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    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  1. To anyone who needs to know, currently there is not a tax agreement between Chile and USA. It's better to report your foreign income in your taxes.
  2. I recommend you don't take the risk. Get married here, adjust status and wait for AP. It's better to wait for the party in France, than missing all your chances to be with the person you love, times goes fast.
  3. Hi, We will go to an accountant in march, we couldn't get an earlier appointment, that's why I'm asking here in advance what is more convenient since I'm talking with my employer to receive all my base salary without deductions, that way I can just declare in USA next year. Now I have to declare last year, since I arrived in april. Declare here and in my country. I guess I have to see. I usually get money back in my country, but I'm scare of taxes in the USA 😅
  4. Hi everyone, I don't know any chilean person on my same situation, that's why I'm trying here. I work for a company in Chile remotly, I get deducted health and retirement from my base salary. That retirement money goes to retire in Chile, I can't take it out. I have my life here in USA now, I plan to live here and retire here, so I want to ask them to get transfered my base salary without deductions through a wire or something. I want to know if someone has experience with this, related the wire transfer money being taxable? Thank you
  5. Hola Patty, gracias por el comentario que dejaste, lo borraron, pero lo pude leer en mi correo.

    No sabía lo del proceso del consultado, así que ahora lo tendré presente para hacer el proceso.
    Te cuento que ya recibí la residencia en poco tiempo, así que ya estamos más tranquilos con Jimmy y podremos vivir por siempre juntos 💖


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Muri&Jim


      Patty, una consulta, para hacer esa inscripción en el consulado, cómo se hace?

    3. Patty♥Paul


      Aquí está la información, tienes que ir al consulado más cercano, creo que hay que llamar para pedir una cita.


    4. Muri&Jim
  6. Same here AOS sent 06/27 NOA received 07/12 Biometric appointment 09/08 AOS, EAD & AP approved 09/09 Waiting for the documents
  7. Hello! I got our case approved! AOS sent 06/27 NOA received 07/12 Biometric appointment 09/08 AOS, EAD & AP approved 09/09 Now waiting for the documents to be delivered, on their way. No interview needed!
  8. Hi! We wanted to do this with a lawyer but he’s asking for 5 letters from family and friends detailing knowledge of our relationship with a copy of their IDs and evidence that we are residing together like joint financial accounts or utility bills (I’m just getting here, obviously I can’t open a bank account) Is this true?
  9. Hi everyone, my fiancé and I are getting married this tuesday and I decided that I'll be taking his last name. Today I've been thinking a lot about, specially about the problems that might bring me in my country. I'm from Chile, I have a business degree, I'm still working with a contract with a company from Chile and I bought an apartment with my actual name, I'm worried that this change might be an issue. Someone has had a similar case? The last name change applies to other countries? Thank you!
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