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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Mrs&Mr & Mr&Mrs Boston 2017-08-01 - High very smooth and nice. The officer just asked about date of marriage and wished good luck. all took 2 minutes with all fingerrprints. I was travelling with my daughter ( K2 visa) and it was absolutely no stress for us. 2021-03-23
Csusm Michael & Kate Los Angeles 2017-08-01 - High 2020-12-31
Kpmartini K & P Detroit 2017-08-02 - High 2022-05-23
PennyLane9 Cullen & Ashlee Toronto 2017-08-02 - High 2022-04-24
Victoria & Russ Fort Lauderdale 2017-08-02 - High 2021-10-12
Kimy & Alfonso Miami 2017-08-02 - High 2019-07-31
SchoolBus G & A Orlando 2017-08-03 - High 2017-11-19
SunsetRBeautiful MA & KE Los Angeles 2017-08-03 - High 2021-02-02
Damian & Keri Fort Lauderdale 2017-08-03 - High 2019-11-14
Linn & Malachi Portland 2017-08-04 - High POE went smooth. She asked the person directing which line to go in where she should go to immigrate. This was a shorter line. The officer asked for the sealed package and took her finger prints. They asked for my phone number which she had in some documents. Visa stamped and she was now a resident! 5 to 10mins . 2019-12-05
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