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Shoot Em Straight

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Posts posted by Shoot Em Straight

  1. Inluv I certainly see the benefit of your suggestion to move to Morocco and I was actually wanting and planning to do that...but my S/O thinks it would be more valuable for me to stay here and get my career started, which means we can get married and he in turn, can get his career started. After a fair amount of discussion, I see his point. Staying in Morocco for a few more years while knowing the ultimate goal would be to move to the US would leave him in a weird lingo where he couldn't move his career forward on either continent.

    So that's where we are right now. I'm relaunching my US job search (I may actually be close to the offer stage with this one organization, but I'm trying not to be overly optimistic), as well as checking out grad school to become more marketable. We're also researching various immigration options. It's unlikely (though not impossible) that we'll be able to get married this year so we are looking at getting married sometime in spring/summer 2014. If we have to wait that long, I will fight tooth and nail to scrape up enough money and vacation time to visit him in Morocco and spend more time with his family-after all, I'm sure they will want to get to know their future in-law better! Maybe I'll even learn so basic Berber by then.

    Thanks to everyone who responded. I'm sure I'll be back at some point with more questions, but for the moment, I really need to read VJ completely and consult with some lawyer types.

    You seem to have great plans/options ahead and really wish you the best with your Moroccan!!!! :star:

  2. With respect to all that were on here for years and years I continually thank GOD for this site.

    But the posts were off subject and seemed like geared towards my suggestion of OP going to live with her SO, it progressed to being extreme, a lesson on there are few and far between that have the financial ability to just move to another country, then and I am quoting you...flooring you "at the number of grown women in this forum that suggest shirking adult responsibilities in favor of chasing after lurve and emotions. Not just grown like over 40, kids, the whole she-bang grown. Suggesting that people become a burden on others or having others take responsibility for their choices is a ridiculous suggestion."

    Yes it read like the underlying way of throwing jabs but not saying it straight out. Leaving the door open to retract and claim some are too sensitive or cannot accept different views.

    The "few" that might have taken offense on here just had there husbands join them after a good fight/long wait, are over 40 with children and might not appreciate the negative word of deadbeat while they attempt to adjust and maybe search for work.

    Dont know and dont care anymore

    Just hope OP does the correct thing and has a good journey

    This is allllll off subject including mine so I will stop

  3. I held my self back from responding because my husband asked me to wait....cant do it anymore because I really know first hand how valuable VJ was/is to me.

    OP stated neither her nor her SO has been married or have children so skirting her parental responsibilities is not an offense.


    I am not very good with numbers but.. I am under the impression that the petitioner needs to be over the 125 percent limit for her last 3 consecutive tax years ( which she also stated she did not work for last year) which gives her not much option to qualify on her own, hence a sponsor.

    So....I still feel suggesting to go and spend good quality time together was IMO a decent suggestion :D

    We are mostly grown ups on here, I do know if one cant afford visiting or living in another country they should not attempt it... to prove ANYTHING.

    I Just read her story and saw her with a wonderful opportunity to live with her love in Morocco, after filing. Safi.

    YES, it was sarcasm. But getting the point? Maybe I didnt. What is the point?

    I dont think it is necessary for anyone, even a lady who normally has sensible and good advice to refer to people as deadbeats.

    Most, majority of ladies on here, come to VJ for help, and help they get from very experienced people.

    Thank GOD.

    If "they" (whom ever they are) persistently fail to pay personal debts or expenses (deadbeats) it is the failure of the family unit they come from, not suggestions from people posting.... as attempt to help one another on VJ.

    I know first hand how emotionally hard this visa process is and it is counter-productive posting with invective slights.

    I can see why some hesitate to join in at times.

    I have such great blessing in life and dont wish to be negative towards any..

    No offense to anyone on here, just....

    my 2 cents (F)

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