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Status Updates posted by Olomi_811

  1. I could look at this as it's been 30 days since I saw my baby; instead I'm thankful to have crossed 1 more month off of us being together soon.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. princessO


      Yes May...and under different circumstances...I would go into 'act a fool' mode...he has a small business and he has to take care of things with the business before he comes here...these are things that you cannot do prior to receiving the visa as one is not guaranteed a visa...and it is not like he works for a random employer and can just say...ok...i quit...i am going to USA...this is his business that he has customers and has taken years to build up his business and he doesnt just ...

    3. Olomi_811


      Princess I pray May gets here fast!

    4. princessO


      you and me both...luckily i am very busy with work and school and my grand daughter...it kind of makes the time go by faster...thanks

  2. Study to show thyself approved.

  3. I'm excited so I know you are!

  4. Greetings, how are you?

  5. I wish you better luck with that. Two affidavits cost us $25000N, but our receipts boldly reflect $250N each and they required passport photos. If his father is living you may as well get the Birth Attestation done at National Population Commission it will also require a passport photo and police affidavit from your FIL.

  6. I pray the two of you are preserving.

  7. Nice pic in "about me". I've tried calling my husband to get an answer to your question. What are y'all trying to notarize? I know if it's affidavits about your wedding they'll tell him to go to the high court that handles international marriages. If it's his passport I was directed to have that done at the US embassy (which we did while I was there last week).

  8. Check her out! Finally got the picture up...I pray all is well.

  9. Monife lati nu okan mi

    1. Show previous comments  5 more


      I'mma make you laugh..why was my husband online last night ordering Igbo for beginners..I just shook my head and went to sleep...lmbo!!!:):):):o he's determined I'll know it before Sept.

    3. Olomi_811


      Tell Frederick to find something to do!!

    4. Olomi_811


      Can't believe I am screaming and LOL!!

  10. Amazed at how even when we are at our worst, our love is always at its best.



      Welcome home sis! I'm so happy you got another blessing in seeing your husband. In marriage it's the hard times that bless the good times. It's all about the merger..one heart into another!

    2. Olomi_811


      Interesting...I was just about to change my status to "I'm home, but it doesn't feel like home."



      I feel you! OOh when I came back I felt like I was somewhere I never lived. It's because you left the best of yourself in Nigeria. But now you're just back to make a home for the both of you.. he will be here soon! :)

  11. My Promise to You I will not celebrate NOA2s or touches, because those things were created by man. Instead, I will revel in your touch and marvel in God's constant molding of what we mean to each other.

    1. riss


      I love this. Such a beautiful sentiment. Thank you. :)

    2. EAbbas


      Merry Christmas to you too dear.. and yeah.. I pray daily next year he will be very present at our table.. :) May the new year hold many blessings for you!

  12. It means everything in the world to me to utter these words, "my husband." Knowing that I can love you freely and trust you with my life gives my heart and mind a peace I never knew existed. I am so proud to be your wife. I admire your diligence and your ability to persevere. I enjoy knowing you do all you can to take care of me. A week from today, I'll be on my way to you and already I hate leaving your side.



      Tears of joy. This is real love!

    2. Kehinde


      I wish it was me making that trip. I will be going hopefully in March

    3. Olomi_811


      When March gets here I'll be on this end crying happy tears for you.

  13. "I can hear your heartbeat from a thousand miles; hear the heavens open every time HE smiles!"...Brian McKnight. I never had a reason to understand this before now.




    2. Ben and Jill

      Ben and Jill

      That's really beautiful, xo

  14. Sometimes saying "I love you" never seems to express all I truly feel inside.



      well in a few short days you can show it!

  15. Sorry for your experience.

  16. Umm I know I'm not the only one waiting for week 3's update.

  17. I'm officially excited and this is totally out of character for me. It's the 13th and I've started my own version of "The 12 Days of Christmas"! Can't wait to see my baby!



      I'm counting with ya!

  18. Good day! I'm going to visit my husband in Nigeria in a couple of weeks and I'm trying to figure out the forms I need to take so we can avoid the cost of DHL later. We are still in the beginning stages and haven't rec'd NOA2 yet. Also, could you please explain what a long form birth cert. looks like? Thank you

  19. Lord, I love this man!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  20. Hi! How are you?

  21. You would think knowing I will see him in 17 days would stop me from missing him.



      Ahhh Ummm NOT! LOL

    2. TinaG


      When you love someone, you can stop thinking about them or missing them. So this is all normal! :)

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