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    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  1. Lawyers charging upwards of $6,000 to file WOM lawsuits should be ashamed considering the work involved in each lawsuit is basically a rinse and repeat for the next client. They aren’t constructing new laws here. If they really wanted to fight the good fight with the discriminatory practices of the DS-5535 and 221(g) Administrative Processing would be to challenge the top involving hall levels of Congress and the State Department. Not on an individual client level…but we all know that isn’t nearly as lucrative. Goldstein’s Facebook group is so spammy with his second Facebook account, run by his team, commenting the same thing on every post, soliciting immigrants and their families, who are on their last hope, to give him their business. It’s tacky, and further, they’re not even keeping record on who they reply to, often double commenting to people (who are only looking for direction) they have solicited in the past. I was so unimpressed with their “consultation”. It was a Zoom consult and not only was the meeting not opened at the meeting time, leaving me hanging not knowing what is going on in the middle of the workday I had to arrange time to make myself available for. When someone from his office finally did open the line 30 minutes past meeting time, they said the attorney would call me back as soon as he became available. Well, someone finally got back to me at 9pm at night and again it was someone from his office, not the attorney. They didn’t ask any specifics about my case, so it’s b.s. they say they don’t give pricing without a consult because there are no case specific questions asked in the consult under the guise of “each case in unique.” They were unable to answer any law-related question I had because at that point, that was all I had, to feel confident in the people I was going to give my case to. They, again, said he would give me a call back with answers to my questions the next day. They never did. Days later, again, it was someone from his office stumbling their way into answers to my questions. Was super put off by the whole interaction and didn’t feel any kind of confidence in them handling any case. After this exchange, they even had the audacity to reply to a comment I left saying they’d be happy to give me a consultation a few months later. I’m happy for those who’ve have success with his office, truly, but he just wasn’t for me. I’m hoping at some point there will be someone out there to truly challenge the injustice happening to those who are told nothing more than to “wait.” -waiting 302 days
  2. I do want to clarify. At no point did I say a fully thorough background check is not needed National security should still be number 1 priority, but some of these checks are taking years with no guidance to the families involved and that’s very tough. The least they can do is provide an estimated processing time like everything else of this nature.
  3. USCIS and the State Department are not on the same page at all. Just consider all the Diversity Visa winners who literally were not allowed to schedule their appointments the last 2 years, thus losing the visa. I’ve seen H1B applicants also take many months/years to complete 221(g) processing as well. Many jobs lost due to this. We’re also not Muslim yet here we are, 7 months (217 days) and counting in Administrative Processing. Wishing everyone the best.
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