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Posts posted by ScramJet

  1. Female Marines are the only women in the world that i would go into combat with. They are trained at the 500 yard line just like every other male Marine. Every Marine is a rifleman, no matter what you have between your legs.

    Yea buddy but when the $hit hits the fan and I'm lying down wounded weighing 300 pounds and looking like a xmas tree with all the equipment- I would prefer a strong male Marine to drag me out of that mess as opposed to a female Marine. I am simply saying that their hardware is not designed for the rigors of battle. Yes, history remembers several exotic occasions when women were participating in the battle, but those were exceptions rather than a rule. But we're living in a weird 21st century when one's merit and capability in practice often mean inequality- AND GOD FORBID INEQUALITY.

  2. Unfortunately, this is not the case. They are looking for ANY reason to DENY. Any itty bitty reason, and you can be denied. With immigration, you are basically guilty until proven innocent. It is our job to prove to them that our relationships are real.

    Very much agree. However, OP seems to be OK, I don't think you will have any issues based on what you've told us.

  3. Forget about Facebook, that's the least of your concerns. Do some research on your fiancee's country and it's peculiarities when it comes to immigration into the United States. Try to find out everything about your fiancee and vice versa. Prepare yourself mentally for abusive or obtrusive consular officers who will be interviewing him and asking him all sorts of humiliating questions. But before you do any of this set your FB to private, or better yet, erase your profile.

    Unrelated question to everybody; what is this need to keep personal info out there for the taking?

  4. No, in fact most of the libs I know actually think the Black guys they went to college with are indicative of the Black communities they avoid.

    Where you find Blacks with intact families is where you find people you would welcome as neighbors, problem is a social problem, the out of wedlock birth rate is so high it is destroying.....no, it HAS destroyed the Black communities.

    The utopian Left actually believe to point out the reality...... is the greater harm.

    :thumbs: I agree, there is nothing inherently bad about black neighborhoods, of course. But black neigh. often go hand in hand with shattered families and kids born out of wedlock, and when nuclear family is disrupted that causes a ripple effect that tends to destabilize larger areas such as neigh., cities and country itself.

  5. Outsourcing wont last for much longer I believe. By 2015 some estimate that USA might get back 2-3 million jobs from China. Cost of manufacturing goods in China is becoming too high to be profitable. US workers are considered to be among the most profitable in the world, approximately 4 times more profitable than Chinese workers. Logistics such as shipping and storage are increasing, renminbi can't be depreciated for munch longer in comparison to dollar so US companies will soon figure out that it makes more business sense to manufacture goods in the States.

    As for the rest in your article, that just proves that China is just as much capitalistic and greedy as the rest of the western world.

  6. One of the staples of 2011 punditry has been the “decline” of the United States. See Google’s 190,000,000 results in 0.26 seconds for “U.S. decline in power.”China in particular, pundits say, is about to eat our economic lunch, and all that’s left for us is to figure out how to slide gracefully into irrelevance.

    True, the economy isn’t great. That’s in part because the administration failed to invest in the one area of manufacturing that can be done only by American workers who already exist — the defense industry — to replace and upgrade a decade’s worth of spent war materiel. Equally true, the administration is politically and militarily diminishing American leadership.Before you learn Mandarin, please note some storm clouds on China’s horizon and a few rays of sunlight on our own. Americans may have turned the corner on domestic energy, and China’s need for imported energy dwarfs ours.(...)


    Feels good man

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