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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
LKP & HN Washington DC 2011-09-09 - High Port of Entry at Dulles Int Airport went very smoothly. Officer didn't ask us anything. Just look over our papers and let us in. 2012-06-01
Dan & Diane Esmerita & Daniel Washington DC 2011-07-28 - High Immigration officer was very helpful. presented Pass Ports and documents from Embassy. He reviewed all the paperwork and processed the information then said welcome to America after he handed backl all the Pass Ports. 2013-04-15
Sim & Ash Washington DC 2010-11-26 - High Per NVC operator Mumbai embassy now does not require to submit PCC with DS230. Appelican take that with him/her at the interview. 2010-11-30
NonyGuy Sirisuda & Josh Washington DC 2008-01-25 - High FOUR long hours waiting for TK to make it out of immigration. Finally she appeared from behind the doors:) According to her, everone was nice and courteous...just busy. They only asked her "when are you going to get married?" Easy enough... Besides the terribly long wait...no complaints:) 2009-02-18
Sandro & Lamia Washington DC 2009-11-28 - High 2016-05-10
Daniel & Andrea Washington DC 2010-09-10 - High 2010-08-14
Chris2991 Chris & Debbie Washington DC 2011-10-31 - High 2018-09-07
Sk28 Sasho & Natalie Washington DC - High 2010-12-08
Kingsley & Melissa Washington DC 2010-12-09 - High Great! 2011-05-31
Leilei & Kevin Washington DC 2009-08-05 - High Relatively painless. I took her with me to the USC side, no complaints. The immigrations officer took several minutes to open our envelope, find the right form, and write down some info. He made some casual conversation, and asked when our wedding date was. He said he didn't need her X-rays. 2013-08-06
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