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Status Updates posted by Allegra+Hadrien

  1. Booked my ticket to Paris December 14th- 31st. Come on time move faster - I am too impatient.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. didopage


      You almost have the same trip schedule as my fiancé. I hope you will be back in the US with yours on the 31st!

    3. jon&cess


      yay!enjoy! <3

    4. Allegra+Hadrien


      Thanks guys. S U R R E A L.

  2. Wishing a lovely wedding to Corinne and Lee. Beautiful love story, glad they found each other and are getting married after all of these years. BISOUS!!!

  3. CORINNE! Have a wonderful wedding!!!!! My heart goes out to the both of you. Toutes med felicitations. Des bises xoxoxo

  4. The weeks leading up to reuniting with your s/o are the hardest out them all. I have been obsessing about leaving and seeing my moomie. GOING CARAZY!!!!!!!

    1. Laure&Colin


      Take a deep breath!

  5. Decembers interviews (or anyone really) ~ come join us in the *My fellow December interviewees thread*. Let's live these emotions together. p.s. 19 more days left.

  6. How did the interview go???

  7. TWENTY, I love the sound of it.

  8. Congrats to everyone getting their interview dates. And to my good friend Togetherforever who finally got her hubby's interview date. YAYAYAYAAY.

  9. 21 more bottles of beer on the wall, you take one down you pass it around 21 more bottles of beer on the wall!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. stronger
    3. at long last

      at long last

      what?? what did you just say? ha ha ha ha. crazy beer...lol

    4. Allegra+Hadrien


      So hungover from all of those beers

  10. Car broke down. Great. Just great. 22 more days to go.

  11. Thanks you girl! I will keep you posted. This wait has been torturous, but thank goodness it is almost OVER. lol. Congrats on being approved, where are you guys moving to?

  12. BON COURAGE POUR TON ENTRETIEN INQUELY!!!!!! (good luck on your interview, Inquely)

  13. waiting to cross that finish line now. 2 more weeks until I travel to Paris.

  14. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!

    1. leeandcorinne


      d-7 POUR MON MARRIAGE!!!!

      Tout ce passe super bien, je suis tres tres heureuse

      gros bisous Allegra!

    2. Allegra+Hadrien


      OH mon dieu! DEJA?!!?!? Je veux des photos. Trop heureuse pour toi, Corinne!!!!! xoxoxo

  15. Corinne how are wedding preparations going? des bises, hope you are HAPPY! xo

  16. Hadrien passed medical. Nothing to worry about anymore besides interview.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. didopage


      Good question.. how was it exactly?

    3. Allegra+Hadrien


      Merci... on arrive enfin a la fin. En gros, ils verifient ton carnet de sante et exigent que tu aies fait coqueluche et dtpolyo, rougeole, rubeole pour les US. Hadrien m'a raconte sa visite. Je le retranscrirai dans le forum plus tard auj.

    4. Allegra+Hadrien


      Guys...posted my review ----> c'est sous "regional discussions -Europe".

  17. Hadrien's medical....now. ugh can't sleep. last step until interview.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Allegra+Hadrien



      didopage where are you in France?

    3. didopage


      I'm from Lorraine. And your other half?

    4. Allegra+Hadrien


      Pure Parisian lololol

  18. One more month until interview, one more day until medical exam, 7 months since our civil wedding. Let the countdowns begin.

  19. Any good visa news to share yet?

  20. Hadrien's medical in 2 days. Glad he's going to the doctors and not me. hah.

    1. Wishing on a Star

      Wishing on a Star

      That's kinda how I feel about Hugh's medical too! LOL! He's (hopefully) scheduling his tomorrow

    2. didopage


      I'm already scared about the blood test (hate that)! Good luck to him!

  21. Trying to change my interview date earlier did not work :'(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Allegra+Hadrien


      12/21/11 so far away

    3. no  more

      no more

      yes we waited 85 days...it made me crazy! But it will come before you know it! And once you are together, the waiting feeling disappears! You are so close!!

    4. Allegra+Hadrien


      Ya you're right. Plus we decided to go on our honeymoon before the interview so now I have something to look forward to soon!!!!!!! How are you doing with your hunny? When are you getting married????

  22. Sent out fax to the Embassy asking for an earlier interview date. Crossing fingers and worrying myself sick until we get an answer. Do not disappoint, PARIS!

  23. INTERVIEW DATE 12/21/2011 !!!!!!!! Guess I will be flying to Paris and proudly be accompanying my husband to his interview, seeing as it is SMACK in the middle of x-mas break :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Allegra+Hadrien


      Thanks Corinne!!!!!!! It's in a long time but at least there is an end is perspective! How is your wonderful life in the States. Are you married yet???? ;) Hope you are well, Corinne. xo

    3. onlybelieve


      I'm so happy for you!!!!

    4. leeandcorinne


      Thanks Allegra, my life in the States is paradise, my life with my Lee is heaven! Honestly I looked fantastic in my wedding dress hahahaha! Lee did not see me of course :) I will post a picture of our wedding, bisous Allegra <3

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