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The Nature Boy

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Posts posted by The Nature Boy

  1. I think everyone has a duty to commemorate the atrocities of past wars, especially when their country was involved. You can't move on by glossing over the past.

    I don't blame the Japanese any more than the Germans and as a Briton I recognise that there are a lot of people who suffered because of Britain's imperial ambitions. The US isn't there yet, the whole confederate flag thing being a case in point.

    Is that why you called July 4 happy traitor day SMH

  2. It's racist to refuse to go to a doctor just because he / she doesn't have the same skin color as the patient. So in conclusion the "alarming affects on community health" are simply a result of institutional racism in the "affected" community.

    Hopefully the mentioned community can see fit to look past skin color when they seek medical care. If not, then no sympathy (nor even mention) is due for these "alarming affects".


    There was a thread in the past about how some white people did not want to be treated by black doctors and how racist that was. The usual suspects lost thier mind on the issue. I remember it well cause I got a time out for suggesting it was tied to afermitive action.

    The hypocritical race hysteria wagon continues to roll

  3. <p><p>

    Brian Smith Become a fan

    Native New Englander now residing in South Carolina

    Darren Wilson Day? Really?

    Posted: 08/13/2015 12:37 pm EDT Updated: 08/13/2015 12:59 pm EDT

    • gplus-16.png

    So as many of you may have heard, Monday was declared "Darren Wilson Day" by the police union in Missouri. I honestly could not believe that this was not some sort of sick joke.

    After all of the controversy that the shooting of Michael Brown has caused, why would anyone think that this is a good idea? Either the person or persons behind this are complete idiots or they are trying to stir the pot and incite more protests and violence on the streets to bump their arrest stats. Even if this shooting of an unarmed citizen was justified (which I personally don't think it was) why would this officer get his own "day" because of it?

    The police are supposedly here to serve and protect us and this is just causing relations to further separate. Michael Brown was a person. A person. Whether he was guilty of a crime or not (and according to the store owner that he allegedly robbed it might not have even been him.)

    Michael Brown had friends and family. They have feelings just as much as the rest of us and I'm sure this is just a slap in the face to them. Giving this officer his own day for killing someone is just ridiculous. Why would you celebrate the death of another human being? Do they not have any respect at all for human life? If this is the case, do we really want these people patrolling our streets? I definitely do not.

    Police in our country need to be held accountable for their actions and actually show some sort of remorse when they feel it is necessary to take the life of another person for any reason. Celebrating what Darren Wilson did is just irresponsible, dangerous and just plain wrong. How many other officers will want their own day?


    Guy was almost murdered in a vicious attack by a violation criminal, but managed to heroically defend himself. Why not honor him.

    I mean the scumbag who tried to kill got a plaque.

  4. I love it. White people create a culture of poverty for decades that of course creates crime, arrests and imprisons young black males for crimes that young white males would not get arrested or imprisoned for, then use that to justify OH NO THE SCARY BLACK MAN WILL GET ME! And then blame the young black men who get arrested for destroying a black community that was in shambles since its inception due to the fact that from day ONE, black people who were free were viewed as criminals since it was even odds whether they were freed or if they were escaped--meaning they might have stolen themselves from their masters.

    White people created the fear of black young men just as white people created the justified fear that people of colour have in North America of white people in positions of medical authority. For more information, take a quick peek at the nutritional experimentation done in Canada on First Nations children in the fifties. Look at Tuskegee. Look at the grand experimentation that Nestle pulled in taking powdered formula to countries inhabited by people of colour who did not have clean drinking water and convincing them the milk from their brown bosoms was not safe for their babies, killing off hundreds or thousands of African and Indian babies while these white health authorities told the other people that they knew better.

    Tuskegee is not isolated. Tuskegee is simply a well known instance of violent experimentation that has gone on from European and North American white health authorities against people of colour all over the world.

    Racism justified because something that happened a long time ago was not isolated.

    Yet if I "absorb" on something that is tearing our communities apart that happens every day, I am racist

    The left ditch is deep

  5. It's not necessarily a matter of them looking at a white doctor and saying "because Tuskegee, I shall not go to see you." It's more a matter of community feelings. If your parents and grandparents have always worried that a white doctor might experiment on them, you absorb those feelings, too.

    So because 80% of the crime in my area is committed by young black males , you completely understand how we have absorbed feelings . RIGHT?

  6. That is why many Asian folks that come here have children that become Drs and engineers

    While Asian Americans make up only 4% of the U.S. population, Asian-American students make up a much higher percentage of student bodies in top universities around the country. The percentages are astounding: 24% at Stanford, 18% at Harvard, and 25% at both Columbia and Cornell. More Asian Americans over the age of 25 have bachelor’s degrees and advanced degrees than any other race or ethnic group. And after outperforming their colleagues in school, Asian Americans also bring home higher incomes than their non-Asian counterparts – almost $10,000 more annually than the rest of the population (2002 statistics).

    So what does this mean? Are Asian students simply smarter? Contrary to what much of the public may believe, Asian students are no more intellectually gifted than non-Asian students are. The reason that Asian students outperform their peers in the classroom has nothing to do with how they were born and everything to do with how they are raised.


    Its quite simple. Blame the odor on everyone except he who pooted.

  7. So let me get this straight.

    The writer is upset that not as many black men are entering the Medical field and the effect that will have on black men going to the doctor, because black men only want to go to people of the same color.

    Somehow in bizarre upside down racist world this is cool and not racist.

    I bet if the was article about white men shying away from Black doctors, there would be 10 pages, of OH THOSE DEVIL RACIST WHITE MEN, posts. 10 more about white privilege.

    The article was disgusting racist drivel.

  8. There are some new developments coming out tonight about the ongoing saga of Hillary Clinton‘s use of private email while she was Secretary of State.

    First, reports tonight say that the FBI has taken possession of thumb drives with Clinton’s emails, and that Clinton will be turning her private server and thumb drive over to the DOJ.

    And then there’s the issue of Clinton having four classified emails on her server (despite not being marked as such), which led to a Department of Justice referral dealing with the potential compromise of classified information.

    Well, as it turns out, two of them weren’t just supposed to be classified, they were top secret:

    Andrea MitchellVerified account@mitchellreports 3h3 hours ago

    IGl tells Senate 2 of Clinton's 4 classified emails were "Top Secret" but Clinton says none were classified at the time


    It took them a while to scrub the data

  9. Correct.

    I am sure if the story was a Black customer requested that Lowes not send a "White" driver then it would never make headlines....

    Or more likely a Black Driver requested a black driver. Like I said , it sucks and the customer is a Bigot d bag, but as a bussiness you do what you got to do. My boss has told us repeated times. If you sense a customer does not like you for any reason bow out

  10. My wife is from Hispanic origins in Philippines, She would have zero clue what wetback meant.

    I only think wetback would offend an illegal immigrant, not a person who came to USA legally

    Naa wet back is going to offend most if not all Hispanics . Someone from the PI with Spanish blood is no more Hispanic than I am German because I have Salzburger roots

    [quote name="VOL" post="7764511"

    I have been called all kinds of derogatory names (Honky, Cracker, Redneck, Hillbilly) and it never bothered me, I just laughed it off.


    And that's just in here by the tolerant liberals.

    USA had Operation Wetback

    It was to remove illegals from USA


    Lol that was 1954. We use to say cullerd back then also and have restaurants named Sambos

    And what, pray tell, must one do to be worthy of your contempt?

    So if it was beneath her contempt level that means it would be ok .

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