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Status Replies posted by dwheels76

  1. Woo whoo to my Girl Winnie George APPROVED Ya'll. She will be on later to post review. She is thrilled excited and picks up Visa next monday. YAY!!

  2. Woo whoo to my Girl Winnie George APPROVED Ya'll. She will be on later to post review. She is thrilled excited and picks up Visa next monday. YAY!!

  3. It so glad to be on this community with you guys..

  4. Visa approved..... Thank u Lord

    1. dwheels76


      Hallllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllluuuuuuujjjjjjjjjjjjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh and Amen. Congratulations sweetie. So happy. I see you and hubby dancin on the streets of Lagos. God is awesome.

    2. (See 45 other replies to this status update)

  5. VISA APPROVED!!! :) THANK GOD! Life is good. We thanked the lady and she told us to go celebrate. We then kissed right in front of her and she smiled :)

  6. It so glad to be on this community with you guys..

  7. It so glad to be on this community with you guys..

  8. Let me serve now to you devil (postal service) you will deliver my mail to me tomorrow yes tomorrow October 12, 2012. This in Jesus name. amen

  9. Sorry everyone for not getting here sooner. Husband and I had a terrible day. He was denied, for what reason we have no idea. I went to speak to a supervisor and was treated like #######! I contacted the congressman who is handling our case and we are trying to get a second interview before I leave. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.

  10. Gods will has been done!!! Approved!!! Yeah mon! Thanks vj family for all the support. Review will be up later. Got to finish dancing!!!

  11. Hey, hey! *doing a dance* Stanley picked up his visa TODAY!! :)

  12. Made it safely to Lagos!! Thanks Dana for the hotel info!! Currently chillin with the hubby!!

  13. Hey, hey! *doing a dance* Stanley picked up his visa TODAY!! :)

  14. 140 days in.....How much longer will we wait for the NaO2..... I know there is no answer....smiles

  15. For all of us anxiously waiting on the news, boo told me it has rained heavily today so we may be waiting a bit longer to hear something.

  16. I'm sitting at my desk in tears. The airline says they will not take a split payment (half credit card/half cash) at the ticket counter or anywhere else. The ticket is 80 bucks above my CC limit! I'm devestated. My husand is going to be so upset but it looks as if I am not going home.

  17. I'm sitting at my desk in tears. The airline says they will not take a split payment (half credit card/half cash) at the ticket counter or anywhere else. The ticket is 80 bucks above my CC limit! I'm devestated. My husand is going to be so upset but it looks as if I am not going home.

  18. well my albums fro Shutterfly is late but I get all my shipping and handling money back. And of course documents from husband isn't here yet and he is getting ready to move to Abuja. What the heck. Oh well

  19. well my albums fro Shutterfly is late but I get all my shipping and handling money back. And of course documents from husband isn't here yet and he is getting ready to move to Abuja. What the heck. Oh well

  20. well my albums fro Shutterfly is late but I get all my shipping and handling money back. And of course documents from husband isn't here yet and he is getting ready to move to Abuja. What the heck. Oh well

  21. Happy 5th Birthday to my twin miracle grandbabies. Love you Izzy and Angie.

  22. Happy 24th birthday to me :)

  23. This is the week to get my IV documents from Husband. I know it will be here this week. Album gets delivered on the 11th also. YAY. Everything off to NVC by end of week. Case Complete end of next week in Jesus might name. Interview date will be Dece. 20th or 21st. amen.

  24. Okay riddle me this. What do I do since I have created this extra evidence for NVC (1491...no more please) I DO NOT want to make a copy so my husband can have a copy (like he will review Ha). So anyone what did u do. I mean he can read in email for goodness sake.

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