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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Camila & James Newark 2017-08-15 - High See my review of the Newark POE experience below. 2021-04-29
Dhanu & Justin Chicago 2017-08-15 - High 2020-09-16
Marina & Alex Chicago 2017-08-15 - High The whole thing took less than 3 minutes. The official asked if I was using my K1 visa for this entry, I said yes, she asked who the woman that was with me was, I said my mom. She opened my enveloped circled some information on the paper and said "Welcome to the United States" 2018-09-28
Rkarlsso Rickard & Amy Pittsburgh 2017-08-16 - High 2017-12-13
Mojk Owais & Maria Washington DC 2017-08-16 - High 2019-12-18
Mazeda Mustafa & Mazeda Washington DC 2017-08-17 - High 2017-10-09
Jose Luis & Walt San Francisco 2017-08-18 - High 2022-01-29
Tayro Ro & Tay El Paso 2017-08-18 - High 2022-05-23
Viktoriia & Maryan Detroit 2017-08-18 - High 2019-12-04
J & K Las Vegas 2017-08-18 - High Went through Vegas on a busy flight. Was sent to secondary as is par for the course on a K1 which made me a tad nervous but after 20 minutes I was called up to the desk and told everything was in order, told to get married before 90 days or I had to leave and then stamp stamp I was gone. 2024-03-04
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