say EVER, because there are many more to come.

    1. Gambialove


      thats a wonderful feeling

    2. Olomi_811


      You will have your turn soon. I pray that your transition is smoother than ours. Thank God we got 1 week down without calling in a coroner...whistling

  22. My prayer for you...May you be blessed with the desires of your heart, that you be wise enough to recognize their arrival, and that you be content in the manifestation.

    1. chadobrian


      Amen I receive that prayer in the name of Jesus. Thank you for praying not only for yourself but others.. blessings will find you for it. Call me this week.

  23. Throwing my hands in the air and yelling "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!"

    1. Olomi_811


      Lawd he is hilarious...so tonight he's watched a movie in Spanish (he doesn't speak Spanish). He has eaten a whole cake tonight and now he's watching an infomercial on the tummy tuck belt swearing it works and he wants one. I AM IN TEARS!!!

    2. Olomi_811


      Lawd he is hilarious...so tonight he's watched a movie in Spanish (he doesn't speak Spanish). He has eaten a whole cake tonight and now he's watching an infomercial on the tummy tuck belt swearing it works and he wants one. I AM IN TEARS!!!

    3. Ben and Jill

      Ben and Jill

      I am wayyyyy happy for you :) I love it...

  24. I went to the office today after a week of not working. I have called him 3x so far. I can't wait to go home!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Olomi_811


      I avoided going home for lunch, because I knew I would not take my behind back to work.

    3. feli114


      I can't wait to be where you are!

    4. chadobrian


      I ca just imagine my lady I look for that day too

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