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Seraphim Pardee

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About Seraphim Pardee

  • Birthday 08/25/1998

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Immigration Info

  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Detroit MI

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  1. Yep, congratulations! You likely won't end up getting an interview at this point, but the green card takes about a week (business days) to arrive. It's possible you may get asked to do biometrics if you haven't done so in this process already.
  2. Does your office allow cashiers checks? USCIS guidance suggested that very few would these days.
  3. Ours took less than 2 months between NOA1 to Green Card, which seems quite miraculous from what we were anticipating. We had biometrics but no interview.
  4. I concur with the others here about your evidence amount: you have more than enough for sure. It might even be wiser to save the affidavits for when you need them and just bring some of the items in your other list. My wife (beneficiary) and I sent over a 32-page copy of our shared Facebook posts, proofs of joint insurance, proof of pregnancy, marriage certificate, my proof of income (last W2 and tax return), and some photos - we had no RFEs or anything like that. The USCIS isn't gonna care about your guys' relationship with her parents or what religion she practices and how she practices it. The cultural taboos aren't really a concern, they just want to prove you actually have something and it doesn't take much to prove that. The burden is on them to prove you wrong.
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